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    Wednesday, March 19, 2008

    Eric Griego Files for Senate District 14 with Strong Petition Support

    From the Eric Griego campaign:
    Eric Griego filed all necessary paperwork in Santa Fe yesterday for State Senate in District 14, including 645 petition signatures, which represents 20 percent of all residents who voted in the last Democratic primary. 

    Senate District 14 includes the Barelas neighborhood where Eric was born and raised along with several other neighborhoods in Albuquerque, much of the South Valley, Isleta Pueblo, East Mountain communities and the Bosque Farms area in Valencia County.  As a former Albuquerque City Councilor, Eric represented nearly one third of the Senate district from 2001-2005. Since January, Eric has walked every weekend and, along with volunteers, has worked tirelessly to meet and talk with voters at their doors.   

    "The message I'm getting from talking to voters at their doors is that we need a change in the way things are done in Santa Fe," Griego said. "Many voters in this district feel their State Senator must make sure that the basic needs of our district like roads and schools are a priority."

    A total of 54 nominating signatures from voters in District were required; Eric turned in 645.  Eric previously represented eight of the 29 precincts in Senate District 14, and he won most of them in his City Council election and in his 2005 Mayoral campaign.   

    "Voters I have talked to want a state senator who is committed to championing the interests of our community - not the special interests of corporate lobbyists," Griego said. "In addition to working to address the important state policy issues like healthcare for all, better schools and ethics reform, they want their senator to help get the roads, parks and community facilities that improve the quality of life for our families."

    Eric will likely face incumbent James Taylor in the Democratic Primary on June 3, 2008, assuming Taylor files the minimum number of valid petition signatures.

    Eric has over two decades of practicing, teaching and studying public policy, including work at the local, state, national and international level.  In addition to his prior elected office as an Albuquerque City Councilor, he has served as the Assistant Secretary of Economic Development for New Mexico. Today, he is the Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children, a non-profit policy, research and advocacy organization.

    More can be found about Eric Griego at his website www.ericgriegofornewmexico.com.

    March 19, 2008 at 12:35 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


    Throughout the past year I have been reading and following the stories on this website. I find it very disturbing how this website is labeled as "Democracy For New Mexico" when it is in fact "We want our candidate to win and will exploit our candidate as much as we can while making the other candidate look bad." The "Democracy for New Mexico" followers have turned into a party within a party. If this is supposed to be a place where every candidate is given equal opportunity, then present it that way. If you are going to support a specific candidate then give the other candidate the opportunity to present themselves in the same way you present "your candidate." Otherwise, it is going to become a place that divides the party instead of unites the party. On a positive note, I do appreciate the intent behind the site and I really do think it can be a good thing for the party if it is presented in a more fair way. The reason why I am posting this comment here is because ever since Eric Griego announced his candidacy for senate, it has been all about him, and his qualifications. Why not contact Senator Taylor or research what he has brought to the south valley as a senator and a representative. That will give the voters who have become so familiar with Mr. Griego the opportunity to see what Senator Taylor brings to the plate as well. That is what democracy is about, educating the voters about "both" candidates in order to make an educated decision on who is the best person for the job.

    Posted by: concerneddem | Mar 19, 2008 9:30:40 AM

    concerneddem: This is a blog that's dedicated to supporting progressive causes and candidates, including ethics and campaign finance reform and other such issues. Naturally I post about candidates who are focused on these kinds of issues. Blogs like this one are by definition places where the blogger's opinions are expressed. It's not a "neutral" site.

    Also, this site is not an official Democratic Party site, though I do report on many Democratic activities, events and issues.

    You can read a description of the blog's goals and what it represents by clicking on the About Democracy for New Mexico link in the upper left-hand corner of the page. The opinions I blog about are my own.

    Democrats are diverse, with many factions and issue-based advocates expressing their views freely and competing for support. I think that's healthy, not harmful. Our politics are not top-down like those of the Republicans and of course during primary season various individuals and groups will support different candidates and be vocal about it.

    Readers are free to express their comments as you have done or to start their own opinion blogs that express their views.

    Posted by: | Mar 19, 2008 10:57:31 AM

    Sorry Barb. Now that you put it in that perspective, I can understand your reasoning. I have been a life long democrat and I have been involved in many different ways, seen the good, the bad,the ugly, and the one thing I have never liked was how we as democrats become so involved in our own inner-party conflicts that we lose focus on what we are trying to accomplish. Comments I read on this blog sometimes add fuel to the fire and probably provide republicans with a weekly dose of democratic foolery. I encourage debate about issues, when it is conducted in a way that is not intentionally favorable to one person or another. I just ask that if you are going to support a candidate with "progressive causes" at least inform other voters why that candidate is more "progressive" that the others. Thanks

    Posted by: concerneddem | Mar 19, 2008 12:06:12 PM

    Is it too late to start an initiative petition drive for the November Ballot?

    Posted by: Be Sargent | Apr 8, 2008 10:32:41 AM

    Yes. The filing deadline is past for getting on the June 3 primary ballot for each major party. I'm not sure about how independents or other parties might get on the November ballot. You should check with your county clerk.

    | Apr 8, 2008 11:22:27 AM

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