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    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Register TODAY to Vote for NM Delegates to Denver Convention

    If you want a say in who represents your Congressional District as a pledged delegate or alternate to the Democratic Convention in Denver on August 25-28, of if you want to run for a delegate slot yourself, you must act today. On April 19, 2008, Conventions will be held in all three of New Mexico's Congressional Districts to elect pledged delegates and alternates. In order to vote for pledged delegates and alternates to the DNC Convention who will represent the presidential candidates as allocated by our Dem Presidential Preference Caucus last month, you must either be:

    The district delegate registration form, available here for download, must be completed and received by the Democratic Party of New Mexico by 5:00 PM TODAY, March 20, 2008, indicating you wish to serve as a delegate or alternate to the District Convention. (See below for email address and fax number.) In order to vote at a District Convention, you must do so in person. No proxy voting will be allowed. A total of 17 pledged delegates and 3 alternates will be elected at the District Conventions, and will be equally apportioned by gender and by Congressional District.

    Click for more info on each of the three District Conventions to be held on April 19, 2008:

    There are a number of loyal, active Democrats who are running to be pledged delegates to the national convention to support either Clinton or Obama. You can also run to be a DNC delegate if you file this pledge form by 5:00 PM TODAY, March 20, 2008.

    Check in at the DPNM's 2008 DNC Delegate Center Page to learn more. Or click to see the delegate plan rules governing the selection process. If you have any questions, contact the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

    Democratic Party of New Mexico
    1301 San Pedro NE
    Albuquerque, NM 87110
    Fax (505) 830-3645
    Phone: 505-830-3650 (main) ยท 1-800-624-2457 (toll-free)

    March 20, 2008 at 09:52 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


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