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    Friday, April 04, 2008

    April 9: Equal Voices for America's Families Town Hall Meeting

    From EVAF: Equal Voices for America's Families is a campaign for a family-led movement for social change. The goal is to change attitudes and policies affecting poor and working families. Over the next year, America will hear directly from families. Campaign members are hosting a series of town hall meetings across the US to develop and mobilize support for a national platform that addresses issues of concern identified by famlies. The campaign will also hold a national town hall in Los Angeles, Chicago and Birmingham on September 6, 2008.

    APRIL 9, 2008, Registration begins at 5:30 PM
    SOUTH BROADWAY Cultural Center, 1025 Broadway SE

    Food, child care, and transportation available. For More info: Call Pat at 298-0577 at 6-9 PM or email at Phines44@aol.com.

    Working together - we can change local, state and national policies to create a more just society. Representatives from ABQ Town Hall will be invited to Los Angeles. COME HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Elected officals are invited to listen!

    ABQ Campaign Endorsers: Marguerite Casey Foundation; United South Broadway Corp; Community Coalition for Health Care Access; Anti-Racisim Training Institute; Kalpulli Izkalli, La Colmena, Inc.; ABQ Neighborhood Action Group; Americans for Indian Opportunity; Isshin Ryu Club; St. Joseph Community Health; Inspired Leadership/KUNM; Church of God in Christ;  Ron Wallace, Fighting AIDS in the Homeland; African American Health and Social Services; Cuidando Los Ninos; St. Francis Parish; Jerry Ortiz Y Pino; HELP-New Mexico; St. Francis Xavier; Teresa Brito Asenap; APS Center of Extended Learning; James Lujan, Principal Eugene Field Elementary; IPCC/IPM; Southwest Organizing Project; Anjelica Anaya Allen, Senior Citizen Law Office; City of Albuquerque Office of Neighborhood Coordination; John Marshall Multi- Service Center; Dr. Callie Cone; West Central Communtity Development Group; Urban Indian Advocacy Program; God's Way Church; Health Action NM; Southwest Network for Economic and Environmental Justice; Chris Baca, YDI.

    April 4, 2008 at 10:22 AM in Economy, Populism, Events, Labor, Poverty | Permalink


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