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    Friday, May 16, 2008

    NM-Sen: Check New Udall Website and Join the Udall Canvass This Saturday

    UdallIt's been a long time comin' but it's finally here. Check out the new and improved Tom Udall for Senate campaign website and blog. Fresh, clean, interactive, more widgets and feaures on the way.

    Next, consider participating in the campaign's big Canvass Day tomorrow, May 17, held in conjunction with the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Assemble at 10:00 AM at the Udall Campaign Office at 3311 Candelaria NE, Suite A, in Albuquerque (map). Call Andrew Marshal at 505.884.3055 to RSVP or learn more. There'll be coffee and AM munchies to help you prime your pump.

    Internet Director Steve Olson and Online Communications Manager Bryan Barash -- the campaign's friendly, neighborhood web team (as they describe themselves) -- will be heading out tomorrow too, so remember to smile for the video camera while you knock on those doors. Mary Ellen and I will be there too, so come on down and join us if you can. You know it's always invigorating to be among a bunch of Dems working for change. This year, the energy is percolating stronger than I've ever felt it. Come and see for yourself.

    Also recommended: check out NM FBIHOP's with Udall's internet team for a humorous (corny look at what's up at TomUdall.com.

    May 16, 2008 at 01:29 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party | Permalink


    I just want to thank Steve and Bryan once again for having a sense of humor bout it and answering the questions.

    Posted by: | May 16, 2008 1:34:44 PM

    thanks to both of you! And if you think THAT was corny... just wait. :)

    Posted by: | May 16, 2008 6:51:36 PM

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