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    Friday, April 04, 2008

    McCain's Lobbyist Campaign Manager Wows the Crowd at Tamaya

    UPDATE: Also see Ali's post at Clearly New Mexico for her take on the meeting and a video clip.

    McCain campaign manager Rick Davis at GOP meeting
    in Bernalillo, New Mexico today

    Not really, but he probably thinks he did. Republican lobbyists like Rick Davis who have ties to both the telecom industry and Ukrainian/Russian oligarchs are like that. They're used to getting attention and they're used to getting their way. Surprised that alleged "ethical reformer" and "maverick" John McCain has a lobbyist running his campaign? You shouldn't be. His campaign staff is loaded with them.

    Words and actions are apparently two different things in McCain's world. Tell the people what they want to hear and then do what your corporate masters dictate to maximize profits. It's the oldest game in the book, and it's used unsparingly by our oldest presidential candidate.

    Davis spoke today at the confab of GOP state party chairs and RNC bigwigs that's underway at the pricey Hyatt Regency Tamaya out at Santa Ana Pueblo near Bernalillo. Besides predicting victories and trying to convince his fellow Repubs that all is well in right-wing electionland this year, Lobbyist Davis pulled out this chart to try and impress the troops:


    No, your eyes aren't fooling you -- there's a dirty word in plain sight on that humongous chart. LIBERAL! Davis must have thought he was very clever, showing how the percentage of Americans who identify Obama and Clinton as LIBERAL has been climbing. As if that's a bad thing or, as the chart claims, that our Dem prez candidates are "well to the left of the American electorate."

    I guess it all depends on how you define LIBERAL and LEFT. Davis might be surprised to learn that polling continually shows that the majority of Americans agree with the core values held by LIBERALS. They're strongly for ending the quagmire in Iraq. They're demanding universal health care in no uncertain terms, and schools that turn out well-rounded, articulate human beings rather than test automatons. They want greedy, bottom-line obsessed financial institutions and corporations reined in to serve humans instead of the other way around. They want to be paid a living wage. They want to switch to renewable energy and clean up the environment. They want unrigged justice and a level playing field for all. And they want to keep the lobbyists like Davis as far from the political process as possible.

    Mr. Lobbyist
    Just who is McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis and what does he do for a living? Christy Hardin Smith of Firedoglake and Huffington Post offers some tasty tidbits:

    -- Rick Davis arranged a cocktail meet and greet with McCain and a Russian businessman, Oleg Deripaska, so controversial that the US has revoked his visa -- at an economic conference in Switzerland. Davis' lobbying firm was trying to secure business with the Russian at the time, while the firm was already representing a competing political interest in Ukraine.

    -- Mr. Davis, while working with the McCain 2008 campaign, also managed to procure a fat internet services contract from the campaign and kept lobbying for clients whose interests were opposed to McCain's own policy pronouncements.

    --It seems that Davis has quite a few money-scandal skeletons in his closet:

    Davis is a particularly easy target, having several money-related scandals in his background. A veteran of the Reagan administration, Davis ran McCain's presidential bid six years ago. He also founded a lobbying firm -- Davis, Manafort Inc. -- which has made at least $2.8 million lobbying Congress since 1998.

    Over the past eight years, Davis' two roles often overlapped. In 1999, while he was McCain's campaign manager, his firm represented SBC Communications Inc. and Comsat Corp. At that time, both communications companies had controversial mergers pending at the Federal Communications Commission. The Senate Commerce Committee has legislative authority over the FCC, and McCain was chairman of that committee. Both mergers were eventually approved....

    There's lots more on Davis, and other lobbyists who work for McCain, but you get the idea. Mr. Straight Talk's campaign is run by a prominent Crooked Talker.

    McCain Attempts Mea Culpa
    And where was McCain today -- on the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.? Trying to make amends for his history of colluding with the equality-impraired -- and battling against the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday -- by speaking at the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. Where he got booed, rained on and hassled. He also dissembled to the press about his dismal civil rights record, and became irritated when pressed. But at least he's not LIBERAL.

    April 4, 2008 at 07:35 PM in Corporatism, Ethics & Campaign Reform, John McCain, Minority Issues, Republican Party | Permalink


    Reading this makes me want to reread Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars that tell them." You don't get to the top ranks of the Republican party unless you are a magnificent liar.

    Posted by: | Apr 5, 2008 8:13:54 AM

    jason-respectfully....hillary should be counted in on the magnificent liars.

    check out the nafta video in the left column.

    and of course the fantasy of being in bosnia with snipers...is almost beyond lies, more like unstable delusion.

    I really think everything hillary has said is a lie, a far stretch, of her delusion.

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Apr 5, 2008 9:41:46 AM

    McCain is nasty, dishonest and a loose cannon. I can't wait to see him in debates with Obama!

    Posted by: < | Apr 5, 2008 2:27:42 PM

    Funny, Hillary had a lobbyist running her campaign too. Mark Penn. Bye bye Mark. Shiling for a "free" trade deal with Colombia while running Clinton's campaign is bad, bad news on what Hillary is really about.

    Posted by: JJ | Apr 6, 2008 10:34:57 PM

    The fact is, Obama is a wild card. We are not really sure what he intends to do about the war.
    No, we can't trust Hillary either. Follow the money. Is Obama strong enough to stand up to power and money? 9-12 billion per month of squanderage is like a very long freight train running at high speed. It takes a long time to stop and a strong will to pull the brake long enough.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 7, 2008 2:24:02 AM

    Very true gofdisks but then everyone is a wild card in the presidential race as far as Iraq goes. Who knows what's really going on there with all the lies and secrets of the Bush admin? Until more is known about the situation on the ground and the horrible deals made by Bush etc. how can anyone say exactly what will have to be done.

    What we do know is that Democrats will work harder to get us out of there than McCain will. I trust Obama way more because he was against the invasion unlike Hillary.

    Posted by: | Apr 7, 2008 11:05:00 AM

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