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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Olbermann Special Comment on Clinton-Ferraro Damaging Duet

March 13, 2008 at 02:12 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


It's painful to witness Clinton supporters twist and turn to try and downplay or excuse the obviously orchestrated race and gender baiting performed by Ferraro to stir the waters for Hillary. Ferraro's continued negative and nasty comments continued long after her first statement to a newspaper and ended up playing both the race card and the I'm the victim card.

Hillary can't win on the numbers so she's going for the gusto with the old divide and conquer tactics of Rove. It makes me sick that she's turning this race into her own personal toilet. Shame on her and Ferraro. This is another in the pattern of negative race remarks made by Bill Clinton, Bill Shaheen, Bob Kerrey, BET's Robert Johnson and others.

She IS a monster for being willing to have her campaign say or do anything to try and demolish her Democratic opponent.

Posted by: | Mar 13, 2008 9:20:04 AM

Hillary is pushing how she'll bring more jobs. I guess she forgot how she and her husband pushed NAFTA, deregulated Wall Street and banking and kissed up to big media corporations. The jobs during Bill's administration came from the tech bubble that crashed soon after he left office.

HRC lies, lies, lies.

Posted by: Still Fired Up | Mar 13, 2008 2:04:31 PM

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