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    Friday, March 21, 2008

    Video: Richardson Endorses Obama

    Bravo. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama for President today with a strong speech at an electric campaign rally in Portland, Oregon. Read all about it. Join Gov. Richardson in supporting Obama by donating right now to Barack's campaign.

    Video of Obama thanking Richardson at the event:

    So when are John Edwards and Al Gore coming aboard?

    Gov. Richardson's endorsement at this moment in time seems to be more about convincing other superdelegates, the media and the Clinton team that there's no point in Hillary continuing on, than about influencing voters in the remaining primaries. I think Richardson is acting to drive home the point that Obama's nomination is inevitable now, and that further battling beween the two candidates can only serve to help McCain. I think the Dem ranks are closing around Obama, at last.

    Also see my previous post on Gov. Richardson's endorsement.

    March 21, 2008 at 01:35 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics | Permalink


    Bill Richardson once again has proven that he is more interested in his own self-seeking agenda then supporting what the people of New Mexico have indicated they want. HRC won the NM primary. For months now after dropping out of the race Richardson made very public his non-committal position by repeating on a weekly basis if not more in the national media. He repeatedly stated that it wasn't his job to endorse candidates but to govern the state of New Mexico and yet just like during his pitiful campaign for the Presidency he took time away from his job as Governor of NM to make the public appearances to state that his job was not to endorse candidates but govern NM. Just admit it Bill, you were hoping to be offered the VP spot to get you to climb off the fence. I got news for you Barack, neither the Hispanics of this nation much less the Hispanics in NM are in lock step behind Richardson. Don't worry he will be trying to see what he can squeeze out of you too. What Richardson has done in his term and a half as NM Governor is certainly commendable but it is obvious that for the most part it has been to promote himself for the Pres. Since even before the campaign moved into full swing Richardson was claiming to have made NM one of the top states in the nation in renewable energy which if any one has checked they would find was more then just a real stretch, but since he has dropped out this along with many other initiatives have fallen by the wayside. The good news is that Richardson has now held every public office in NM that he might be interested in except for possibly a US Senate seat (which by the way one is currently being vacated) but Richardson instead opted to run for King and lost. Bill, maybe you can once again convince someone who doesn’t really know you and of what value you really are just as you did the Clintons. Watch your back Obama.

    Posted by: MC | Mar 21, 2008 9:17:44 PM

    It seems that Bill "is screwed if he does, and screwed if he doesn't." If he had endorsed Clinton, people would have said he wanted the VP spot, and was being opportunistic you make the same accusation with the Obama endorsement. I personally think he showed real courage to endorse Obama, despite the deep Clinton ties. With this endorsement, he said this race is beyond him, it's about us and the future. Way to go Bill!

    Posted by: Nortena | Mar 21, 2008 9:56:39 PM

    Bill endorsed Obama to make this statement: Dems should stop fighting among themselves and start focusing upon winning the general election.

    Posted by: Mandales | Mar 22, 2008 3:21:32 PM

    What we need for that to happen is for Clinton to face reality and get out of the way. If she were any other candidate she would have withdrawn from the race long ago but they don't take advice from anyone because of their Clinton admin clout. This is very sad and damaging. There is no way for Hillary to win unless she destroys Obama.

    Posted by: Fired Up | Mar 22, 2008 3:25:49 PM

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