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    Monday, April 28, 2008

    NM-01: More Muddled Monahan Mush


    For someone who prides himself on being politically savvy, Monahan doesn't seem to have any idea who supports Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01. In his latest silly knock on Heinrich (and Obama) supporters, he gurgles forth the usual canned, cliched mush that often emanates from those who haven't dirtied their fingernails in decades and don't hang out with anyone who does:

    ABQ Dem congressional candidate Martin Heinrich, already the love-child of the Chardonnay sippers and the left wing of his party, made a swerve to where the election will be decided when he interviewed for the Sunday Journal's candidate profiles. Said the former city councilor of his Missouri parents:

    "(They're) middle class, blue collar. They were the people who took a shower when they came home from work at night, not before they went to work."

    Heinrich can capture his party's nomination by consolidating the Obama liberals, but it is working class (read Reagan) Democrats who have kept the GOP in control of the ABQ seat for 40 years.

    Come Out Into the Light
    Hey Joe, you really ought to venture beyond the haunts of monied lobbyists and leaking lounge lizards to mingle with the people who are supporting Heinrich and other common sense, reform-minded Democratic candidates.

    Hint, hint: it's people who work hard for a living, it's people who don't have lavish expense accounts, it's people who don't have health insurance, it's people who are nearing retirement without hundreds of thousands of dollars in 401Ks, it's people trying to save money from their stagnant paychecks for their children's education. I'm one of these people and I'm among these people most of the time. I don't see much Chardonnay sipping, but I do see a lot of fretful and worried faces because ordinary folks know they've been getting the shaft from Republicans, and Democrats who vote like Republicans, for a long, long time now. And unless we work to elect candidates who know what it's like to be at the mercy of the fat cats, nothing will change.

    Martin Heinrich and the Chardonnay sippers?

    Who's Really Supporting Heinrich & Other Dems?
    In Democratic grassroots political circles, I see people struggling and juggling to make ends meet. I see people who still make a decent living, but who are bothered in their souls because so many no longer can. I see people who care about the community, the common good, the future of the American middle class and the planet itself. When the price of groceries rise and their paychecks don't, they suffer, immediately and personally. They're not out gossiping at expensive watering holes with those who've been profiting from the misery of others; they're walking door to door to try and bring economic fairness and opportunity for all back to the halls of Congress and our Legislature.

    Mr. Monahan, I suggest you venture out into the real world and see for yourself. Visit Heinrich's campaign office and see who's volunteering. Visit a local Dem Party meeting and see who's attending. Stop in at a grassroots political Meetup or candidate forum and see who's devoting time out of their busy, work-filled lives to help rebuild a level playing field for ordinary Americans. Check out who's registering voters and making small donations and licking envelopes. You'll see lots of people who teach our kids, deliver our mail, answer the phones, pound the nails and visit our senior centers. Who you won't see much of are the wealthiest bank presidents, CEOs, real estate speculators and VP-types -- who sip the expensive stuff -- because they're backing the GOP candidates and the GOP cause. Everyone knows that. They like things just the way they are.

    Working Class LABOR
    You say that Repubs have retained control of CD1 because of support from the working class. You know that's not true. For instance, has Heather Wilson EVER had the support of the unions that represent working class people? Heinrich does. Here's a list of unions that are supporting his campaign so far:

    Are you saying that painters, carpenters, janitors, grocery store workers, iron workers, fire fighters, teachers and the other hard-working members of these unions are elitist "Chardonnay sippers" without a care in the world? I guess they all drive Volvos and down lattes too (not that there's anything wrong with that). Come on down to any grassroots Dem political gathering and check out the cars in the parking lot, Joe. They'll look a lot more beat up than the ones you're used to seeing at your Alligator-GOP-filled soirées where all the liberal bashing goes on. And you'll see a lot more bikes. And people who take the bus. I guarantee it.

    Who's Really Working for Workers?
    Real working people know that Heinrich and other Dems are working on their behalf because they've witnessed it in the real world. It wasn't Heather Wilson or the lobbying class or the monied GOP investor class or the Darren Whites of New Mexico who've been struggling against those who have the most to get the have-nots a raise in the minimum wage. It's been Democrats like Martin Heinrich and Eric Griego and Jerry Ortiz y Pino and Tom Udall and Dede Feldman and Mimi Stewart and Debbie O'Malley and Rey Garduno and many others who've been fighting the good fights for better wages, health care for all, improving education and creating blue and green collar jobs for the future. In case you haven't noticed.

    Cut the Mush
    So before you write another shallow analysis of who's backing whom, remember that the key positions of genuine Dems and our candidates are those of mainstream Americans, as shown in poll after poll after poll about values. It's your pals who lean in the hallways of the Roundhouse and hang out with you in the dark corners of expensive bistros who are the real elitists. Clearly, their mockery and yours is meant to keep the working and middle classes right where they are -- under the thumb of America's most selfish elements. Cut the mush.

    And check out the facts about how working people have fared of late. You'll see who's really been sipping the expensive Chardonnay thanks to the Bush agenda -- a set of regressive and greed-based policies that have been backed enthusiastically by Heather Wilson, Steve Pearce, Darren White and just about every other candidate running on the right side of the aisle. Not us.

    Technorati Tags:

    April 28, 2008 at 12:01 PM in Economy, Populism, Labor, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    That line Heinrich used, about his folks showering after work and not in the morning, am I wrong or is he copping the very same line used by John Edwards? It's certainly belongs to someone else. If not Edwards, who was it?

    Posted by: Jim Scarantino | Apr 28, 2008 12:29:24 PM

    So what if it did or didn't? That's all you got out of the piece? Do you shower before or after you sip your chardonnay?

    Posted by: dirty dan | Apr 28, 2008 12:47:02 PM

    Hey Jimbo, you're supposedly a "reporter," why don't you *investigate* your charge instead of throwing out a baseless, and, as far as I can tell, untrue accusation. You know that making accusations without any proof stinks of a lack of journalistic integrity. Oh, I forgot, you have a personal vendetta against Heinrich, so, that's excuse enough for you to smear him. Real principled buddy.

    Posted by: | Apr 28, 2008 2:02:19 PM

    I comment under my own name. Try it some time. It's easy. ("Truthiness" links back to David Sirota's page. Not much of an alias). As for the originality of Heinrich's line, I'm sticking with John Edwards as the original owner.

    Posted by: Jim Scarantino | Apr 28, 2008 2:32:07 PM

    That's the best you can do, Jimbo?

    I hope the folks that publish you are reading this. You call yourself a "journalist" and you're using your name to peddle a baseless accusation which you have absolutely no proof is true.

    Look Jimbo, just because you have a personal vendetta against Heinrich doesn't give you the right to make something up about him. I hope that the people that publish you take notice of this public demonstration of your complete and utter lack of journalistic ethics and integrity.

    Posted by: | Apr 28, 2008 3:22:19 PM

    This blog response to the article is beyond stupid. WHO CARES who said it first?
    The point is that like John Edwards, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Heinrich worked his way up from being an ordinary American kid not particularly privileged or wealthy.
    It is just these kind of leaders that carry credibility with me.
    They are what I think of as first generation wealthy. They earned their prosperity and understand the importance of making the same opportunities available to all the citizens.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 28, 2008 4:00:12 PM

    I'm pretty sure that it's a common phrase to refer to working class people and that not even John Edwards was the originator. I've heard Byron Dorgan use it, and it sounds familiar from elsewhere as well. After reading the transcript, it didn't sound like Heinrich was trying to claim that he came up with it.

    Posted by: Ryan | Apr 28, 2008 4:45:44 PM

    Vendetta? Sheesh. Joe Monahan--with whom I don't agree many days--did say Heinrich's supporters were "thin skinned." I've written all of two columns on the CD1 race over the past six months. One about the positions of ALL Democratic candidates on the Iraq War, pointing out that Heinrich, along with all the other Dems in the CD1 race at the time, except one who has dropped out, did not publicly oppose the Iraq War until they started running for Congress. Heinrich himself told me he didn't even write a letter to Congress or a newspaper to oppose the invasion. That's what I wrote, just the way he said it. The other candidates received equal treatment for their failure to speak against the war until the turn in public opinion made it safe. The second column discussed Heinrich's electability. The factual statements in that column have stood up and not been retracted, despite a lot of pressure from the Heinrich campaign. That's far from a vendetta, Mr. Hidebehindafakename "Truthiness."

    And thanks to Ryan for confirming that Heinrich's line was not original. That was the point of my comment.

    Posted by: Jim Scarantino | Apr 28, 2008 6:06:34 PM

    Just because you haven't formally retracted the statements doesn't make them true or relevant. Shame on you for bringing in the ludicrous and juvenile accusation that somehow Heinrich is in cahoots with "eco terrorists." Right, and Grisham is in with "femi-nazis" going by your logic.

    By saying that in one of your columns you showed your true nature and intent. You're not fair in your commentary on this race. You're grinding an axe to bash Heinrich unfairly and everyone knows you're in with the Grisham and Wertheim team. Just admit it and stop pretending you're neutral.

    Posted by: | Apr 28, 2008 7:09:14 PM

    I have to say I use to read Monahan's blog everyday until a couple months ago with his comments about public financing and its MANY supporters. This doesn't surprise me that he is out of touch as many in the press corps these days are. If anyone is sipping chardonnay with politicians it is reporters who accept it gladly from campaigns ie. John McCain's favorite happy time.

    I wish these comments focused on the article and not Mr. Scarantino who was just saying what he thought, which was true, and is true of everything said in politics today.

    Mr, Scarantino was wrong in one aspect "It's certainly belongs to someone else. " No little political phrases that are recylcled every eletion dont belong to anyone except the "consultats" making money off of telling campaings to use them. When will campaigns learn to use google search for slogans...its FREE.

    (I am a Heinrich Supporter and hope that I would not be included in the "thin-skinned" group)

    Posted by: | Apr 28, 2008 10:50:46 PM

    I agree with you. This post was driving home a different point then how the comments here took it. Some times the posts and the comments take different directions. I always like to see Jim S comment here, and be part of the dialog.

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Apr 29, 2008 11:49:35 AM

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