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    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    NM-02: McCamley Endorsed by Democracy for America

    Go, Bill, go! We're very pleased to announce that the nation's largest progressive political action community, Democracy for America, just endorsed Bill McCamley for Congress in New Mexico's Second District. McCamley is now part of the grassroots group's "DFA-List" that supports selected candidates across the country who meet certain criteria and are backed by local DFA members. The DFA-Democracy for America Meetup group is one of DFA's coalition groups.

    McCamley is a big favorite of grassroots Dems in NM-02 and all over New Mexico. He's earned our respect by running a passionate, energetic and positive campaign for real change. He's conducting a creative and effective grassroots effort based on hard work, lots of personal outreach and small donations from ordinary folks. If we want McCamley to be the nominee, we have to help him win with our active financial and volunteer support. And we have to do it NOW. Hope you'll take action today and help McCamley in his campaign for the people and against the special interests that are dedicated to protecting the status quo. Please give what you can today. The June 3rd primary is less than two weeks away.

    Here's the notice sent out to DFA members across the country today:

    We have all seen what can happen when big oil men get sent to Washington: profits over people and $4 dollar gas -- with no relief in sight.

    Big oil money can buy you a fancy car, a mansion and maybe even a private jet. But it shouldn't be able to buy you a seat in the House of Representatives.

    That's why DFA is proud to endorse Bill McCamley for Congress in New Mexico's second district. This is a Republican-held open seat that we can win with this election, but Bill has to face a self-funding oil man in the primary first.

    Bill is running a true grassroots campaign and has the progressive record to back it up. With your support, we'll send another people-powered progressive to Congress.

    Contribute $25 today to put Bill over the top.

    Bill McCamley grew up in Las Cruces, New Mexico and returned home after receiving a Master's in Public Policy from Harvard. In his first year as a county commissioner, Bill was elected to serve as the Chairman where he rewrote the county ethics policy, revamped spending for County Healthcare funds, allowing clinics to provide more services and longer hours, and negotiated a new contract with the local AFSCME to increase pay for city employees.

    We need a new generation of leaders who are dedicated to getting things done for the people they represent, not pandering to special interests. Bill McCamley is ready to lead the people of New Mexico to a brighter future.

    Click here to send Bill McCamley to Congress.

    With a district the size of Pennsylvania, Bill has a lot of ground to cover. He is off to a great start and has already visited with folks in every county.

    But Bill is up against a self-funding oil man who already put over $700,000 of his own money into the race to blanket the district with TV ads. You and I need to make the difference for Bill's grassroots campaign.

    This is what people-power is all about. Join us today.

    Your $25 makes the difference for Bill.

    Thank you for taking action,

    Jim Dean, Chair

    Democracy for America is our nation's largest progressive political action community. With over 675,000 members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. We provide campaign training, organizing resources, and media exposure so our members have the power to support progressive issues and candidates up and down the ballot. Join us in the fight to take our country back!

    To read our previous coverage of the NM-02 Congressional race, visit our archive.

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    May 22, 2008 at 11:02 AM in DFA, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


    No thanks
    We will vote for Harry Teague

    Posted by: dnl | May 22, 2008 11:35:02 AM

    You're in the minority dnl. Most people want change not more of the same. Big money from oil means Teague would be representing big oil if we won. No thanks. We have enough people in Congress pitching for big oil.

    Posted by: Charlie Otiz | May 22, 2008 12:36:27 PM

    Keep in mind that George W. Bush is an OIL man.
    The energy industry put Bush in power and they proceed to loot our country apace.

    Posted by: qofdisks | May 22, 2008 8:16:11 PM

    DNL...........why won't Teague debate McCamley?
    Could it be he is an empty suit with a huge check book?

    Posted by: texrtw | May 23, 2008 1:24:38 AM

    You guys are close with Lt Guv Denish and she likes Teague... ask her if she thinks its necessary for Harry to debate the little whipper snapper...

    Posted by: | May 23, 2008 10:22:43 AM

    Hey guys just to let you know, we are off to knock on more doors for Harry Teague. Sorry, I just don't have the time to address your comments.

    Posted by: dnl | May 23, 2008 10:54:30 AM

    I don't think Teague could handle a real debate with McCamley. He'd be blown out of the water. That's why they don't let Teague talk much in his TV commercials. I've seen him at a forum and he is a very weak speaker and doesn't seem to have a good grip on the issues.

    It is a very sad thing that Denish is supporting Teague. It is old style politics, supporting a friend even when he isn't the best candidate. Remember she's supporting Hillary Clinton too who is another symbol of the old politics. Bad news.

    We need someone with energy and smarts down south, not an old fashioned oil guy.

    Posted by: <> | May 23, 2008 11:03:52 AM

    How many kids have McCamley and the Republicans PERSONALLY put through college?

    Harry Teague offers to pay college tuition... EVEN PARKING FEES... to all children of his employees.

    How many people have McCamley and the Republicans PERSONALLY provided full healthcare benefits for?

    Harry Teague pays for the healthcare for his over 250 employees AND their families.

    How man payrolls has Bill McCamley had to meet in his lifetime... Come to think about it, how many jobs has McCamley had that WEREN'T paid for by the Government?

    And why do you all CONTINUOUSLY attack the American Dream? Harry Teague didn't have running water or electricity in his home until he was a teengager. He was FORCED to quit school in order to take care of his family. AND FROM THAT, HE BUILT A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS AND HAS GIVEN BACK HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO THE COMMUNITY...

    Yet you all attack him because he made something of himself and is succesful as a result.

    Maybe if you got off your blogging butts and worked as hard as Harry did, you could become as wealthy and successful as he is.

    You keep your whining and nay saying, and I'll keep a candidate who's good on the issues and who can win in November.

    Posted by: Stephan | May 23, 2008 4:23:19 PM

    Stephan, liked your comments but they are no reason to vote for Teague. Rich Oil guys are why we have the problems we do today. It is going to take new thinking to get us out of this mess. I was debating whether to contribute again to McCamely and you convinced me that I need to do so.

    Posted by: Ed | May 23, 2008 7:13:26 PM

    McCamely threw his name into the game early on, while Pierce was still the candidate. Why didn't Teague?

    Posted by: sb | May 23, 2008 8:34:29 PM

    Yesterday was another good day of knocking on doors for Harry Teague. We had two more DFA members committ to Harry Teague and about 15 more committed absentee votes for Teague. You know we are just an ordinary working family, so we can't contribute money like Ed. We just try to do our part.
    Oh sb surely you can come with a better reason then that one.

    Posted by: dnl | May 24, 2008 9:37:29 AM

    Teague is a nice guy but not a good candidate. There are plenty of nice guys but not many people make good candidates. If he didn't have his personal money to give his campaign he'd be nowhere in this race.

    Teague doesn't have what is needed in today's complicated world. Oil is on the way out. We need new thinking and fresh ideas, he has neither. He thinks of the world as it was not as how it can be and you can hear that when he talks on issues. He's lost with what is going on now.

    McCamley gets the future and where we need to go. He has my vote.

    Posted by: H. in Socorro | May 24, 2008 11:27:54 AM

    H in Socorro,

    Teague has raised more money than McCamley has... his personal dollars are in addition to that raising. My prediction you and 20% of the vote in Socorro county go to McCamley - and I know Socorro County very, very well.

    As for the debate issues... well, I have been to several forums already where McCamley showed his immaturity and lost his cool. One in Magdalena and one in Silver City. I have also spoken to several elected officials that explained that they changed their mind once Teague got into the race and then were subjected to an angry McCamley that even went as far as pushing them or "shoulder bumping" them because he couldn't handle their decision.

    Just in case you were wondering, the Mariachi Specatacular which was sponsored by Harry Teague & Michelle Lujan Grisham was a great success! That was an awesome show. It was nice to attend an event were there were ordinary New Mexicans rather than a staged crowd of political operatives like at all the forums or party events. These are the events that true campaigners are at! Reaching ordinary New Mexicans...

    Posted by: | May 24, 2008 12:00:20 PM

    Teague has raised money by a) giving it to himself in large quanties, b) having his rich oil patch friends give him donations in large quantities. McCamley has raised most of his money from ordinary people giving in small amounts. He is of the people not the oil millionaires.

    Your fake info about McCamley pushing people shows your desperation. Despite Teague and the rich people's money, he lost at the state party preprimary and he's losing in the polls except for his own fake polling that he never released most of the info from. It is obvious from Teague supporter comments on here that they are desperate and starting to put out lies about McCamley as usual from this kind of campaign.

    Hint-ordinary New Mexicans are everywhere not just at the party paid for by oil money for Teague and Michelle Grisham who is also going to lose.

    Posted by: H. in Socorro | May 24, 2008 1:03:26 PM

    Looks like Bill Richardson disagrees with all of you... He supports Harry Teague!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: Stephan | May 27, 2008 7:45:22 PM

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