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Thursday, March 27, 2008

NM-03: Wiviott Endorses "A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq"

Darcy Burner, Dem Congressional candidate in WA-08, and Major General Paul Eaton worked together, with input from other distinguished experts, to produce "A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq." The plan was unveiled at the recent Take Back America Conference in Washington DC. Its supporters are encouraging candidates for U.S. House and Senate seats and others to band together and formally endorse the plan so they can be on the record about the policies they support to end the Iraq occupation and change course to a more rational policy in the region. In this way, the grassroots/netroots can target support to candidates who are willing to demonstrate their commitment to bringing our troops home in an expeditious manner and working to make meaningful diplomacy and green energy intiatives top priorities.

WiviottHere's a list of the endorsers of the plan to date. Activists around the nation are being urged to submit the plan to U.S. House and Senate candidates in their districts and request their endorsements. NM-03 candidate Don Wiviott is the first New Mexican candidate to sign on. His campaign released the following statement today about his decision to support the plan:

Today, Don Wiviott officially joined 41 other congressional challengers across the country and endorsed “A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq,” a comprehensive, 36 page document endorsed by Major General Paul Eaton, Dr. Lawrence Korb (Asst. Secretary of Defense under President Reagan), Brigadier General John Johns and Captain Larry Seaquist (former Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning). The plan has also been endorsed by a 37 U.S. House candidates and 4 U.S. Senate candidates.

Endorsing the plan, Don Wiviott said, “It's time to bring George Bush and Dick Cheney's foreign policy disaster to a responsible end. Make no mistake about it - fixing the quagmire that Bush, Cheney and the Washington Republicans created won't be easy. But with this plan, we have a thoughtful and responsible approach to bring our troops home, promote stability in Iraq, deal with the humanitarian crisis and take care of our troops when they come home. I’m pleased to endorse this comprehensive and responsible plan to bring the war in Iraq to an honorable end.”

Joining Wiviott in endorsing the plan is Major General Paul Eaton. From 2003 – 2004, Major General Eaton served in Baghdad and was charged with rebuilding the Iraqi army. He said, “What we’re after with this plan is a means of responsibly concluding the military war in Iraq... I’m proud of this document and the people that produced it.”

In Congress, Wiviott will work with America’s military leaders and fight for legislation that keeps our troops safe and restores America’s strength on the international stage. Wiviott will stand up to the Bush Republicans that seek to continue a failed strategy in Iraq costing lives and untold billions.

The Responsible Plan endorsed by Wiviott includes the following major components:

End U.S. military action in Iraq. There is no military solution in Iraq. Our current course unacceptably holds U.S. strategic fortunes hostage to events in Iraq that are beyond our control; we must change course. Using diplomatic, political, and economic power, we can responsibly end the war and removing all of our troops from Iraq.

Leverage U.S. Diplomatic Power. Much of the remaining work to be completed in Iraq requires the effective use of diplomatic power. Many of Iraq's neighbors are currently contributing to instability and need to be persuaded to assist instead in stabilization.

Address Humanitarian Crisis. The humanitarian crisis caused by Iraq's situation is destabilizing to the region and damaging to America's moral credibility. We must both take responsibility for the Iraqis who are now endangered because of their assistance to the U.S. and begin to address the regional problems of displaced Iraqis.

Restore Our Military. Repairing the damage done to our military will require reforms in contracting procedures, restoring benefits for members of the military and veterans, and investment in repairing or replacing damaged military equipment.

Move America Toward Energy Independence. Finally, we are clearly tied to Iraq through our dependence on oil, which makes us vulnerable. Moving away from that dependence is necessary for strategic, economic, and environmental reasons.

For a full copy of the plan, visit www.responsibleplan.com/plan.

March 27, 2008 at 12:34 PM in Energy, Iraq War, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


Darcy Burner is great. She almost beat King County sheriff Dave Reichert (the current WA-08 officeholder) back in 2004 and had a lot of progressive support for her campaign. Good for Don for signing, now Martin needs to get on board.

While this is likely the best political/diplomatic/military solution that is realistically available to end the current Iraq crisis, I have to say that I do not believe that there is any *responsible* way to exit Iraq, and that this plan is the least irresponsible of a bunch of bad options - get all troops and contractors out immediately. (Does the plan address contractors? I don't have time right now to read it from up here in Seattle.)

Posted by: Jason Call | Mar 27, 2008 1:13:02 PM

Here is one more reason why I believe that Don Wiviott is the best candidate for Congressional Representative from District 2. Thank you Don for one more very positive statement.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Mar 27, 2008 5:49:55 PM

I would like to hear specifics regarding US taxpayer backed mercenary armies in Iraq.
Get them out too. Cut off the funds.
Do more than ape platitudes such as "holding them accountable."
Get them out! Stop paying them. Make them illegal.

Posted by: qofdisks | Mar 27, 2008 10:10:42 PM

See p.11
"Iraq Study Group Recommendation #22: The pResident should state that the United States does not seek permanent military bases in Iraq"

Didn't he already do that? Oh...right...he lied.

p.17 "Preventing Future Iraqs...The American
people believe that the use of U.S. military force should be a last resort." (actually, I think quite a lot of them don't - what they don't like is to lose) "Preventing this administration(and future ones) from violating this precept, which has guided U.S. foreign policy thinking for decades, is of tremendous importance." (this too, is a complete misstatement - the American economy has been bolstered by war, direct and indirect, since WWII. American Foreign Policy has been guided by covert ops, subversion of democracy, support of tyrants, racism and xenophobia, and of course, corporate military-industrial complex profits.)

OMG, I sound like Rev. Wright, someone better disown me quick.

This Responsible Plan talks about making contractors accountable for the services they are supposed to provide, and 'phasing out' mercenaries like Blackwater...but does not address the fact that it is Iraqi businesses - not just Iraqi workers - that should be being paid to rebuild the country that we have destroyed. Paying the Iraqi people some kind of subsistence wage so they aren't joining militias is one thing, but that is not giving the Iraqis an opportunity to stabilize their own economy through their own business ownership and contracts. The bulk of that money still flows out of Iraq if the contractors are US companies simply employing Iraqi workers.

Contractors out. Period. All of them. There's some good stuff in this plan, but its not enough.

Posted by: Jason Call | Mar 27, 2008 11:15:15 PM

No plan that can get widespread public support can address every aspect to our satisfaction but this one is a very good starting point and I'm appreciative of those who are publicly endorsing it.

The fact is that until we get Bush out of there, noone really knows what's going on in Iraq and within our government and military so it's hard to devise a perfect plan that will be effective given conditions.

Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 28, 2008 9:20:02 AM

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