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    Monday, April 07, 2008

    NM-03: Luján's First Ad On Air Today

    Public Regulation Commissioner Ben R. Luján announced the placement of the first television ad of his campaign for Congress in New Mexico District 3 (above). The commercial, entitled "Heart and Soul," began running this morning. No info was released on how long the ad will run. The Luján campaign says it will be one of many to air in the weeks leading up to the June 3 Democratic primary that will coincide with Lujan's Standing Up for New Mexico Tour, which will visit every county in the district.

    "This ad emphasizes my belief that people are the heart and soul of our state," Luján said in a release from the campaign. "As I visit the communities of Northern New Mexico, I meet so many people excited about our campaign to bring the values that are important to New Mexicans -- such as standing up to the special interests, making America energy-independent and ending the war in Iraq -- to Washington."

    "Commissioner Luján is the candidate with the best track record of standing up for the people of New Mexico," said Carlos Trujillo, Luján's campaign manager. "Once people learn about Commissioner Luján's record on the issues important to New Mexico Democrats, the decision in Congressional District 3 will be clear. He has stood up to the big insurance companies to protect consumer interests. He has taken on the utility companies and made New Mexico a leader in renewable-energy production. In Congress he will continue to stand up for New Mexicans, and this ad campaign will highlight his record and proposals for Congress."

    Luján's main competitor in the Dem primary, Don Wiviott, was the first in the race to put up ads, in late February. See our previous post. To see the rest of our coverage so far of the 2008 Congressional race in NM-03, visit our archive.

    April 7, 2008 at 10:56 AM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    As a member of the PRC, Lujan may be one Democrat who knows the difference between "affordable health care" and "affordable health insurance," in contrast to, say, Hillary or Barack. Personally, if I'm sick or injured, I could give a hot fig about insurance: I want health care.

    Posted by: | Apr 7, 2008 5:47:17 PM

    Another thing the politicians don't get (or ignore) is that the only way we can afford universal coverage is if we get rid of the middle men (and women) in the form of the insurance companies, brokers, HMOs etc. They cling to the lie that we can have it all AND keep letting these leeches suck in their profits.

    Posted by: Nurse R. | Apr 8, 2008 8:48:49 AM

    Wiviott is a developer that is using his personal wealth to try and buy this election and yet he is still recognized as a "progressive" democrat???

    If Wiviott, Heinrich & McCalmley win, it gives the NMGOP the best shot in years to send 3 Repubs to DC! Think about it... Wiviott (D)vs. Gonzalez (R) up North - who wins? White (R) vs. Heinrich (D) - again this is a district that hasn't gone blue ever and I am sorry, but Heinrich just doesn't pull any Dems in the middle. McCalmley (D) vs. Greer, Dunn or any (R) down south - this is an absolute no brainer. Sorry Bill, but you are not going to win this one lil' buddy.

    Lujan, Lujan-Grisham & Teague would be the best ticket that state Dems could hope for. Udall should be pushing for that too! He has the most to lose out of all of this. He needs more middle of the road D's to come out to vote.

    Posted by: | Apr 8, 2008 6:46:46 PM

    Yes. Poor little Ben Ray son of the Speaker of the House. He came by his political office all by his lonesome little self. Dirt poor, no political connections, he just pulled himself up by his boot straps and got elected to the PRC after building a grassroots organization.

    Lets not be disingenuous. Wiviott is a good candidate and just because he has money doesn't make him evil, or doesn't prove he is buying this nomination.

    One could make an argument that Ben Ray is "buying" this election with his Dads name recognization, but why waste time.

    Let the candidates run on the issues and may the best candidate win.

    Posted by: | Apr 9, 2008 2:42:14 PM

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