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    Wednesday, May 14, 2008

    DFNM Selected as Official DNC Convention Blogger for NM (Can I Say WOW?)

    How I learned of my selection. Thanks, Howard!

    I'm incredibly honored (and ecstatic) to report that the Democracy for New Mexico blog has been selected by the Democratic National Convention Committee to be the official New Mexico blogger at the Democratic Party Convention to be held on August 26-28, 2008 in Denver. DNC Chair Howard Dean announces our selection in the video above, standing alongside a shot of the blog. Given my long-held enthusiasm for all things Howard Dean, stretching back to his run for president in 2004, the news couldn't come from a more admired source in my book. Yowsa.

    Some months ago the DNC solicited applications from bloggers in all 50 states (plus several territories) to vie for one blogger slot per state. They'll form what's called the State Blogger Corps at the Convention. You can see a listing of all the blogs selected to be a part of the team here. And here's a description of the process from the release announcing the selections:

    More than 400 applications were received from bloggers across the United States and multiple territories.  Some of the blogs selected for the State Corps are full-time, professional endeavors while others are the work of individuals, who through their own efforts have become recognized authorities on state and local politics.  Bloggers had to submit daily audience information and provide examples of posts that made their blogs stand out as an effective online organizing tool or agent of change, a demonstration of both the reach and impact blogs have had and will continue to have on the 2008 election.  The program recognizes the growth of more localized blogs and is in line with Governor Dean's 50-state strategy.

    Each official state blogger will be credentialed for seating with the state's delegation on the Convention floor, and will be an integral part of the Convention action. That means I'll be reporting to you directly from Denver and sharing my experiences and insights day by day as the drama unfolds. I hope I can do the job justice. Lots of fun, but lots of work too. Have I said I'm excited?


    The seating of bloggers on the Convention floor is unprecedented in the history of the event. It reflects the Party's embrace of the power and value of the progressive blogosphere in helping to support our candidates and causes, and the Dem's continuing dedication to establishing a two-way feedback loop with ordinary voters all over the nation.

    In addition to the State Blogger Corps, the DNCC will soon credential a General Blogger Pool, to include local, state and national political bloggers, as well as niche and video bloggers from across the country. All applicants not selected for the State Blogger Corps are now eligible for selection as part of the General Blogger Pool.

    Oh, did I tell you I'm excited?

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    May 14, 2008 at 12:35 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Web/Tech | Permalink


    Oh holy awesome! Congrats Barb!

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 12:51:32 PM

    Great job Barb!

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 1:08:51 PM

    Congratulations - Have a great time!

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 1:26:59 PM

    Barb, wahoo!!!!!!! Congrats. All the best, Stephanie

    Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | May 14, 2008 1:38:29 PM

    Way to go Barb -- you sure earned it! Will they pay your expenses and maybe a stipend, or do we need to have a fund-raiser?

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | May 14, 2008 1:49:34 PM

    Far out, Barb! I'm guessing we need to raise some funds now, right?

    Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 14, 2008 1:51:46 PM

    You earned it!! Teh AWESOME!!

    Posted by: bg | May 14, 2008 3:31:04 PM

    Aw, Barb! Congratulations! That is so exciting. Can't wait to hear the reports!

    Posted by: Bridgett | May 14, 2008 3:42:13 PM

    From one Deaniac to another> Wow! Good things do happen if we are patient.

    Posted by: jeanne Carritt | May 14, 2008 4:09:10 PM

    Thanks, all! I am all revved up today alright. Thanks for the offers to help raise funds. There'll be more info from the DNCC on this soon so I'll know what's up.

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 4:30:49 PM

    Congrats, Barb! Even though you beat me out... grr.

    Just kidding, I'll be there as well, hopefully, and send in reports from somewhere in Denver.

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 4:36:35 PM

    LP: You better be there! Do you realize how much news there'll be to be covered up there? We need the voice -- and legs -- of one of the best (and youngest) bloggers in NM!

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 5:29:03 PM

    Congrats Barb--this is very well deserved!

    Posted by: | May 14, 2008 6:51:58 PM

    Congratulations Barb. Great news..

    Posted by: Charlotte | May 14, 2008 10:41:07 PM

    Well done, Barb!

    Posted by: Matt Brix | May 15, 2008 10:10:13 AM

    Congratulations Barb. We are all so happy for you and so proud of you and the site that we have been depending on for so long.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | May 15, 2008 11:02:22 AM

    Congratulations for all of us at the Luján campaign!

    Posted by:



    Posted by: | May 15, 2008 3:50:20 PM

    Congrats Barb, that's going to be awesome!!!

    Posted by: VP | May 15, 2008 6:08:14 PM


    Can I be one of your koyotes? (you know, as opposed to monahan's alligators.)

    Posted by: | May 15, 2008 10:14:35 PM

    Wow! What an honor. Your hard work has paid off in a special way! Enjoy the convention.
    GO OBAMA!!!

    Bill Swift

    Posted by: Bill Swift | May 16, 2008 2:21:53 PM

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