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    Thursday, April 10, 2008

    NM-Sen: Udall Widens Lead over Repubs in Latest Polling

    More excellent news for Dems and the Udall campaign. The latest phone polling by Rasmussen shows that Rep. Tom Udall has widened his lead to double digits over both GOP primary candidates in the race for U.S. Senate in New Mexico:

    Udall now leads Republicans Steve Pearce 54% to 40% and Heather Wilson 56% to 36%.













    Not sure


    Not sure


    Among voters not affiliated with either major political party, Udall has a twelve-point advantage over Pearce. Udall leads Wilson 52% to 33% in that category.

    Last month, Udall had an eight-point lead over Pearce and a seven-point lead over Wilson.

    Udall also has incredibly strong favorability ratings in the poll, not surprising given that he's one of the most popular and respected figures in New Mexico politics:

    In New Mexico, Udall is now viewed favorably by 62% and unfavorably by just 29%. Wilson’s numbers are 43% favorable, 52% unfavorable. Pearce is viewed favorably by 49% and unfavorably by 40%.

    Click for the poll's survey questions, which also show results from a question about Gov. Bill Richardson's approval rating. The crosstabs are only available to subscribers. The April 8, 2008 phone survey of 500 likely voters has a margin of error of +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

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    April 10, 2008 at 09:08 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    Of course, this is no reason to think we will win this in a walk. IMO, this is the most important race in NM, and it will be one of the top races that the Rs want to keep in their Reich-wing column.

    There will be every kind of dirty trick and false advertising used against Udall. The race will probably be close.

    Give time and all the money you can spare to this campaign. It will be tough.

    Posted by: bg | Apr 10, 2008 10:06:03 AM

    You got that right. Polling is polling and we've seen how inaccurate much of it has been this year. I'm sure the R's will be putting all they've got into defeating Udall both in conventional ways and with their usual dirty antics. It's hard to see what they could Swiftboat Udall on, but if they have nothing they just make it up.

    We all have to work hard on this one.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 10, 2008 10:36:07 AM

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