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    Thursday, April 10, 2008

    NM-03: Wiviott Responds to President's Remarks on Iraq War

    Don Wiviott, Dem candidate for Congress in NM-03, released the following statement in response to today's speech by President Bush on the Iraq occupation:

    “While I applaud the President’s decision to decrease troop deployments to 12 month tours, I was disappointed to learn he still stubbornly refuses to acknowledge our current strategy in Iraq is failing and making America less safe,” Wiviott said. “Today’s announcement to indefinitely pause any future troop drawdown is a major step backwards for our country.”

    “The war has raged on for over five years and brought the American people nothing but a tragic loss of life and economic turmoil. Months after the Bush Administration claimed the “surge” would allow our troops to return home sooner, the President’s statement today clearly shows that will not be the case.”

    Wiviott has made extricating our troops from Iraq and devising a rational strategic plan for the region major campaign themes. He has also signed on to A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq, which has been endorsed by 50 U.S. House candidates and four U.S. Senate candidates.

    The Plan also has the approval of Major General Paul Eaton (U.S. Army ret.), former Security Transition Commanding General, Iraq; Dr. Lawrence Korb, former Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration; Brigadier General John Johns (U.S. Army ret.), specialist in counterinsurgency and nation-building; Capt. Larry Seaquist (U.S. Navy ret.), former commander of the U.S.S. Iowa; and former Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning.

    Wiviott pledged to take the fight to the halls of Congress if elected:

    “In Congress, I will be a strong voice for change in Iraq. I will fight hard to challenge the status quo and support a policy that puts our troops first, makes America safer, and restores our leadership throughout the world. We need to elect leaders to Washington who will fight hard to bring a responsible end to this war and get our troops back home to their families.”

    Prior to the Congressional testimony of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker this week, Wiviott released a set of questions for the duo that included input from New Mexico voters.

    To see our previous coverage of the NM-03 Congressional race, visit our archive.

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    April 10, 2008 at 01:41 PM in Iraq War, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Sorry to say Mr Wiviott, there is NOTHING to applaud about Mr Bu$h's pronouncement. First of all his 15 to 12 month deployment reduction will NOT apply to those currently in Iraq and Afghanistan or those who will be deployed now to August. Secondly that 3 month reduction will bring them back to what it was BEFORE the escalation (surge) amounting to nothing more than meaningless doublespeak courtesy of the White House.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 11, 2008 7:39:02 AM

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