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    Wednesday, April 09, 2008

    Repubs Getting Nasty in NM US Senate Primary: Club for Growth Takes on Heather Wilson

    The ultra-right-wing lobbying group, Club for Growth, is coming out early and hard against Repub Rep. Heather Wilson in her primary battle against Rep. Steve Pearce. They just released the video above hitting Wilson on her alleged "liberal" voting record on spending. If Heather Wilson is considered a liberal, we're all in trouble!

    The hard right Pearce has long been a favorite of the Club for Growth. This is, after all, the Congressman who opposed expanding S-CHIP health coverage for children with every fibre of his being. I'm sure he'd at least be tempted to throw his mother off the train if he thought it would provide him some tax relief. Pearce and other pets of the Club for Growth think government spending should be limited to waging unending wars and building border fences. Well, and generous pork to their corporate friends. Children, seniors, the less fortunate? They can all take a hike in Pearce's insular world of the selfishly well heeled.

    Check out the Club for Growth's stated policy goals:

    Now consider the world you see around you and absorb the fact that the Club for Growth and Steve Pearce entirely approve of what's happening to the economy and working people due to the self-serving agenda of the Repub right wing. In fact, they want more, more, more of the same. Their cronies win, win, win when that happens.

    It can only help Dems that the Repub primary race for the U.S. Senate is getting so nasty so early. Neither one of the Repub candidates can hold a candle to the Dem candidate Tom Udall on wise economic policy, ending the war, forward-looking energy and environmental proposals or just about anything else. Their primary goal? Protecting the assets of their cronies. Just what America needs.

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    April 9, 2008 at 05:30 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Republican Party | Permalink


    What an obtuse world the likes of Pearce (Bu$h Republic's) must live in? One can only hope that the majority of New Mexico voters recognize how dangerous to their life and liberty the PODD (party of death and destruction) is and rejects their ideology with a vote for Mr Udall.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 10, 2008 8:40:18 AM

    I LOVE IT! Slime Boating Heather! After the filthy lying and disgusting attack ads her cronies ran in '06 I have a a perverse sense of turn about is fair play. (Actually 'take that B!) Now if a couple of the slime boat outfits will take up for her!

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Apr 10, 2008 8:00:49 PM

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