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    Friday, May 23, 2008

    NM-Sen: New DSCC Videos, Tom Udall the Un-Politician

    The videos above were released by the DSCC as part of their Road to Victory series on Democratic Senate candidates being conducted by Amy Rubin, who's been hitting the road with a video camera and interviewing Dems running for U.S. Senate. Visit the Road to Victory website for more videos and Amy's travel diary.

    Also see this diary by liberaltruthsayer on Daily Kos about Rep. Udall, his family and the videos. And don't miss the New Mexico Independent's exclusive interview with Rep. Udall. Nice work. Excerpt on Rep. Udall's position on endorsing a Dem presidential candidate:

    NMI: Your party’s presidential primary looks like it’s pretty much over. So, as a superdelegate to the national convention in Denver, you’ll be voting for Obama, right?

    TU: I promised New Mexico citizens that I would let the voters speak first and I told them I would wait until June 3rd until all the voters in the nation had spoken. So I’m going to keep that promise and then shortly after that be visiting with superdelegates with both campaigns and make up my mind.

    NMI: Just in terms of practical politics, one reason you’re not endorsing anyone is because you don’t want to unnecessarily alienate any Clinton supporters, right?

    TU: Well, one of the practical reasons I chose not to endorse was so that I could be a healer and I could bring both camps together. I think that’s a very important role for some of us to play so that we have a united party going into the fall.

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    May 23, 2008 at 11:35 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party | Permalink


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