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    Monday, April 07, 2008

    Hillary in ABQ: One Hour Plus, 200 Dems, $150,000

    Clinton cups her ear as reporters ask her about Mark Penn at Albuquerque's Sunport after her fundraiser (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

    The price of admission to the fundraiser for Hillary Clinton Sunday afternoon at former Ambassador Ed Romero's home in Albuquerque was given as either $2300 (the maximum that can be donated by an individual to a candidate in the primary cycle), or $1000 for "friends." According to a story in the Albuquerque Journal, about 200 "elite Dems" (obviously NOT including Gov. Bill Richardson) attended the event, and more than $150,000 was reportedly raised for Clinton's campaign. That comes out to about $750 per attendee, nowhere near the suggested donation levels per person if the numbers are correct. If each donor gave even the lower suggested amount, the event should have raised $200,000. A number of attendees reportedly brought their children or grandchildren so maybe that accounts in part for the lower per person figure. The hosts, however, seemed pleased:

    Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, one of the co-hosts of the fundraiser, said $150,000 was an initial goal but added it appeared Sunday's total will be more than that. "We exceeded our goal," said Romero, who served as ambassador under Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton. "Everybody's happy with (the event), including the candidate."

    According to the Journal story, Clinton was gung ho about her chances in the race:

    "I want to tell you, the campaign is going so well," Clinton said. She said anyone who believes she should bow out of her race against Barack Obama, who leads in the delegate count, should take a lesson from college basketball's Final Four.

    "Why should anybody play North Carolina? You saw what happened last night," Clinton said, referring to Kansas' upset win over the Tar Heels.

    A major problem with her analogy, however, is that there are only so many "points" available for her to win in the remaining primary cycle. Unless Clinton achieves miraculous results in the 10 remaining contests -- as in 65-35 splits in every state -- she won't have enough pledged delegates or enough of the total popular vote to overtake Obama's leads in those categories. Her only hope would seem to be to convince enough superdelegates to back her so she can best Obama in total delegates, despite the will of the voters. Or she could hold out hoping that the Obama campaign implodes in a dramatic fashion, with our without assistance from her campaign.

    Arriving around 4:30 PM, Hillary spent a little more than an hour at the reception in Albuquerque's foothills, having jetted in from a previous event in Montana on a day when news broke that Mark Penn was forced to relinquish his role as the chief strategist in her campaign. According to Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams, Penn himself, as well as his polling firm, Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, will still be involved in the campaign but in a diminished role.

    At the Sunport after event. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

    According to a Washington Post story:

    Penn had been a polarizing figure within the Clinton campaign for months because of his personality as well as his strategic vision, but his departure came as a result of another continuing controversy -- the conflicts of interest that resulted from his representing major clients as president of Burson-Marsteller, the giant public relations firm, while working for Clinton.

    Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Penn had met with Colombia's ambassador to the United States to discuss promotion of a free-trade agreement, one that Clinton opposes. Penn apologized Friday for an "error in judgment," and the Colombian government responded a day later by firing Burson-Marsteller.

    ... Joe Trippi, a senior adviser for the presidential campaign of former senator John Edwards (N.C.), said Penn's decision to keep leading Burson-Marsteller while working for Clinton never made much sense.

    "The only real question was, why did it not happen sooner?" Trippi said of Penn's ouster. "The conflicts have been a problem for the campaign from the start."

    April 7, 2008 at 10:00 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics | Permalink


    Isn't Blackwater one of the PR firm's clients? Here's what Corporate Watch UK says about Burson-Marsteller: "Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is one of the largest public relations (PR) agencies in the world and also the most reviled due to its mercenary attitude in choosing clients and contracts, and its frequent run ins with activists for environmental and other progressive causes. When helping its industry clients to escape environmental legislation or sprucing up the image of some of the most repressive governments on Earth, B-M brings to bear state of the art techniques in manipulating the mass media, legislators and public opinion."

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Apr 7, 2008 10:59:07 AM

    Burson-Marsteller is known for representing nasty clients including the pharmaceutical industry, big tobacco, anti-environmental concerns and union busting interests.

    Here's what Sourcewatch says on the Blackwater connection:

    "Burson-Marsteller has been hired by the two firms representing PMC Blackwater USA, McDermott Will & Emery and Crowell & Moring, to help with the account. [20]

    "According to PRWeek, Burson subsidiary, BKSH & Associates, was hired through an internal connection at Blackwater to help with Erik Prince's October 2, 2007 testimony to Congress and that this "temporary engagement has ended". [3]"


    Posted by: Obamafan | Apr 7, 2008 11:30:09 AM

    Penn stunk as a strategist too. See


    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 7, 2008 11:37:32 AM

    How slimey to have this creep anywhere by you. The slime must just come flying off of him.

    I cannot beleive he is not thrown out in total....isn't it telling Penn just stepped down, that she did not tell him to pack his bags and get totally out. The press will never follow this up, unbelievable.

    Another statement in the journal article she told the people at the event....that her campaign is going GREAT. Remember Baghdad Bob?

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Apr 7, 2008 11:46:38 AM

    Mary Ellen,

    I had thought the same when I first heard the story on the radio this morning...it speaks volumes that he is of the character that would walk away from the campaign (something he supposedly believes in, I would think?) rather than walk away from his job to eliminate the conflict of interest. The guy is obviously loaded - why not stay on the campaign and be a part of "history" as it were.

    But as indicated above, Burston-Marstellar (BM, how apt) is a company for which the only motivator is profit. Then again, it's probably not surprising that she selected him in the first place.

    Posted by: | Apr 7, 2008 12:24:04 PM

    I read somewhere that Penn has made more than $10 million from his work for Hillary so far. Imagine.

    Posted by: > | Apr 7, 2008 12:59:14 PM

    I think that Hillary saying that she will bring home the troops is true. But, the billions of outgo to the CONTRACTORS would continue to flow. The chaos in Iraq would continue to rage under "our" taxpayer debt funded mercenary armies.
    Follow the money.
    What will Obama really do?
    Don't fall for that line,"I will bring the troops home."
    Whether we and our contractors leave Iraq now, ten years or 50 years from now, the outcome will be the same.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 7, 2008 1:24:36 PM

    Interesting... so is Diane Denish apart of the "slime" or does she get a pass?

    Posted by: | Apr 8, 2008 6:37:02 PM

    Many Democrats I know are very disappointed in Denish for her rather blind allegiance to Hillary and her strong push for oil patch candidate Harry Teague. It is sad to see her relying on top down politics instead of grassroots up politics.

    Politics makes strange bedfellows and I'd bet that Hillary being a woman enters into the equation in a big way for Denish. Think of her support for Emerge etc. Her Hobbs connections explain her closeness to Teague. In the end she does get a pass because of the many positive things she has done for people in this state and that she will do in the future.

    That doesn't make Mark Penn any less of a slime, or the Clintons any less slimey for being so close to him and others like Dick Morris for decades. The underside of the Clintons isn't pretty.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 8, 2008 8:29:12 PM

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