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Thursday, May 15, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich to Live Blog at Firedoglake This Saturday

Coming Soon: Bush in Albuquerque

Dem NM-01 candidate Martin Heinrich will be live blogging at the prominent national blog Firedoglake this Saturday, May 17, at Noon MDT. He'll be highlighting the fact that George Bush himself will be visiting the District on May 27th to raise big chunks of money for Martin's likely Repub opponent, Darren White, and the New Mexico GOP.

White clearly wants to take advantage of Bush's still formidable fundraising abilities within elite circles of the GOP by sneaking in a visit from Mr. Campaign Toxicity early on, so people will forget he was ever here when Fall rolls around. White's already been making noises about how "independent" he is from the disastrous Bush agenda, but this fundraising visit says otherwise. The man who chaired Bush's 2004 campaign in Bernalillo County is still close to Bush no matter what he tries to say to the contrary.

So what can we do to help offset the corrosive effects of GOP big donor money being sucked into the wrong side of the NM-01 race by a visit from the most consistently unpopular president in modern times? Visit Firedoglake this Saturday and join in the brainstorming, for starters.

If there's one thing I know about this election cycle it's that progressives nationwide will be working together to elect Dems with integrity up and down the ticket everywhere we can. Get in on the ground floor of the networking this Saturday at FDL.

The Blue America '08 page on ActBlue, supported by Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, Digby and Down With Tyranny, has so far raised more than $327,000 for Dem candidates, including over $2,800 for Heinrich's campaign.

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May 15, 2008 at 01:32 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party, Web/Tech | Permalink


It should be pointed out that the man for whom George Bush will be fund raising is a defendant in a lawsuit stemming from the actions of the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department during Bush's previous visit to Albuquerque. Remember that under Sheriff Darren White's direction, sheriff's deputies engaged in denying the First Amendment Right of citizens of Albuquerque.

Posted by: Rodney | May 15, 2008 3:42:32 PM

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