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    Tuesday, March 25, 2008

    Saturday: Celebrate César Chávez Day

    From the Recuerda A César Chávez Committee: The 2008 César Chávez celebration in Albuquerque will take place on Saturday, March 29th. The theme of this year’s celebration –- “Celebrating the Past, Continuing the Struggle” -– is meant to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the long walk, highlight the importance of the Latino vote in the 2008 elections and to call for a César Chávez national holiday. We have a lot to celebrate, but realize that the struggle continues. Click for FLYER (pdf).

    The day will begin at 9 AM at the Sanchez Farm (Lopez and Arenal) with a service learning project, including planting seeds and working the land. Bring a shovel! There will also be live music and a planting ceremony. At 11 AM we will then march from the Sanchez Farm to the National Hispanic Cultural Center (4th Street and Avenida César Chávez), where a rally and cultural celebration will be held from noon until 3 PM with speakers, poets, performances and live music. This year, our featured performance is the musical group Nosotros! Food will be available for purchase from La Fonda del Bosque Restaurant. Learn more.

    March 25, 2008 at 08:53 AM in Events, Labor, Local Politics, Minority Issues | Permalink


    Did you know that Cesar Chavez, in addition to being a community leader and progressive social activist was also an ethical vegan? He believed that the way humans are treated and the way animals are treated are interrelated. His exact words were "I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry and unhappy like we do. I feel very deeply about vegetarianism and the animal kingdom. It was my dog Boycott who led me to question the right of humans to eat other sentient beings." Let's not forget our compassionate leader.

    Sabia usted que Cesar Chavez, aparte de ser un lider comunitario y un activista social progresivo era tambien "vegan". Vegan quiere decir una persona que aparte de no consumir animales, tampoco usaba productos que provinieran de ellos. No tomaba leche, no comia carne ni pescado, ni queso, ni crema, porque el sabia la manera en que los animales son explotados y abusados hoy en dia. Sus palabras exactas fueron, "Yo me volvi vegetariano/vegan cuando me di cuenta que los animales sentian miedo, dolor, frio, hambre, y tristeza como nosotros. Fue mi perro "boicot" quien me llevo a cuestionar nuestros derechos a maltratar a seres con sentimientos. Yo creo profundamente en el vegetarianismo y en el reino animal". No olvidemos a nuestro gran lider y su compasion por los animales.

    Posted by: Adriana Martin | Mar 26, 2008 3:21:32 PM

    Cesar Chavez was indeed a compassionate vegetarian for the last 25 years of his life. He denounced slaughterhouses, hunting, bullfights, cockfights, dogfights and rodeos.

    Posted by: Brien Comerford | Apr 14, 2008 9:54:12 AM

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