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Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Mexico Voter Registration Statistics: Independents Post Largest Percentage Gain

According to an AP story, voters eligible to vote in Tuesday's primary election in New Mexico total about 898,000 -- 543,615 Democrats and 354,272 Republicans. Since the 2004 primary here, Republicans have managed a 14% increase in registration and Democrats made a 9% gain in voter registrations in the state. In addition:

Currently, Democrats account for half of the state's registered voters. That's down slightly from June 2004, when Democrats represented 52 percent of all registered voters.

Republicans represented a third of the state's voters when registration rolls closed earlier this month for the primary election. They were 32 percent in 2004.

The biggest gain in registration in the past four years occurred with people unaffiliated with a political party.

So-called independents—"declined to state" a party affiliation, as it is called in New Mexico—total 161,116, an increase of 32 percent since 2004. That continues a trend in which independents are growing as a share of New Mexico's electorate. Unaffiliated voters account for 15 percent of registration this year, up from 13 percent in the 2004 primary.

Other stats:

What does all this mean in terms of Tuesday's results? We can only wait and see. One thing I know for sure is that the Dem Party at all levels, as well as the Dem campaigns, need to put a lot more energy and time into increasing registrations for the Fall election. I'm pumped because Barack Obama is making that one of his top priorties, all over the nation.

May 31, 2008 at 12:10 AM in Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting, Republican Party | Permalink


Couple things:

Suggestion if you're a voter registrar:
Carry them on you when you're out and around town. Particularly make a point of asking the people you deal with who are low-paying retail jobs if they are registered or need to update their registration. If you go to a place often and notice a new employee ask them the same. (Remember with the new forms you can write 'handout' on them and give them to the person to take and fill out on their own.) I've been doing this for about a year and have registered a number this way - one just this week at the food coop.

Suggestions for places to set up?
Do you have a location in your neighborhood where you think it would be good to set up a table to register voters? If so, where and what is it?

Posted by: suz | May 31, 2008 7:43:22 AM

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