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    Monday, March 31, 2008

    State Senate District 14: Step Up to the Plate for Eric Griego

    Egriego1Former Albuquerque City Councilor Eric Griego is running for NM Senate in the Dem primary in District 14, taking on incumbent Dem James Taylor. Visit Eric's campaign website to learn more, sign up to help or make a donation. You might also be interested in checking out a new interview with Eric on the local blog A Female New Mexican's Political Point of View.

    Griego has already receive two important endorsements -- from Conservation Voters New Mexico and the Albuquerque Area Firefighters Union IAFF Local 244.

    When progressive grassroots candidates like Eric take on entrenched interests, they need all the help they can get -- from those who live in their districts and those who don't. Electing another State Senator who's dedicated to issues like ethics and campaign reform, clean energy jobs, universal health care and effective improvements in our schools benefits all of us, not just those who live in a particular district. Consider volunteering to canvass door-to-door for Griego's campaign regardless of where you live. Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on.

    The campaign needs at least 25 volunteers each week between now and the primary election on June 3rd to reach voters door-to-door and by telephone. Please contact Eric's campaign today to sign up by callin Field Coordinator Marti Tully at 907-7752.

    Click to see our previous posts on Eric Griego's campaign for NM Senate:

    March 31, 2008 at 02:21 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


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