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    Saturday, May 03, 2008

    Breaking: NM Dem Party Chair Brian Colón Endorses Obama!

    ColonThe superdelegate momentum for Obama keeps building. Thank you Brian! I completely agree with your reasons. Now there are only two superdelegates who remain undecided -- Rep. Tom Udall and add-on delegate Laurie Weahkee (see below the fold).

    Here's the release from the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

    Albuquerque, NM - Today, New Mexico State Party Chair and superdelegate Brian S. Colón endorsed Senator Barack Obama, citing Obama's ability to bring new voters into the process as well as the positive campaign Obama has run.

    State Party Chair Brian Colón said, "Barack Obama has proven to inspire a movement that has brought a record number of people into the process. He's proven to be a candidate who can compete and will fight hard to expand the Democratic Party's reach and put Western states in play in the general election. His message of change is resonating across all ages, races and economic backgrounds in New Mexico.

    "As I talk to Democrats all over New Mexico they are increasingly concerned with the negative tone that the campaign has taken. I believe that Senator Obama has presented a positive message of change while continuing to focus on our real opponent; a John McCain presidency and another four year term of failed Bush policies.

    "Barack Obama has run a different kind of campaign - one that goes beyond the things that divide us and is driven by a commitment to real change that starts at the grassroots level. Here in New Mexico, where we had a very close election on February 5th, the excitement I saw throughout the state is good for our Party and good for our State. While there are two very talented candidates in this race, I am proud to make this announcement today because I want to see Barack Obama's positive movement for change continue to transform the Democratic Party and this country."

    The endorsement brings the total number of superdelegates to endorse Barack Obama to 254. Senator Obama is 278 delegates away from securing the Democratic nomination. 

    Update of New Mexico's unpledged (superdelegates) and their announced candidate affiliations:

    Governor Bill Richardson (Obama)
    Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish (Clinton)
    U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman (Obama)
    Congressman Tom Udall (Undecided)
    DPNM Chairman Brian S. Colón (Obama)
    DPNM Vice Chairwoman Annadelle Sanchez (Clinton)
    DNC Committeeman Raymond G. Sanchez (Clinton)
    DNC Committeewoman Mary Gail Gwaltney (Clinton)
    DNC Committee Member Fred Harris (Obama)
    DNC At-Large Member Mayor Martin Chavez (Clinton)
    DNC At-Large Member Christine Trujillo (Clinton)

    Add-On At-Large Unpledged Delegate Laurie Weahkee (Undecided)

    Complete list of New Mexico's 42-member delegation is here. While you're there, explore the new DPNM website that launched the other day with a new logo, new tools and much better setup. 

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    May 3, 2008 at 12:33 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


    this is a good thing. a real good thing.

    Kudos to Mr. Colon for his endorsement and wise comments regarding the positive v. negative campaigns of the candidates.

    Posted by: | May 3, 2008 1:24:43 PM

    Go Brian! Go Obama! Can't to move from this negative horror spawned by the Clinton campaign to overtaking McCain by postive means!

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 3, 2008 1:28:59 PM

    great job Mr. Chairman! Si se puede!

    Posted by: yellowdogdem | May 3, 2008 1:51:39 PM

    Right on Brian .It restores my faith in the process when you and the governor are willing to stand up to the macinations of the Clinton camp.

    Posted by: jeanne Carritt | May 3, 2008 3:04:19 PM

    At least NM's Superdelegates are showing some common sense. Go Obama!

    Posted by: Mandala | May 3, 2008 4:44:26 PM

    Yay Brian!! Smart move. Good timing. Expect Hill-arious fallout.

    Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 3, 2008 6:43:03 PM

    I KNOW Brian Colon ... and I have personally witnessed him search his soul over this nomination. And in spite of any heat he may take over this, I am convinced that his motives are driven by deep concern for the party and love of country. Long has he held his peace over this out of a sense of fairness and an abiding respect for BOTH candidates. I believe his choice is based on nothing other than the desire to do the right thing. Let us not second guess one another's motives and put the vitriol of this campaign behind us. Thank you Brian ... you are a decent and honorable man who has seen the immense potential of another decent and honorable man.

    Posted by: Rev. Michael Brunk | May 3, 2008 7:59:23 PM

    Thanks Brian....
    And a big thanks to the Rev. Brunk...what nice words.

    Posted by: mary ellen | May 3, 2008 10:07:51 PM

    Yep, Brian's a decent guy. I knew he'd do the right thing.

    Now, who's left?

    Posted by: KathyF | May 4, 2008 2:53:19 AM

    Still undecided: superdelegate Rep. Tom Udall and at-large add-on delegate Laurie Weahkee.

    Posted by: | May 4, 2008 10:18:24 AM

    I also share the enthusiasm for this choice. Thank you Brian!! GO-BAMA!

    Posted by: bg | May 4, 2008 7:07:50 PM

    What's up with Lt. Gov. Diane Denish complaining about Brian's endorsement? She claims Party Chairs should stay neutral but DNC Chair Howard Dean has encourage ALL superdelegates to take a side as soon as possible so we can start uniting behind our candidate. Denish is being unfair to Colon in saying what she did.

    Posted by: JJ | May 5, 2008 10:57:23 AM

    Re: Denish

    What do you expect? She supports Hillary. Hillary doesn't want to play by the rules that were established by Howard Dean and the DNC...why should Denish?

    Back on Feb 5th, after I had heard both Clinton and Obama speak here in ABQ, I can honestly say I didn't make up my mind to support Obama until that very day. In retrospect, I'm glad that is the choice I made. Hillary has become more and more Republican in her tactics since Obama clearly became the frontrunner. Based on the last three months, she doesn't exhibit the character we need in a President if this ship is truly destined to be righted.

    Posted by: | May 5, 2008 11:10:44 AM

    I hope this is the final straw for Brian Colon here in NM. Lt. Governor Denish hit the nail on the head in her statement. Its time for a leader with some backbone.

    Posted by: Chris | May 5, 2008 1:20:57 PM

    Interesting snark, Chris. I like and respect Lt. Gov. Denish, but I disagree with her this time. Brian Colon's endorsement timing was excellent. He has made up his mind to support Obama, and he waited to make his announcement until after the add-on delegate flap had subsided somewhat. That's laudable! Realistically, holding off on his endorsement of Obama only helps Clinton, whom Denish supports. If I were in her position I would be upset, too.

    I think Chairman Colon has shown courage, class, leadership, and remarkable restraint throughout his tenure as DPNM chair, especially when being attacked. Whether you agree with all his decisions or not, you have to admit that he has been both fair and honest, and he has gone out of his way to explain his decisions and consider the viewpoints of those with whom he disagrees. It's unrealistic to expect him to do everything you want him to do. After all, he represents the interests of a diverse, sometimes contentious party. I could say the same for Gov. Richardson and Lt. Gov. Denish. I find no fault with either of them. Quite the contrary! I believe they are both doing good jobs, I look forward to Diane Denish's tenure as Governor, and to Bill Richardson's tenure as US Secretary of State (or in some other high-level cabinet post.)

    Let's back off the personal attacks and band together in support of our eventual nominee. We're Democrats first, not Clintonistas or Obamaphiles! We win some and we lose some, but we should always stick together in support of the best interests of the people of NM, the USA, and the world. The nominating process will be over soon enough. Then the real work begins: electing Democrats on every level in every jurisdiction!

    The past may be prologue, but the future is ours!

    Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 5, 2008 2:36:35 PM

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