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    Monday, April 28, 2008

    What's Wrong With Wright?

    WrightbootcampThe Santa Fe Reporter just launched the beta version of their snarky new political group blog, Swing State of Mind. There's something about the pepto bismol pink along the left sidebar that delighted me as soon as I saw it. And when I started reading their first few posts I knew I'd be visiting regularly.

    Maassive (better known as SFR staff writer Dave Maass) hits all the rights notes with his post, The Wright Stuff, at least from where I sit. The TV pundits and "analysts" are apoplectic about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's latest speakouts, predicting dire consequences for the Obama campaign. I, however, agree with Maass that Wright's appearance today at the National Press Club was must-see TV, riveting throughout and hilarious at times. Go read what Dave has to say about it and, if you didn't get to see it live, be sure to view the video he has all the way through to the end. (That's a photo of Wright above, at Marine Corps boot camp in 1961. He reportedly joined the Marines in response to JFK's famous inaugural line that Americans should "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.")

    Rev. Wright with President Bill Clinton at White House

    I also recommend that you view the Bill Moyers' interview with Wright that aired on PBS on Friday, for a more somber and serious side of the Reverend. You can view that here. I also watched his animated and rousing speech at the NAACP on Sunday and found it fascinating and provocative. You can see that here.

    Obviously Wright's political views -- not to mention his style -- vary significantly from Obama's in an abundance of ways, as the two of them have unequivocably acknowledged. They are not political or theological twins by any stretch of the imagination. But I can see why Wright's intellect was appealing to Barack and why his services were usually jam packed with folks from every social and economic echelon in Chicago. I think Wright should be judged in his own right, as a complex, highly intelligent, funny, opinionated, thought-provoking, bookish and down home force of nature. I still don't get why so many are so up at arms at what he's saying, in an era when torture is being planned casually and in detail from the White House. Now THAT's shocking.

    The main message he transmitted during his speech to the NAACP in Detroit -- to a crowd that numbered about 10,000 and reportedly included Michigan Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin -- was that different does not mean deficient, or less than. Absolutely mindboggling and radical, isn't it? And how anti-American too.

    I hope everyone will take the time to listen to the man and what he's actually saying before jumping on the hysterical bandwagon of reproach. Truly. It's one thing to agree or disagree with things he says, but to claim that's he's a hate-filled, unpatriotic kook -- as many are doing in the traditional media -- is just more of the same revolting and simplistic reaction we've unfortunately come to expect from something that used to be call The National Press. Make up your own mind. What exactly are the ravers so upset about? That he's angry because his entire life's work -- that has been praised and honored by respected institutions and individuals at every turn -- has become fodder for the mocking, distorting media elite? Wouldn't you be?

    PS: Also see marjorie's post at m-pyre on this topic.

    You can read more about Dr. Wright's varied background and extensive experience here.

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    April 28, 2008 at 09:09 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Current Affairs, Media | Permalink


    Swiftboat. We will hear it every day all day, and don't fuggedabout Ayers.

    We'll also hear about it from Not Very Hillaryous, and on and on.

    I would like to hope that we will see our country rise above it.

    I noticed that Newt (on ABC this AM) stuck to the same Swiftboating points, while saying that McSame has the best chance of any republican. That does not sound very confident and matched what is the common knowledge, that the Rs are going to get trounced in the fall.

    $4-plus for gas? It is going to be a long year.

    Posted by: bg | Apr 29, 2008 8:36:58 AM

    I guess Obama decided to side with the white male media talking heads and "repudiate" Wright. I understand why he felt forced to do it but I still find it depressing. Will every candidate now have to "repudiate" anyone they've ever known if they make statements the MSM doesn't approve of? Or does that only apply to Democrats?

    Posted by: Josie | Apr 29, 2008 2:30:46 PM

    Josie that's a good question, and you had a good answer too. "does that only apply to Democrats"

    Posted by: VP | Apr 29, 2008 8:59:24 PM

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