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    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    NM-03: Stewart Udall Endorses Luján

    SudallThe Ben R. Luján campaign announced that Stewart Udall (right), the father of Rep. Tom Udall (D, NM-03), has endorsed Luján for Congress in the Third District's Democratic primary. Stewart Udall's environmental credentials and integrity are powerful and impeccable. Udall's endorsement may well provide a boost to Luján's chances in the closing days of the hotly contested primary race to be decided on June 3rd.

    Luján is running to replace Tom Udall, who's running for U.S. Senate. Rep. Udall has not endorsed any candidate in the race.

    Check out Matthew Reichbach's scoop on the story on the endorsement at the New Mexico Independent, which includes a nice photo of Luján and Udall. In a phone interview with NMI, Stewart Udall explained his endorsement this way: "I like him as a person, but I’m for him because of the strong position he’s taken on the issues that are important to me."

    Steve Terrell's article in the Santa Fe New Mexican reports another quote from Udall:

    "I've followed (Luján's) career, and I have a high regard for him," the elder Udall said in a telephone interview. He said he likes Luján's record on energy and environmental issues. "He's interested in all the things I am," Udall said.

    An article in the Albuquerque Journal included commentary from the campaign of Don Wiviott, another Dem running in the NM-03 primary who's considered to be Luján's main rival:

    A Stewart Udall endorsement would have likely been welcomed by Lujan's five Democratic opponents for the nomination, many of whom appear eager to assume the Tom Udall mantle. But an aide to Santa Fe developer and political newcomer Don Wiviott said the campaign knows not to expect such endorsements.

    "Obviously, Wiviott respects Secretary Udall immensely and is grateful for his distinguished service to our country, but as an outsider and a candidate who is not a career politician, he doesn't expect a lot of endorsements," spokesman Webster Cash said in a statement.

    Steward Udall, now 88, served in the U.S. House representing Arizona from 1955-61 and as Secretary of the Interior under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson from 1961-69.

    Udall was the primary mover and shaker behind the enactment of environmental laws as part of Johnson's Great Society initiative, including the Clear Air, Water Quality and Clean Water Restoration Acts and Amendments, the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966, the Land and Water Conservation [Fund] Act of 1965, the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965, the National Trail System Act of 1968, and Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968. He's a giant in the environmental community and a living legend to many.

    Luján has also received endorsements from prominent environmental groups including the League of Conservation Voters, Conservation Voters New Mexico, Sierra Club and Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, but this is the topper.

    Photo of Stewart Udall by Kurt Markus from a on the Udall family that appeared in Outside magazine in March.

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    May 15, 2008 at 10:31 AM in Environment, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


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