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    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Quote of the Day on PA Primary: McAuliffe Hearts Fox Noise

    From the Philadelphia Daily News:

    On Fox News Channel, the first of the three 24-hour news networks to call Pennsylvania for Clinton, the suspense lasted a full 45 minutes. At 8:45 p.m., with fewer than 1 percent of the votes in, Fox blew the whistle. ... "Fair and balanced Fox, you beat them all!" Clinton adviser Terry McAuliffe told Fox News' Major Garrett during an interview, to anchor Brit Hume's delight.

    Add in Richard Scaife's hearty endorsement of Clinton and you've got a vast right-wing conspiracy -- on Hillary's behalf this time.

    April 23, 2008 at 01:39 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


    Is there a chance that McAuliffe was being ironic (I don't know if that's the word that describes it - in England we had a phrase calling "taking the piss", so if you're familiar with that you'll know what I'm saying) - perhaps facetious is better.

    I can't believe that McAuliffe would really think he's scoring any points with Democrats (of any stripe) by kissing Fox's collective ass.

    Posted by: | Apr 23, 2008 8:55:22 PM

    Hillary is probably begging Ru[ert Murdoch for another fundraiser in here desperate attempt to stay out of debt.

    I have a bad feeling that the supposed 50,000 new donors and 10 million dollars came from Republican strategists who see our weakest candidate as an oppurtunity to save their failing party. :$

    Posted by: JD | Apr 23, 2008 11:27:25 PM

    JD, I agree that's a real possibility, the Reptilians would like nothing better than to have her run against their candidate. Deserved or not the hate for anything Clinton will mobilize the Reptilians as fast and sure as any of the wedge issue they like to use.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 24, 2008 7:25:13 AM

    Begala and Bill Bennett were having a love-in for Hillary on CNN's coverage. It should be pretty clear to all Democrats by now that the GOP is desperate for Clinton to get the nomination because they know that she can't speak from a position of authority against the war, which neutralizes about 80% of the advantage the Dems have going into the election.

    Posted by: Dan | Apr 24, 2008 9:12:36 AM

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