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    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    Michelle Obama, George Bush, John McCain Heading to New Mexico

    Michelle_3Get ready for the general election onslaught -- even though we're technically not yet out of primary season. Bush, McSame and Michelle Obama will all be at events in New Mexico next week -- the start of what will no doubt be an unprecedented torrent of A-list politicos, surrogates galore and 24/7 campaign ads blanketing our political landscape. With three open Congressional seats and one Senate seat up for grabs, and with New Mexico expected once again to be a much sought after swing state in the prez race, this should be a doozy of a general election cycle in Enchantment Land.

    The Failed President
    Bush himself will be here next Tuesday, March 27, at a $1000 per person fundraiser for Senate candidate Darren White and the New Mexico Repub Party. It looks like the event will be held at a private residence in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque. Could it be that the GOP bigwigs will gather once again at the home of Los Ranchos Mayor Larry Abraham? Bush appeared at a fundraiser there for Pete Domenici back on August 27, 2007, when Domenici still claimed he was running for another Senate term.

    If so, it would be ironic given that the ACLU has filed suit against Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White and others for their actions during Bush's August '07 visit. The suite complains that law enforcement officials kept protestors out of sight, more than 150 yards away, while a group of people holding a banner reading “God Bless George Bush! We Pray for You!” were allowed within feet of Abraham's house.

    Michelle Obama Fundraisers
    Also scheduled for next Tuesday, May 27, are two fundraisers with Michelle Obama -- one in Santa Fe and one in Albuquerque, according to the AP. A $500 per guest - $2300 per co-host reception and luncheon with Gov. Bill Richardson and Michelle Obama will be held at Yanni's Mediterranean Bar and Grill in Albuquerque. A $1000 per person fundraiser with Michelle will take place later that day at the home of former AG Paul Bardacke in Santa Fe. These events are a little rich for my taste. Sure would be nice if Michelle squeezed in a low dollar event for People Like Us, or we're out of luck catching Michelle this time around.

    The Man Who Would Be Bush II
    John McCain will be in Albuquerque on Monday, May 26th, to speak at a Memorial Day tribute to veterans that's open to the public. It will take place from 10 AM to Noon at the New Mexico Veterans' Memorial at 1100 Louisiana SE. McCain will attend another event in Albuquerque that day, but details haven't yet been released.

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    May 21, 2008 at 04:09 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


    Hey! Thanks for all the great info. I was browsing through a bunch of political websites and blogs (mostly liberal ones) and I came across your blog and find it to be very interesting. There are a bunch of others I like too, like huff post, and other news sites like politico. Do you know of any that cover politics and the environment? I saw earthlab.com which has mostly environmental info but some politics. I took EarthLab.com’s carbon calculator (https://www.earthlab.com/signupprofile/). It was pretty easy to use (and it doesn’t make me feel guilty after I take it). Are there any other blogs you would recommend? Can you drop me a link to your favorites or any ones with green info?

    Posted by: jordan | May 21, 2008 4:19:19 PM

    Her price has gone up. I got to see her in London for $200. That's a bargain, when converted to pounds.

    Guess who's coming to London next month? I'll give you a hint: First name is Howard, last name is Dean.

    And yes, I'll be there.

    Posted by: KathyF | May 22, 2008 11:56:54 AM

    Hi Kathy! I remember you being very impressed with her back then, including with her height. I'm sure we'll see her at a few more affordable events by the time November rolls around. Once again, we're one of those swing states.

    Excellent re Howard coming to London. Will he be there for Dems Abroad? By the way, I think you got robbed on the blogger credentials!

    Posted by: | May 22, 2008 12:41:42 PM

    Thanks; I am going to insist on taking it to the Rules Committee, and then all the way to the convention! Possibly even a lawsuit. /snark

    Yes, HD is coming to speak to DA at a couple of fundraisers. I'm on the Council, so I get to meet him.

    If you get to meet Michelle, wear heels if you want to look her in the chin. Even I had to tilt my neck back to see her face. (She was introduced by the tiniest woman I've ever met, incidentally.)

    Posted by: KathyF | May 22, 2008 2:43:47 PM

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