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    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    NM-01: Slew of New Heinrich Events

    Part of the Heinrich family lines up for chow at recent house party event

    The campaign of Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01 is picking up the pace as the June 3rd primary showdown nears. Besides participating in a number of candidate forums over the past few weeks (with more to come), Martin was busy last weekend shooting a TV ad with supporters. Heinrich's TV ad campaign will start soon. Martin will also be attending a series of campaign fundraisers through next month. If you'd like to meet Martin, ask him questions and hear more about his positions on the issues, RSVP for one of the house parties or other events listed here, or contact the campaign to organize your own event.

    Next Up: Sunday Brunch
    The next scheduled fundraiser is a Sunday brunch hosted by Pauline Núñez, Louis Kolker, Cara McCulloch, Diane Albert on April 27th at 11:00 AM. Click to check out a FLYER (doc) for more info.

    Celebrate, Celebrate
    Of special interest -- on Saturday, May 10th, at 2:00 PM, everyone's invited to celebrate the official grand opening of Heinrich's new campaign office at 131 Adams St. NE in Albuquerque. Hang out with Martin, his campaign staffers and fellow supporters. There'll be hamburgers and hotdogs, veggie options, drinks, live music, and games for the kids.

    Martin with part of the crowd at a recent house party event

    Donate for Chance to Lunch with Martin
    Also, there's still time to earn a free lunch with Martin. All you have to do is make a campaign donation of at least $5 by Midnight on April 30 to have a chance. Click here to learn more or make a donation. You'll also find out how to improve your odds by creating your own Act Blue fundraising page for Martin's campaign and getting your friends, family and neighbors to contribute.

    Money from the Many
    The campaign's fundraising effort has been top-notch, raising a hefty total of $665,000 this election cycle. About $200,000 of that was donated during first quarter of 2008, and the campaign has almost $350,000 cash on hand -- demonstrating a wise use of funds. Martin has received donations from more than 2,000 individuals to date, showing strong grassroots support for his candidacy.

    DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has officially endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. If you're reading this, please do what you can to support his campaign by volunteering for phone banking or other tasks, making a small donation or hosting a house party. Visit www.MartinHeinrich.com.

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    April 24, 2008 at 03:33 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


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