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    Saturday, March 29, 2008

    CUANM Campaign School: Building Political Capital for the Future

    From the Credit Union Association of NM:
    Campaign school open to all prospective candidates: Running for public office, whether on a local, state or national level, is challenging. Qualifications, strategy, fund-raising and budget, and working with the media are just a few of the aspects candidates need to consider before tossing their hats in the political ring.

    The Credit Union Association of New Mexico (CUANM), in conjunction with the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), is holding a Campaign School on April 29, at the CUANM Albuquerque office to encourage and help potential candidates. The event is nonpartisan and all candidates or anyone considering running for public office are welcome.

    Guest speakers include New Mexico political strategist Joe Monahan, Secretary of State Mary Herrera, CUNA senior vice president of political affairs Richard Gose, CUNA political director Trey Hawkins and national political media strategists.

    These campaign professionals will discuss ways to sharpen campaign skills and manage strategies, as well as presenting information on fund-raising, communications, legal concerns, motivating voters, working with volunteers and many other issues candidates will encounter.

    Who should attend? Candidates for local offices, city council, mayor and county commission; state Legislature and other statewide offices; campaign managers, fund-raisers, volunteer coordinators, political party leaders and community activists. Whether you are Republican, Democrat, third-party supporter or independent, the information at this school is valuable.

    The CUANM Campaign School will be Tuesday, April 29, from 8:30 AM to 4 PM at the CUANM office at 4200 Wolcott Ave., Albuquerque, in the Journal Center.

    Cost is $25 and includes lunch.

    To register, go to www.cuanmlearningcenter.org and click on the Campaign School registration link. Or contact CUANM vice president of governmental affairs Juan Fernández at 505-338-4233, 800-366-6628 ext. 2233, 518-698-7842 or via e-mail at juan@cuanm.org.

    March 29, 2008 at 09:24 AM in Candidates & Races, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


    Um, maybe a week before the Primary isn't the best time to hold campaign school. Also, all day on a work day means it is mainly available to retired people, who have been working on campaigns for years.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Mar 29, 2008 9:47:28 AM

    What do you mean? The primary isn't until June 3rd. Working people can take a day off to go to a workshop.

    Posted by: Barry | Mar 29, 2008 11:46:59 AM

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