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    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Guest Blog: Bruce Barnaby for DNC Commiteeman

    On Saturday, April 26, the Democratic Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee will be electing a DNC Committeeman and Committeewoman to represent NM Dems on the Democratic National Committee. The terms of those elected this Saturday will begin next year. Below is a guest blog by Dallas Timmons supporting the candidacy of Bruce Barnaby for DNC Committeeman. I want to personally second what Dallas has to say. I believe Bruce would work tirelessly on our behalf, as he has for years within the State and County Party. No task is left undone and no problem remains unaddressed if Bruce is around.

    BbarnabyI first met Mr. Barnaby (right) when he agreed to help our group of mostly inexperienced grassroots activists learn the sometimes complicated ins and outs of getting more involved in the Dem Party and running for office within the Party structure. Bruce has been instrumental in helping many ordinary people become actively involved in Party affairs. He's also helped to improve how the Party operates through his service on the Rules Committee, as well as on the SCC and as a precinct chair. Very important to me -- he's a strong supporter of Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy.

    From SCC member Dallas Timmons:
    I know many of you as friends and many others through the SCC. I am taking this opportunity to ask you to support Bruce Barnaby to be our next Democratic Party National Committee Man from New Mexico. I have worked with Bruce over the last three years in the SCC and at the Rules Committee, which he now chairs. He is committed to a strong Democratic Party and recognizes that the party faces many challenges over the next four years. His FLYER (doc) outlines some of these as well as his commitment to maintain active communication with all of us and to seek our inputs on solutions.

    Meet Bruce
    Bruce will have a hospitality suite this Friday, April 26, from 5-7:00 PM at the Barcelona Suites (where the SCC meeting will be held on Saturday). Please come by and meet Bruce and take the opportunity to find out what his ideas are for this position.

    Thanks for your commitment to the party and please consider casting your vote for Bruce this Saturday at the SCC meeting.

    Dallas Timmons
    Ward 11A Chair (Bernalillo County)
    State Rules Committee member
    SCC member

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    April 24, 2008 at 06:00 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


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