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    Wednesday, March 12, 2008

    Taos Events for Peace: 5th Anniversary Iraq Invasion

    From Taos Food Not Bombs: During the week of the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion the Taos Peace House and Infoshop will host a number of informative events:

    Friday, March 14, 2008, GI Coffee Houses with Ron Edwards and Veterans For Peace: Ron will be speaking about his song "You Have Forgotten Me" and playing his benefit album for Homeless Veterans. There are almost 200,000 Homeless Veterans on the streets in America on any given night. The Homeless Veterans are in dire straits and the situation is only getting worse. You can hear his song and make a donation for homeless vets at www.youhaveforgottenme.com

    Saturday, March 15, 2008, TAOS FOOD NOT BOMBS: Meet at the Taos Peace House at 11:00 AM to help us start cooking at the Community Kitchen. Help us share the meal at the Taos Plaza at 2:00 PM. www.foodnotbombs.net/taos.html

    Saturday, March 15, 2008, MARCH FOR PEACE WITH IRAQ: March for peace on the fifth anniversary of the war on Iraq. Meet 1:00 PM at the Taos Peace house and Infoshop and march to The Plaza for a rally and  a free hot meal by Taos Food Not Bombs. Please bring signs and friends. Tens of thousands of people will be marching in their communities for an end to the war on Iraq.

    Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Z DAY: The move Zeitgeist will be screened at the Taos Peace House. A day of Awareness and Activism on the global showing of the documentary Zeitgeist. www.zeitgeistmovie.com.

    Sunday, March 16, 2008 (Every Sunday at 10:30 AM) Friends Meeting/Quakers: Every week the Friends or Quakers meet at the Peace House. Everyone is welcome. Please join us.

    Sunday, March 16, 2008 (and the third Sunday of each month at 12:30 PM), Veterans For Peace Taos Chapter 98 General Meeting. All veterans welcome. https://www.vets4peacetaos.org

    Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Book Reading by author Mike Palecek: March for peace on the fifth anniversary of the war on Iraq. Details soon. He will be featuring his last two books Cost of Freedom and Iowa Terror

    Cost of Freedom is a non-fiction anthology of current American peace movement. The book is published by Howling Dog Press of Colorado. It's a coffee-table style book with lots of photos, some are in color. It has been endorsed widely. Go here for more information: https://costoffreedombook.blogspot.com. Iowa Terror is a new novel.

    Tuesday, March 18, 2008 (and every Tuesday at 7:00 PM): Inner Smile Meditation - Six Healing Sounds

    Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - Death and Taxes by Taos Film Maker Jeff Jackson: The documentary Death and Taxes, featuring one citizen's fight for freedom against the IRS, will be shown at the TCA to benefit the Taos Peace House and Infoshop, starting at 7:00 PM. Death and Taxes is a 1993 documentary film directed by Jeffery J. Jackson about Gordon Kahl, a tax protester who was killed in a shootout with local law enforcement officials in Smithville, Arkansas in

    Thursday, March 20, 2008 - The Great American Meatout: The Great American Meatout is the world's largest and oldest annual grassroots diet education campaign. www.meatout.org

    The Taos Peace House and Infoshop
    801 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte, Taos, New Mexico
    575-776-3880 and 575-758-8819
    Please drop by and see what we are doing. We are just north of Cids Grocery next to the Laughing Horse Inn Bed and Breakfast. Volunteers are needed.

    March 12, 2008 at 09:51 AM in Events, Iraq War, Peace | Permalink


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