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    Monday, March 10, 2008

    Tim Keller: Truly a Progressive Dem

    Recently I've been writing positive things about Tim Keller, who's a progressive Dem running in the primary for State Senator in District 17. I've had a chance to talk with Tim at some length, and he spoke at last week's DFA-DFNM Meetup, making a very positive impression on the group with his passion and his positions. There's a lot of excitement in the progressive community about Keller's candidacy, including right here on this blog.

    Unfortunately, I noticed that there's an item on Monahan today trying to make an issue of the fact that when Keller was 18 he registered as a Republican. Tim was also an independent for some years afterwards as he involved himself in exploring life and finding his niche -- before developing a focused political identity. It appears that Tim's opponent, four-term incumbent Shannon Robinson (SD-17), may try to use this to discredit Tim, but it's clear to me that Keller has a solid record he can stand by.

    Monahan could have explained what Tim was doing when he wasn't registering himself as a Democrat. What was he up to? Among other things, getting a top notch education and helping to develop an innovative non-profit program overseas:

    Since returning to New Mexico, he's been busy working at his regular job in addition to volunteering for groups that foster economic opportunities in Albuquerque's Southeast Heights—putting his business skills to work in the district where he lives. He also serves on the boards of numerous groups in the state and has helped develop small businesses here. The sum of his experiences led him to run for office as a Democrat -- because core Democratic values match his own heartfelt values. As Tim says:

    "I have been a registered Republican, an Independent, and a Democrat. I am not a political insider and have got my experiences and values from things outside of politics, through community involvement, economic development and poverty alleviation both abroad and in New Mexico."

    "I have a record I am proud to explain. I was born and raised in New Mexico. I went away to school and lived and worked overseas to improve the lives of disenfranchised people. I paid attention to issues more than I did politics. But now, I want to take those same organizing, civic minded skills to politics and the public sector--to help people.

    "I became a progressive Democrat thoughtfully and through conviction."

    I don't know about you, but I have a lot of respect for a real Dem who started out in a Republican family, became successful in the business world, found a way to put his business acumen to work to help people in need help themselves -- and decided to run for office to serve his community.

    Unfortunately, there are too many politicians in office today who call themselves Democrats but who have lost their way and abandoned many of their Dem ideals in order to acquire and hang onto power and clout. From my point of view, Tim's the real deal, and he came to his political identity through his rich experiences in life, as well as a conscious choice. I hope he's a harbinger of many more caring, progressive candidates to come, in his generation and beyond.

    To read our previous coverage of New Mexico legislative races, visit our archive.

    March 10, 2008 at 07:16 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


    Go Tim. Shannon Robinson hasn't done anything for his district for years. Time for new energy.

    Posted by: Voter | Mar 11, 2008 4:10:29 PM

    Really ? Then why are many of his contributors ( actually fundraising co sponsors ) Republican ? Has he ever attended a public school ? What did he do in the US Senate ? Not to mention the track record of his employers.He's lived in this district less than 200 days. Let us take the mesure of the man. BTW I liked his answer better ; " My Daddy made me do it "

    Posted by: Lisa | Mar 19, 2008 11:22:43 AM

    I see Shannon's hit people are out and about with vague claims. I guess all Shannon R. has to depend on are smear tactics cuz he's been so bought off by special interests like the tobacco meanies. I'm voting for Tim and encourage others to check him out personally. He has wonderful positions on the issues.

    Read his website-some of his service includes: Board Member, Open Hands Foundation, providing economic and health assistance to elderly New Mexicans. Parliamentarian, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. Volunteer Docent, National Hispanic Cultural Center.

    He's a democratic party ward chair too. He was even an Eagle Scout!

    Posted by: | Mar 19, 2008 1:02:40 PM

    I met Tim recently and he's the real deal. Got my vote.

    Posted by: Robert L. | Mar 20, 2008 1:33:30 AM

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