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    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Happy Birthday, Cocoposts

    CocopostsFor a state with a small population New Mexico has one of the finest collections of progressive bloggers in the country. (For comparison, check out another large but low population state like Maine.) Over the past several years New Mexico's progressive blogsphere has grown by leaps and bounds in terms of the number of blogs, their quality and the degree of networking that goes on among them. Moreover, each blog seems to have carved out a distinctive niche, its own unique angle on things, amidst the larger community. Go click on the links located down a bit on my left-hand sidebar under the heading NM Blogs to see what I mean.

    A key piece of the New Mexico blogging community is Coco's fine blog at https://cocoposts.typepad.com/. Cocoposts, Albuquerque People, Places, Politics, Planning and a Big Dog, is also one of the most unusual. Coco provides indepth insight into New Mexico's development empire and our archaic planning process, along with a myriad of observations on places, animals, food, movies and more. Why do we read it? Because we want to understand and we want to do it with a chuckle. Thank you, Coco. And happy third birthday to Cocoposts!

    (Aside ... want to see the first Cocopost from March 20, 2005? Click here. Hat tip to SP.)

    March 20, 2008 at 08:32 AM in Progressivism, Web/Tech | Permalink


    One of our finest blogs in the city.

    A great, great amount of blogging talent in the city and Coco is among the top in the biz. Always one of the first stops in my morning is to see what Coco wrote.

    Posted by: | Mar 20, 2008 10:22:54 AM

    Happy B'day Cocoposts. I actually made a perfect margarita for you as part of the celebration. I need to sample it now to make sure it's still perfect...

    Yup, it's good.

    Posted by: suz | Mar 20, 2008 2:47:47 PM

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