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    Saturday, May 17, 2008

    NM-Sen: Udall Canvassing Off to Good Start

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    About 30 enthusiastic people showed up today to participate in a canvass organized by the Tom Udall for Senate campaign and the Dem Party of New Mexico in Albuquerque. There will be many more to come. Even though Udall is getting terrific polling numbers in this race, the GOP will definitely be waging a no-holds-barred battle to hang onto the Senate seat in New Mexico. We have to work hard from now until November to make sure the Dems take this seat.

    It's always good to stay informed by following the poll numbers and the latest political news, but if we're not phone banking, canvassing or helping out in other ways with the campaign(s) of our choice, we can't really call ourselves activists, can we? I know -- nag, nag, nag, but it's vital we all do what we can.

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    Click on photos for larger versions. Photos by M.E. Broderick.

    With early voting going on now for the June 3rd primary, volunteers are needed by candidates in all the contested Legislative races, county elections and Congressional contests to work on identifying voters and getting them to vote. The Democratic Party of New Mexico and your County Dem Party also need help. Please check in at the campaign of your choice and do what you can between now and June 3rd. Some ideas:

    Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk

    Eric Griego, State Senate 14

    John Blair, State Senate 15

    Tim Keller, State Senate District 17

    Martin Heinrich, U.S. House, NM-01

    Bill McCamley, U.S. House, NM-02

    Ben R. Lujan, U.S. House, NM-03

    Benny Shendo Jr., U.S. House NM-03

    Tom Udall, U.S. Senate, New Mexico

    Jason Marks, Public Regulation Commission, District 1

    Democratic Party of New Mexico

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    May 17, 2008 at 03:08 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink


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