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    Thursday, March 27, 2008

    1Sky Launches First Action: Ask Heather Wilson to Sign Global Warming Pledge

    1sky_2If you're not yet familiar with 1Sky New Mexico, you should be. According to their website, "1Sky is an effort to galvanize a more powerful climate movement. It is not a new institution or even a coalition. Its purpose is to communicate a positive vision and a clear, simple set of goals and policy initiatives that are commensurate with the scale of the climate challenge, and to build the necessary power to solve global warming and put America on a new path for energy. 1Sky New Mexico is a project of New Energy Economy and is intended to aggregate the power of those concerned about climate and energy." Click to learn more about their team.

    1Sky is holding its first action event in the state -- B.Y.O. Blue -- on Friday, March 28, at 10:00 AM at the Albuquerque office of Rep. Heather Wilson at 20 First Plaza NW. You're invited to join other advocates for solutions to global warming at a press conference and rally highlighting Rep. Wilson's record on climate change -- and urge her to take the 1Sky pledge:

    I support the solutions to global warming that will protect our society and future generations from climate change and will create a new energy economy. In particular, I support:

    • The creation of five million new green jobs;
    • A science-based reduction of emissions of at least 25% by 2020; and
    • A moratorium on all new coal-fired power plants nationwide.

    Participants are being asked to wear blue in solidarity for blue skies and a moratorium on coal-fired power plants in New Mexico. You can learn more about 1Sky and the pledge from Juan Reynosa's post at Clearly New Mexico, and add your name to the pledge here.

    March 27, 2008 at 01:17 AM in Energy, Environment, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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