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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guest Blog: Mikhail Gorbachev in Santa Fe

This is a visitor blog by Stephen Fox, elective daily paper overseeing proofreader and exhibition proprietor of Santa Fe, who took part in yesterday's question and answer session in Santa Fe highlighting the previous President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. He additionally showed up at a raising money supper to profit the Santa Fe Institute and Global Green USA and addressed a standing room just group at the Lensic Performing Arts Center.

Gorbachev2On Monday the president if, after November, he makes a special attempt to lead and prompt the following USA President with respect to how to escape our entanglement. This is Gorbachev's answer, through an interpreter:

"The Middle East is the thing that the whole world is viewing. On the off chance that things go seriously for America, businesses go severely for every one of us. The country must not mishandle the believe it has from its partners, a lot of which has for all intents and purposes ceased. I am happy to find in this race a revival of enthusiasm for universal undertakings. As I will state in my discussion today around evening time, in light of the USA's armed spending plan, your country is by all accounts in conflict with the world, and I sense that the US individuals don't care for this by any means. The span of your armaments spending plan is bigger than it was at the pinnacle of the Cold War, and bigger the majority of whatever remains of the nuclear countries set up collectively. Why do you keep on building this weaponry?

I surmise that [former Secretaries of State] George Schultz and Henry Kissinger, [former US Senator] Sam Nunn, and [former Secretary of Defense] William Perry has assembled as of late an exceptionally fascinating arrangement in such manner, for which I value their drive.

With a foundation of contention, naval spending plans in the USA proceed to develop, and you deliver more weapons. The following president must show boldness and obligation to oppose expanding your arms consumptions. Most genuine countries in the European Union are examining the proposition by Schultz and Kissinger, and the USA should regard this proposition.

You should remember, that numerous countries think that it's hard to trust America in the event that it demands to keep up its weapon predominance.

After January 1, 1986, when I offered an abrogation of Nuclear Weapons, there was a prompt response, that many didn't believe me, on account of the USSR's gigantic territory powers and customary weaponry. I answered by making some huge cuts in using traditional weapons, and we marked a bargain in this setting in Paris.

So I would put a similar inquiry to America and to Americans!"


Toward the start of the present Press Conference in Santa Fe, Gorbachev guarded Putin's worry over the USA raising broad rocket barrier frameworks in Eastern Europe, yet said that it was great that Bush and Putin set aside the possibility to as of late appointment, once before Bush moves the department.


I have met and chatted with a few Nobel Peace Laureates, and add a few others I thought ought to have won that respectable prize. The Nobel Peace Prize has been granted to 95 people and 20 associations since 1901.

The Laureates I have traded broad correspondence with incorporate His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, and Kofi Annan. I have talked at incredible length with Jody Williams. I asked Oscar Aria Sanchez, previous and-now-again President of Costa Rica, to help make a branch in Santa Fe of the United Nations University for Peace; Dag Hammarskjold's nephew Knut was on the Board of Honorary Advisors of this origination, similar to Gandhi's grandson, Arun, and Einstein's granddaughter, Evelyn. So was previous USA Secretary of Interior, Stewart Udall.

As an association having a tremendous effect on the planet, Doctors without Borders is my most astounding motivation day by day in my work to get the neurotoxic and cancer-causing counterfeit sweetener, aspartame, off the market by revoking its endorsement to be sold.

Mairead Corrigan of Ireland was the primary Nobel Peace Laureate I chatted with for a few hours at the Second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament in 1978. I additionally had a long discussion with Canada's Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, and I have dependably thought he merited the Nobel Peace Prize. Unquestionably, George Mc Govern merits something like a Nobel Peace Prize, for his lifetime of pacifism.

However by one means or another, today, previous President Mikhail Gorbachev was the most convincing. I am sure that since I was soliciting for sake from a huge number of Americans and a few billions of individuals in several countries, that he truly will prompt and guide the following USA President to bring the USA out of the Middle East and to end the war in Iraq.

There truly is no decision.

This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe. Guest blogs provide our readers a chance to express themselves on topics of interest to the political discourse here, and may or may not express the views of the DFNM blog. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

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April 15, 2008 at 01:35 PM in Current Affairs, Environment, Government, Guest Blogger, International Relations, Iraq War, Middle East, Military Affairs, Nuclear Arms, Power, Peace | Permalink


"that he truly will exhort and direct the following USA President to bring the USA out of the Middle East, and to end the war in Iraq."

That is the LEAST of our issues, and not what Gorbachev was attempting to state.

More critical was 'The reason do you keep on building these weapons? This is astonishing to me!

What's more,

"The following president must show mettle and obligation to oppose expanding your arms consumptions. Most genuine countries in the European Union are considering the proposition by Schultz and Kissinger, and the USA should regard this proposition."

The U.S., like the former Soviet Union, has a delusional political and economic system based on pretend and make-believe. I am reminded of the Doonesbury cartoon of Aug. 6, 2006, where the decider was asked: "which do you prefer, admitting you're wrong or tearing the country apart?"

That question is equally applicable to all presidents except Carter, from Kennedy on.

Your effort to get aspartame off the market is commendable and indicative of our countries delusion. Rather than dropping the ideological blinders as Gorbachev tried to do (and Deng Xiaping was successful at when he stated "I don't care if it's a white cat or a black cat. It's a good cat so long as it catches mice." our government substitutes perception for reality- all that matters is what PR efforts can get the public to believe.

We still are deluded into believing we have a market economy, yet allow folks like Donald Rumsfeld to pretend they are businessmen, when all they do is use government in the same way the Kremlin did, to create fantasy and delusion, and use government as a personal cash cow to create an "economic product" out of a known carcinogen.

And even more indicative of this delusion is that Fox did not ONCE mention LANL, where the fantasy is that by taking thousands of smart people out of productive use, by paying them more money and forcing them to poison our resources and create an incredibly destructive arms race, we are able to delude ourselves into thinking LANL helps, rather than harms, economic well-being in northern New Mexico. Less is indeed more in the world of governing by illusion. Under this marketing effort, as long as the government "pays more", we perceive ourselves to be better off when paid to "plant trees with the roots up", and ignore the dying crops, because "we have more money".

When we are that easily deluded, the $3 Trillion war in Iraq is trivial.

Posted by: erichwk | Apr 16, 2008 2:48:10 PM



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