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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Guest Blog: Reelect Mary Gail Gwaltney as NM's Democratic National Committeewoman

This is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois of Tularosa, NM.

Gwaltney_2I would like to tell you about my good friend, Mary Gail Gwaltney (right), our Democratic National Committeewoman. To those of us who are involved in party politics, the Gwaltney name is synonymous with the Democratic party. Mary Gail's organizational and fundraising skills for the party and candidates on all levels are widely known. Being the National Committeewoman is a serious full time commitment. Her strength lies in electing Democrats from all walks of life and then helping them in their bid for re-election.

When you meet Mary Gail you see an attractive woman very well put together. Her enthusiasm and boundless energy is most evident. And you know immediately she is a Democrat and values our Democratic principles. Her personality is always upbeat. She is a very giving person.She values her long-lasting friendships and treats everyone  with respect.

Mary Gail's family is her number one priority. Her family supports her work as National Committeewoman and supports her decision to continue serving in this role.

A Personal Anecedote
Mary Gail has impacted my participation in party politics and when I ran for elected office on many occasions. One particular incident comes to mind. After I was elected Vice-Chair of the Otero County Democratic party -- I think it was around 1994 -- Mary Gail ask me if I was going to attend the Legislative Dinner in Santa Fe. At that time, the price of the dinner ticket was $100. I didn't really have the money to go, which I expressed to her.

So I thought that would be the end of the conversation. But Mary Gail offered this suggestion: can you get 10 people that support you in your county to give you $10? if you can do this, I will find you a place to stay overnight. I did get those 10 people to donate. I attended the dinner. I spent the night at the home of one of Mary Gail's friends. It was important to her that as a county Vice-Chair I should attend this dinner. I made the effort to make it happen. I had a really good time. I met many people whom I consider my friends to this day. But without Mary Gail's encouragement I would not have gone.

Hardworking and Dedicated
In my opinion, Mary Gail is one of the hardest working Democrats I know. The position of National Committeewoman is a non-paying job, and it is a job with no budget. This past year she was in 12 states all at her own expense. She will  tell you it is not about the time and the expense. She does all this because she absolutely loves every minute of it. There are certainly sacrifices and adjustments that come with the responsibilities of the position -- like missing family celebrations, including her own birthday party. But I know Mary Gail does all of this because she feels strongly that electing Democrats to office will give us all a better life.

Better Communications
Communication  with the Democrats of New Mexico is very important to Mary Gail. She has a plan to propose to the state party to have a link on the state web-site for the National Committeeman and National Committeewoman to report on meetings of the DNC they have attended. This would be in addition to e-mail and personal phone calls, and would aim to keep all Democrats better informed of the important work being done by and at the DNC level of the party.

Reelect Mary Gail Gwaltney
To sum up, I am proud to know Mary Gail and to support her decision to continue serving in this full time, demanding position as National Committeewoman. Teamwork and her seniority will be most beneficial in our 2008 election, not only to elect a Democratic President but to have a tremendous chance to elect Democrats for the vacated Senate seat and three Congressional seats. Mary Gail is up to the challenge. I will be voting for my good friend on April 26, 2008. I hope you will join me.

Click for a brochure with more information about Mary Gail Gwaltney.

Thank you,
Stephanie L. DuBois

This is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois of Tularosa, New Mexico. Guest blogs are an opportunity for our readers to express their opinions on matters relevant to the blog. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

The DPNM's State Central Committee will elect one Committeewoman one Committeeman at their meeting on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at the Barcelona Suites in Albuquerque, to serve terms on the DNC starting next year. Mary Gail Gwaltney has served as New Mexico's DNC Committeewoman for a number of years and is running for reelection. She also serves on the DNC Executive Board.

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April 22, 2008 at 09:22 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Guest Blogger | Permalink


Gwaltney is apparently a moron. She says "I want a woman president." How stupid is THAT statement? She acts likes she's choosing between red and green. How did this nitwit get into a position of power?

Vote her out.

Posted by: Ed | May 14, 2008 2:00:37 PM

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