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    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    New Poll, Teague vs. McCamley: Money Can't Buy Me Love?

    The primary competition between Dems Bill McCamley and Harry Teague in New Mexico's Second Congressional District has been characterized as a contest between grassroots campaigning and big oil money. I don't think that's far from the truth and, at least for now, the grassroots candidate is winning -- big. McCamley beat Teague at the recent Dem Preprimary Convention by a margin of 48.71% of the delegate votes to Teague's 36.47%, followed by Al Kissling (13.41%) and Frank McKinnon (1.41%). Kissling and McKinnon have since dropped out of the race, and the odds are that most of Kissling's supporters will probably switch to McCamley.

    Now, McCamley's campaign has released initial polling results that show McCamley leading Teague by a huge margin:

    Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research 3/17-19 (likely Democratic primary voters):

    Bill McCamley (D): 43%
    Harry Teague (D): 22%
    Undecided: 35%
    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    Click for polling results and memo. Quote:

    McCamley leads Teague in every demographic group, including Hispanics and Anglos, men and women, and across most of the district. He leads Teague by more than 50 points in Doña Ana County and is tied with him in the eastern part of the district, where Teague lives.

    Granted, about 35% of those polled in NM-02 are still undecided, but McCamley's taking a 21 point lead over a deep pocket candidate with support from the lieutenant governor and the entrenched interests of New Mexico's wealthy oil patch denizens is quite an achievement any way you look at it.

    Remember, Teague backed his own campaign with a personal loan to the tune of $200,00. Yet, at the end of 2007, Teague had only $362,735 on hand and carried the $200,000 debt from the loan -- even with the backing of his fellow oil business pals. Meanwhile, McCamley had more than $212,00 on hand and not a cent of debt. Even better, much of that total consists of small donations from ordinary people. McCamley's running a lean and mean campaign. That fact, and his impressive poll numbers, should significantly bolster his fundraising clout.

    What Does It All Mean?
    First off, that Dona Ana County Commissioner McCamley is a very impressive and tireless campaigner. He gives a highly entertaining and passionate campaign speech. He's willing to travel the huge District and win over voters one by one, face to face, by listening to their problems and responding with common sense solutions. In addition, his positions are in line with voter concerns in what's clearly a change election cycle. And he's obviously being viewed as a straight shooter who can bring fresh ideas to the status-quo-filled halls of Congress. In race after race across the country, voters are rejecting candidates who draw their support from vested interests and supporting candidates who appeal directly to the people and pledge to bring the fight to Washington on behalf of their needs.

    To Help
    McCamley is trying to raise an additional $30,000 before his 30th birthday on April 1st. Click to before the March 31st campaign filing deadline for the first quarter of 2008.

    Click to see the rest of McCamley's campaign videos. Too read our previous coverage of the NM-02 Congressional race, visit our archive.

    March 26, 2008 at 03:29 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


    I have a question. Is this group, Democracy for New Mexico, supporting the three white liberal candidates for congress?

    Posted by: da | Mar 27, 2008 7:54:54 AM

    Everyone I know is supporting the candidates they think are best for the job because of their positions and ethics, not their ethnicity. Why, do you support only candidates who are Hispanic?

    Posted by: Question | Mar 27, 2008 9:37:03 AM

    Honestly, the only reason I see Teague is in this race is because he knew he lacked the name recognition to run as a Republican't.

    Posted by: Rodney | Mar 27, 2008 10:17:27 AM

    Wow!! Did I hit a nerve. Just asking. I'm for electing a democrat, no matter the skin color. Can anyone tell me when a liberal, such as McCamley, was elected from CD-2? I can't in my research. By the way, I come from a liberal family. Also, I'm for unions and proud of it.

    Posted by: da | Mar 27, 2008 11:01:38 AM

    Well why were you asking, da? Why should anyone care if anyone is supporting candidates who are white or not? Why does that matter to you?

    I think McCamley is progressive in his ideas and pragmatic and common sense in his approach. He is focused on the future not the past. Teague is all about the past and the status quo. We need to move forward not stay where we are or move back.

    Posted by: I Vote | Mar 27, 2008 11:28:59 AM

    The Republicans are scared of Mccamley, thats why Teague is in this one, to hurt him in the primary. To make him spend his money.
    I would like to know what Teauge has done for the common people?
    Will he support Health care for all? I doubt it. What other Democrat ideals has he supported?

    Posted by: George | Mar 27, 2008 4:04:03 PM

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