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    Thursday, May 08, 2008

    Clinton Implies Working, Hard-Working Americans = White Americans

    Clinton_3I guess in Hillary's world, where she still has a chance to win the presidential nomination, only White Americans are working Americans or hard working Americans. According to a report in USA Today:

    "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

    "There's a pattern emerging here," she said.

    Click to listen to her comments to a USA Today reporter.

    Clinton's blunt and demeaning remarks are getting widely criticized in no uncertain terms, as such comments should be at any time in any campaign -- but especially as her sorry campaign for president slides into oblivion. For instance, Pam's Blend says Clinton is "race baiting" and deems her comments "inflammatory" and Oliver Willis writes, "Congratulations, Hillary Clinton, you win the prize for the first Democratic Bigot Eruption since I’ve been keeping track of this."

    Mike Barnicle makes it even plainer by writing:

    Now, faced with a mathematical mountain climb that even Stephen Hawking could not ascend, the Clintons -- and it is indeed both of them -- are just about to paste a bumper sticker on the rear of the collapsing vehicle that carries her campaign. It reads: VOTE WHITE.

    Speculation has been widespread that Clinton would finish the campaign on a high note, going easy on the presumptive Dem nominee. Apparently not.

    Instead, Hillary seems to be resorting to the worst kind of racial politics, basically framing African-American voters as unnecessary to her cause and lumping them all together into one homogeneous, problematic demographic viewed as The Blacks. This is something we might expect from certain Klan-friendly Republicans, but from someone who claims to represent the Democratic Party mainstream?

    Hillary's comments mirror surrogate Paul Begala's gurglings during a heated exchange on TV with Donna Brazile on the evening of the Indiana and North Carolina primaries in which he stated that "we cannot win with eggheads and African-Americans." Everyone knows, of course, that there are no black- or brown-skinned eggheads. Or hard working Americans who happen to be black, brown or something in between.

    Also note the implication that a majority of white working class voters support Clinton because they won't vote for an African-American candidate. I wonder how Hillary knows that all the votes she's gotten from that slice and dice are due to her being white -- and that these Dems would refuse to vote for Obama in the general election because he's not. Such framing is clearly insulting to both white and non-white voters, isn't it? It suggests that we all base our votes primarily on race, not issues or other factors. But then what do I know, I'm one of those "eggheads" I guess, not a "hard working American."

    How low can the Clinton campaign go? I hope that question is on the minds of all the undecided superdelegates, as well as those who have previously endorsed Clinton. Is this the kind of campaigning we want to see among Democrats, or Americans for that matter?

    What's ironic is that Hillary's husband failed to win the "white vote":

    According to CNN's 1996 exit poll, Bill Clinton lost the white vote (Dole 46%, Clinton 43%, Perot 9%). He lost the white male vote by an even larger margin (Dole 49%, Clinton 38%, Perot 11%). And he lost gun owners badly (Dole 51%, Clinton 38%, Perot 10%). However, Clinton won the popular vote overall 49%-41%-8%, and he won 70% of the electoral votes.

    In 2000 -- when Al Gore won the popular vote by half a million votes -- he lost white males to Bush by a whopping 60%-36%, according to CNN's exit poll. He lost men overall 53%-42%. He lost whites overall 54%-42%. He lost gun owners 61%-36%. He lost small-town voters 59%-38% and rural voters 59%-37%. He lost the Midwest overall 49%-48%.

    She knows that, but at this point in her desperation she apparently doesn't care.

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    May 8, 2008 at 01:49 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Media, Minority Issues | Permalink


    This is really terrible. And unexpected, I might add - I honestly didn't think that someone who wants to represent America as a Democrat would say these spiteful and hateful things.

    So does this mean that people who have completed college are not hard-working. I have about 8 years of college under my belt, 3 degrees and working on a fourth, and I've been a public schoolteacher for 10 years. Come to think of it she pretty much insulted all teachers, and yet our national union, the ATF, voted to endorse her candidacy (after which they got a stinging letter from me - this was before Kucinich dropped out.)

    I'm beyond disgusted. Go now, back to your Senate seat, where you can still do some good for the country instead of continue to damage it.

    What is happening here? Is Limbaugh's Operation Chaos actually having his claimed intended effect?

    Posted by: | May 8, 2008 2:34:04 PM

    Isn't it about time that NM delegates who have pledged to Clinton start criticizing what she's doing as she goes down in defeat? Come on Diane Denish, Hector Balderas and others. Is this what you support?

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 8, 2008 2:37:07 PM

    Anyone with power in the Democratic Party needs to get together and put a stop to this. If they can't get her to face facts and get out of the race they could at least get her to drop the tearing down of Obama.

    I've read rumors that she's angling to have Obama pay off her large campaign debt. Maybe this is a form of blackmail. I hate to say that but it sure seems nasty to be attacking him on these grounds when she obviously knows she can't win fair and square.

    Posted by: Precinct Chair | May 8, 2008 4:32:53 PM

    I think Clinton is bitter...maybe she should buy a gun or cling to her religion.

    Posted by: yellowdogdem | May 8, 2008 7:04:44 PM

    As a Clinton supporter....I have come to the realization that Obama has won the nomination fair and square. Congragulations to Barack Obama and to his dedicated supporters.

    I think, if we are all honest, that the Democrat Party is divided. A recent exit poll showed that over 50% of Hillary supporters will NOT vote for Barack Obama come November. This is very concerning....and even though Barack has the nomination sealed up apparently....he needs to address this issue immediately.

    I don't know how we can solve our divisions and UNITE our party but we cannot afford to be this divided in November. As a Clinton supporter, I am lobbying hard for a DREAM TICKET involving both Obama and Clinton as suggested at https://www.voteboth.com

    I am a strong Democrat and I support candidates such as Tom Udall, Jeff Bingaman, Ben Ray Lujan, Martin Heinrich, and Bill McCamley.

    However, the decision Barack Obama makes in the next few months regarding how much involvement he wants the Clinton family in his campaign....will play a HUGE part not only on who I will eventually vote for....but in who will win.

    The involvement of the Clinton family is essential to a Democrat victory. Just ask Al Gore on how he learned that the hard way.

    Posted by: < | May 8, 2008 8:30:49 PM


    I will take you at your word that you are a strong Democrat. However, I totally disagree with your thesis.

    I think, if we are all honest, that the Democrat Party is divided. A recent exit poll showed that over 50% of Hillary supporters will NOT vote for Barack Obama come November. This is very concerning....and even though Barack has the nomination sealed up apparently....he needs to address this issue immediately.

    First, we belong to the Democratic Party, not the Democrat [sic] Party. Democrat is a noun, not an adjective. You may think that I am merely quibbling about grammar here, but that's not so. The arch-villian Newt Gingrich invented the slur, "Democrat Party" to imply that we operate in a more democratic fashion than the Rethuglican Party. It's a lie. We are far more democratic than they are. For one thing, we don't have to pay $$ to vote at party meetings or hold party offices. When strong Democrats like you mindlessly repeat the slur, you unwittingly buy into the Rethuglican framing that belittles us.

    More substantively, you take an exit poll taken during the heat of the primary campaign and assume that it's actually true. It's always this way to some extent! People said that they wouldn't support Obama, but I have no doubt that the vast majority of Hillary's supporters will vote for Obama in November, because the stakes are too high not to, and because Hillary will tell them to. Passions are high now. They will cool by November and common sense will prevail. Hillary's supporters may not vote for Obama enthusiastically, but they will vote for him.

    I agree that this campaign has been more than normally divisive, but that is mostly Hillary's doing, not Barack's. While the nominee (Obama) is ultimately responsible for healing the divisions within the party, at least if he wants to be elected, the offending challenger (Clinton) has the obligation to do everything she can to heal the damage that she has caused, starting yesterday. She threw the rocks, so she has to clean up the shards and pay for the window. I have no doubt that she will do so, eventually. She shouldn't wait for the convention. She should start now. If you're concerned about this issue, you should be pressuring Hillary to drop out now and start playing nice. Her continuing temper tantrums and race-baiting hurt the party and our candidates far more than non-voting Clinton supporters ever could.

    Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 8, 2008 9:15:30 PM

    I think it is more important that the president can be a world leader and have the courage to correct our tarnished standing in the world than to be a common bubba at the bar.

    We need an eloquent person to intercede for all Americans rich, poor, educated, ignorant.

    I do not think there is even a definition of the word "elite". This elitism argument is as Rovian as it gets. He managed to present an Eastern blue blood as a common beer swilling bubba at the bar. Stupid. George Bush had all his unearned opportunities handed to him.
    For sure, working folks are the ones that vote, but would not most people wish for a good education and living wage for their children? Wouldn't any mother be proud of a son like Barack Obama who from public education and average beginnings lived a life of integrity leading to such personal and career success?
    I do think that Hillary is just the same sort of elitist as Barack. She has earned her way as well. It is too bad that she has resorted to Rovian tactics.

    I just hope that McCain, a man as rich as god, does not try to use this ridiculous elitist argument against Obama.
    I suspect those that would vote for McCain if Hillary does not win are ignorant racists that fall for the most craven race baiting anyway.
    What does this say that the candidate that can win the most ignorant amongst the DEMS would make the best world leader?

    It gives me that same queasy feeling as when my step-daughter came home from pubic school saying that being smart was not cool. The cool kids don't concern themselves with good grades. The more stupid, the more the kids concern themselves with inconsequential pop culture, the better. This is a Rovian/Orwellian dream that dumbs down the people so that they do not even have the words for critical thinking.


    This has been a difficult point to make but I hope that some of you can understand that this elitist argument must not be tolerated.

    Posted by: qofdisks | May 9, 2008 9:01:12 AM

    Well, I do cling to my guns (of which I have a nice collection... they're fun to collect and target shoot) as well as my religion (pagan)... and that being said, I still happily support Obama over Hillary.

    Now if only he'd take another look at his Second Amendment stance... but ah well. My big thing about Obama is not that I agree with him on everything- that much should be obvious. It's that I trust his good intentions.

    Posted by: <| May 9, 2008 11:44:52 AM

    I could just as easily take all the words written here and twist them into something else too. Hillary is no more racist than any of you. Taking one candidate's meme that lead them to victory by falsely painting the other as racist is a bit weak. Lies and personal character assasination of Hillary will not lead him to victory. His campaign was most certainly no less negative than hers, he just says his isn't and the mindless follow it. Please stop these silly, false smears that are ensuring a McCain presidency.

    Posted by: DET | May 10, 2008 2:27:58 PM

    Addition: Please, as intelligent people, try to figure this out please: it only drives the people further away from Obama to say the only reason they don't vote for him is because they are racist, it's the most shallow fantasy reasoning possible. There are obviously millions of people who legitimately prefer her, how has the right so effectively taken over your minds? We cannot win on Hillary hate alone. And to those that think that there was an intentional, race baiting stategy by the Clinton campaign, use your intellect and think just how insane that is. We need Clinton voters.

    Posted by: DET | May 10, 2008 2:33:00 PM

    It's not that Clinton is racist. It's that she's using the race card to try to convince superdelegates that Obama can't be elected. I've heard similar warnings from Clinton supporters here, some of them within her campaign. It is the lowest form of campaigning and even worse because it's clear to everyone but her that she has lost the nomination. I guess she wants to make it more likely for McCain to win so she can have another run in 2012. Over the course of this campaign it's become very clear she and her husband care only about their own power, not that of the party or what's good for the country. Get out of the race Hillary. You lost and deserved to lose.

    Posted by: JJ | May 10, 2008 3:01:08 PM

    Thanks for the fiction JJ.

    Posted by: DET | May 10, 2008 3:27:13 PM

    I don't accuse Clinton of being racist... just a politician, and by implication, an opportunist. She's not satisfied with "may the best person win." Her style is to destroy her opponents, and she does not handle criticism or disagreement well.

    For me, that means a sketchy copy of Bush. We do not need another one of those.

    Posted by: | May 12, 2008 1:09:16 AM

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