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    Monday, May 12, 2008

    NM-01: Albuquerque Journal Endorses Heinrich

    Mheinrich1Yesterday, the Albuquerque Journal endorsed Democrat Martin Heinrich for Congress in New Mexico's First District primary race. Their editorial explaining their decision cites his success as a consensus builder on the Albuquerque City Council, as well as his talent for problem-solving that arises from top-notch listening and communication skills. The Journal also coined a new phrase -- the Heinrich Maneuver:

    1st Congressional District Democrat — Heinrich: The partisan two-step is a common dance during the political season: A step toward the party regulars who often determine the primary results, a step back toward the center in time for the general election.

    But Martin Heinrich established a record of putting one foot in front of the other to build consensus on the often contentious Albuquerque City Council. His liberal leanings are clear, but so is the pragmatism and respect for other points of view that endow Heinrich with the ability to listen, accommodate and move difficult initiatives forward. That would be a welcome talent in Congress.

    The Heinrich Maneuver was key to navigating the controversy of the city minimum wage ordinance and producing a measure that the business community and activists could live with. It was apparent outside of City Hall when he worked with ranchers, Native Americans and outdoor recreation interests to build the bridges that helped lead to federal establishment of the Ojito Wilderness.

    Issues topping Heinrich's list that are in dire need of consensus include health care reform, re-energizing the economy with investments in green technology, middle-class tax relief, securing U.S. borders and setting a realistic timeline for withdrawing from Iraq. An electrical engineer by training, he has a keen appreciation of the national labs' role in national security, research and the New Mexico economy.

    The Journal endorses Martin Heinrich in the Democratic primary.

    DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. You're encouraged to donate a few hours of your time or a few bucks to his campaign as the primary election date of June 3rd nears.

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    May 12, 2008 at 09:59 AM in Media, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    I think the headline writer for an article by Jim Scarantino, rightwing hack and self proclaimed nemisis of Martin and all things NMWA should get the credit for "Heinrich Maneuver" in the February 28, 2008 addition of the Alibi.

    Not that the Journal shouldn't get credit for actually endorsing Martin, just don't get too carried away in the praise for our local birdcage liner

    Posted by: Rodney | May 13, 2008 2:38:06 PM

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