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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bernalillo County Clerk Announces Expanded Early In-Person Voting for Primary

From Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk:
Registered voters of Bernalillo County will have the opportunity to vote early at 16 different locations throughout the County in the upcoming June 3rd Primary Election. Click for Flyer (pdf).

Only those who have registered as a Democrat or as a Republican by Tuesday, May 6, 2008 can participate in this election. In order to register to vote, individuals may call the County Clerk’s office at 505-468-1291 to request a form be sent to them or they may and fill out a form in-person in the Clerk’s office at One Civic Plaza, NW, 6th Floor. The County Clerk’s office encourages individuals to fill out registration forms in person in order to expedite processing.

County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver has expanded Early Voting opportunities from the statutorily mandated 12 locations to 16 locations. In addition, she has increased the average size of each location by 2000 square feet in order to accommodate more voters at each location.

“Expanding Early Voting has been a top priority for me since my appointment to this position,” said County Clerk ToulouseOliver, “The goal in selecting these sites was for most voters in the County to have access to an Early Voting site within a two mile radius of where they live.”

Early In-Person Absentee Voting begins May 6th at the County Clerk’s Office Annex in downtown Albuquerque – 620 Lomas, NW. The hours of operation for this location are as follows:

Early In-Person Voting at satellite locations throughout the County will begin on Saturday May 17th at the following locations:

Tijeras City Hall
12 Camino Municipal - Tijeras

Paradise Hills Community Center
5901 Paradise Blvd NW

Los Ranchos Villa
6601 4th St NW Suites A,B, C

Coors Plaza
3200 Coors NW Suite A

Integrity Plaza
1512 Wyoming NE Suites F&G

Plaza Paseo Del Norte
9231 Coors NW Suite R-8

Siesta Hills Shopping Center
5407 Gibson SE

Del Norte Shopping Center
7120 Wyoming NE Suite 16

Market Center East
11110 Lomas NE Suite E-4

98th & Central Shopping Center
120 98th St NW Suite B-5

Goff Plaza
1720 Bridge SW Suite G

Daskalos Shopping Center
5339 & 5339A Menaul NE

Juan Tabo Plaza
11012 Montgomery NE

CNM – South Valley Campus
5816 Isleta Blvd., SW

University of New Mexico
Student Union Building

The hours of operation for Early in Person voting at these satellite locations are as follows:

For more information on Early Voting for the June 3rd 2008 Primary Election, please visit the Bernalillo County Clerk’s website at, or contact the Clerk’s Office at (505) 468.1291 or

Voting by mail-in absentee ballot begins on May 6, 2008. To request a ballot if you live in Bernalillo County, contact the Bernalillo County Clerk as noted in the previous paragraph.

For information on early in-person voting and absentee mail-in ballot voting in other counties, contact your County Clerk. Click for a listing of contact information for all County Clerks in New Mexico.

To check if you are registered to vote, visit Voter View online or call your county clerk. Click for more information on registering to vote in New Mexico.

April 8, 2008 at 12:50 PM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting, Local Politics | Permalink


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