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    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    (Updated) BradBlog, Crooks & Liars Pick Up on NM GOP Vote Buying Story

    BradBlog has now picked up the story about alleged vote buying at the New Mexico Republican Party ward conventions by the Heather Wilson and Darren White campaigns. On Monday, I posted about the scandal broken by Dennis Domrzalski, as did other local blogs including (who also posted about it on Daily Kos), m-pyre and ClearlyNewMexico.

    I wonder if the campaigns will ever be pressured by the authorities to provide the truth about what happened. I wonder, too, if KKOB will ever be pushed to explain why they pulled the reports on this by news anchor Laura MacCallum, who has since resigned in protest. Will these scurrilous goings-on really be allowed to fade into oblivion without anyone having to face any consequences?

    It's too bad that New Mexico's newspapers and TV news outfits are apparently uninterested in pursuing a story like this. For example, the Albuquerque Journal's main political reporter, Jeff Jones, hasn't mentioned it at all, preferring to write derivative stories like this one that consists primarily of a laundry list of Gov. Bill Richardson's statements on whether he will endorse a presidential candidate. Journalism? What's that?

    UPDATE 1: Another national blog, Crooks and Liars, posted on this story late yesterday. Who's next?

    UPDATE 2: Now Mark Crispin Miller's Notes From Underground has picked it up.

    March 5, 2008 at 07:30 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Crime, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party | Permalink


    Brad Blog, Crooks and Liars and now Brad has posted it and its being discussed at Democratic Underground. Hope this gets loud enough that the local media can no longer ignore it.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 5, 2008 8:14:32 AM

    I looked for it the next day on Monahan. No dice.
    Is it illegal for the Reps to screw themselves over? Don't they have loop hole as usual?
    In any case, legal or not, voters should know how the Rep corrupt process disenfranchises them.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Mar 5, 2008 9:38:10 AM

    Yeah, amazing that the scandalmonger of the swamps has no interest in this one. He only seems to like scandals that benefit his alligators and the Republicans.

    Posted by: JJ | Mar 5, 2008 9:47:23 AM

    "The radio coverage of non-GOP views in ABQ is beyond dismal. Clear Channel gets free signal feeds from Air America so advertising revenue isn't disrupted by overhead costs of producing a local show. Clear Channel has shown no interest, even on a trial basis, of hosting a local drive time news and talk show.

    Between disenfranchisement and media blackouts of progressive dem news it's no wonder elections are lost.

    Between now and the election the average daily time spent listening to radio will grow enormously as ordinary people try to find real news. Good luck with that, folks.

    We need a radio station!"

    Posted by: suz | Mar 5, 2008 9:59:37 AM

    We don't need a radio station, with a little organization, we can do this with the R's biggest mouthpiece in NM right now.

    Just call KKOB during the morning and afternoon local shows 243-3333, lie to the screener and tell them you want to talk about whatever the current topic is, and then when you're on the air, ask villanucci or clarke why they're ignoring the Republican vote buying story.

    This can't be one or two people, we need enough people do it for an entire show and it'll bring it to the attention of the local media.

    Why do the R's need to be the only group who use this trick?

    I think the journal is a lost cause.

    Maybe the New Mexican or the Alibi? Email jim scarantino at jims@alibi.com and ask why he's not writing about this? I know he's an R, but he likes to trash on his own party now and again.

    TV is a little harder.

    We need to call the GM's, and overflow their voice mailboxes asking this story be covered.

    (all numbers are main numbers, not newsrooms)

    KOB: Mike Burgess 243-4411
    KOAT: Mary Lynn Roper: 884-7997
    KRQE/KASA: Bill Anderson: 243-2285

    Then, once that's done, call the newsrooms and ask for the news directors and tell them the same thing

    KOAT: Sue Stephens 884-6324
    KOB: Rhonda Aubrey 764-2453
    KRQE/KASA: Michelle Donaldson 764-5235

    Posted by: imisseditnews | Mar 5, 2008 10:54:51 AM

    All good ideas except for Scarantino. He's on my dishonest shill list for claiming in a recent column that Martin Heinrich is mixed up with "environmental extremists" and "eco-terrorists." Maybe he's turning into a true wingnut.

    Posted by: red or green | Mar 5, 2008 11:16:36 AM

    I just emailed KOAT TV and KQRE TV asking why they haven't reported on this, it will be interesting to see what they have to say, that's if they respond.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 5, 2008 1:26:24 PM

    Well, I called the KRQE newsroom. They explained that they will cover the story if they can get it confirmed. They have not gotten responses from either Governor Cargo or Representative Janice Arnold-Jones.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Mar 5, 2008 4:22:21 PM

    Terry, I got the same no response. Nothing from anyone else, however.

    Posted by: | Mar 6, 2008 11:29:18 AM

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