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Monday, March 31, 2008

After Midnight ... It'll Be Too Late

The end of the first fundraising quarter of 2008 happens at Midnight tonight for all federal candidates. That means we have only a few hours to add to the campaign funds of our favorite Dems running for U.S. House seats in all three of New Mexico's Congressional Districts, to help Rep. Tom Udall's run for U.S. Senate and to give a last-minute boost to Obama or Clinton. Google your candidates' names, click on the Donate button and give what you can. Whether we like it our not, a candidate's strength -- especially in primary races -- is often gauged by his or her fundraising abilities. As we know, lots of small donations from ordinary people can bring big mo. The clock is ticking ....

March 31, 2008 at 02:42 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

State Senate District 14: Step Up to the Plate for Eric Griego

Egriego1Former Albuquerque City Councilor Eric Griego is running for NM Senate in the Dem primary in District 14, taking on incumbent Dem James Taylor. Visit Eric's campaign website to learn more, sign up to help or make a donation. You might also be interested in checking out a new interview with Eric on the local blog A Female New Mexican's Political Point of View.

Griego has already receive two important endorsements -- from Conservation Voters New Mexico and the Albuquerque Area Firefighters Union IAFF Local 244.

When progressive grassroots candidates like Eric take on entrenched interests, they need all the help they can get -- from those who live in their districts and those who don't. Electing another State Senator who's dedicated to issues like ethics and campaign reform, clean energy jobs, universal health care and effective improvements in our schools benefits all of us, not just those who live in a particular district. Consider volunteering to canvass door-to-door for Griego's campaign regardless of where you live. Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on.

The campaign needs at least 25 volunteers each week between now and the primary election on June 3rd to reach voters door-to-door and by telephone. Please contact Eric's campaign today to sign up by callin Field Coordinator Marti Tully at 907-7752.

Click to see our previous posts on Eric Griego's campaign for NM Senate:

March 31, 2008 at 02:21 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

McCain (The American) Chooses NM for First TV Ad: What Middle Class Tax Relief?

Repub prez nominee John McCain launched his first TV ad of the general election cycle right here in New Mexico (above). The GOP must be nervous about all the incredible Dem energy being generated in NM by the lively contests in all three Congressional Districts -- and Tom Udall's positives in his race to take Pete Domenici's Senate seat. With strong candidates for Congress AND the Senate, Dems have a really good chance of turning New Mexico Blue, Blue, Blue in November -- especially if the Dem prez candidate can trounce McCain and give the downticket contenders a ride on his or her coat tails.

An American President Americans Have Been Waiting For?
Even though New Mexico's TV market is one of the cheapest in the nation, McCain's melodramatically staged ad doesn't seem to provide much bang for the buck. Everybody knows by now that McCain is a war vet and that he was courageous when captured by the Viet Cong. I also presume that everybody knows McCain is an AMERICAN, a word that crops up repeatedly in the ad. I guess the emphasis is meant to contrast McCain with that Dem candidate with the "foreign sounding" name -- Barack Obama.

Weak and transparent, isn't it? The ad's deep-throated narrator intones, "John McCain: The American president Americans have been waiting for." As opposed to that funny-named mixed breed sorta kinda Muslim guy running on the Dem ticket. You know. Obviously, those old standbys -- jingoism and fear, Republican style -- will be omnipresent in the GOP spin this cycle. What else do they have to run on? The truth about their policies hurts.

Middle Class Tax Relief?
What will McCain actually do for America besides have a narrator insist that "she is worth protecting"?  The ad whips in a line about "middle class tax relief," but offers not a scintilla of info on what that means. It does an abysmal job of explaining how McCain's sloganeering will translate into policies that are good for working families. It asks New Mexicans to look for someone that can “walk the walk,” but McCain clearly isn't walking the walk when it comes to providing tax relief for middle class Americans.

MccainfistDespite his previous opposition, McCain has been trumpeting the wisdom of Bush's massive cuts for the rich for months now, with nary a word about any help for the middle and working class folks. Suddenly he's worried about the economic fortunes of ordinary Americans? I guess McCain is now ready to say and do almost anything to try and get elected president, even if it doesn't quite fit his carefully crafted rep as a "straight talker."

Here’s what McCain’s tax relief plan actually offers, according to an indepth analysis by the Center for American Progress Action Fund:

As a presidential candidate McCain not only embraces the Bush tax cuts but also proposes massive additional tax cuts that are even more tilted against the middle class.

According to another careful analysis by the CAP Action Fund, the centerpiece of McCain's economic plan consists of more tax cuts for large corporations, including almost $4 billion in cuts for the top five oil companies. This, despite the fact oil companies have been raking in record profits thanks to the high price of crude oil and the weak dollar.

Just Another Bushie
Although McCain continually wraps himself in the flag -- and exploits his past service to the nation to gain political leverage -- his policies clearly show he's more loyal to multinational corporations and the wealthy elite than he is to the majority of Americans. His economic policies favor the haves, not the have nots who've gotten such a bum deal over the past eight years. His economic proposals aren't designed to serve the traditional American values of offering opportunity and a level playing field to all, no matter how much patriotic verbiage is inserted into his ads.

MccainbushhugLike Bush, it's evident that McCain serves the interests of the wealthy elites -- not those of the common man or woman in America. Look beyond the flag waving to the policies he's promoting and you'll see that all McCain is offering is more of the same cynical policies that got us into this economic quagmire to begin with. Just what America and Americans don't need.

March 31, 2008 at 11:47 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (7)

Udall Senate Campaign Accepting Job Applications: Field, Volunteer & Internship Positions Now Available

Tom Udall's campaign for United States Senate is seeking applicants to fill the positions of Regional Field Director, Volunteer Coordinator and Field Organizer through the 2008 election cycle. Accredited internships are also available.

As one of the nation's hottest contests, the Udall for Senate Campaign is looking for highly motivated, creative individuals with the ability to adapt to the various needs of a competitive race. All three paid positions of Regional Field Director, Volunteer Coordinator and Field Organizer include an array of duties such as volunteer recruitment, constituency group outreach, event planning and execution, phone banking, canvassing, and managing phone banks and canvasses. Applicants for these positions must be highly organized, outgoing, flexible, and eager to be team players.

Interns will have an exciting opportunity to learn first-hand what it takes to be part of an energetic, competitive race. They will assist in a wide variety of projects and may be assigned to a specific department based on relevant skills and interests. The Udall for Senate Campaign is working with various educational institutions to ensure students receive proper credit for their commitment.

For more information, or to apply, email jobs@tomudall.com. All applicants must include a cover letter and resume. Please specify the position of interest in the subject line.

March 31, 2008 at 09:57 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Join Las Adelitas for Reception with Lt. Gov. Diane Denish: Blue State in '08

Nancy Denker of Focus Ink Invites You To

Please join Lt. Governor Diane Denish
for a candid conversation about
Blue State in '08: Women Taking Control
A Reception sponsored by:
A fundraiser to help elect
Pro-choice Democratic Women to New Mexico State Offices
TUESDAY, APRIL 8TH, 5:30-7:30 PM

At the home of Ann Piper
715 Amherst Drive SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (map)
Please RSVP to Toni Boersig at (505)-332-0740

We invite you to become a member of Las Adelitas: Annual Membership $50. Contributions Payable to Las Adelitas: Women in Politics (not tax deductible), 1410 Coal Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM  87104.

March 30, 2008 at 08:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Events, Local Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

National Tracking Polls: Obama Taking Off

Gallup Daily Tracking

Rasmussen Daily Tracking (Click on images for larger versions.)

March 30, 2008 at 02:21 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (1)

NM Sierra Club to Candidates: “You Have the Power2Change”

At a press conference last week in Albuquerque in front of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Solar Carport with city government and renewable energy business leaders (above), the New Mexico Sierra Club launched a new effort to educate the public about what is at stake in the 2008 elections. Part of a national effort focused in nine states, the Power2Change campaign aims to educate the public and candidates about what is at stake in the 2008 elections; by defining the contrast between competing visions of our energy future -– positioning clean energy as an economic driver, and challenging candidates up and down the ballot, including the new President –- to move America towards a clean energy economy.

“The choices we make in 2008 will define our future, especially when it comes to the election and energy issues,” said Michael Casaus, the Sierra Club’s Southwest Regional Representative. “The contrast could not be sharper -– we can move forward to a clean energy economy that creates jobs, saves consumers money and solves global warming, or we can continue the expensive, polluting policies of the past.”

ReportcoverThe Power2Change campaign involves a new grassroots organizing effort in the community. Over the next four weeks, the New Mexico Sierra Club activists will document and release examples of clean and polluting energy sites within each state, collect and deliver petition signatures demanding elected officials help build a clean energy economy, and recruit volunteers to meet with elected, business and community leaders and to participate in the many Earth Day events from April 16th through April 27th.

The Sierra Club’s Power 2 Change Report highlights examples of clean energy leaders and their polluting opponents, with a specific section focusing on New Mexico. There is a tremendous potential for renewable energy production in the Land of Enchantment, and more manufacturing companies such as Schott North America, Inc. are locating here for that reason. Proposed coal power production and uranium mining on Navajo and Pueblo Indian lands, on the other hand, exemplify the backwards energy choices that will threaten the health of communities and condemn our children to the worst consequences of climate change. The full report is available to read here or to download here (pdf).

“We’ve got a message for candidates at every level that we have the power to change direction,” said Michael Casaus. “We have the technology, know-how and power to build a clean energy future. What we have lacked is the political will and leadership. We need to challenge all our elected officials, including the next President, to provide the leadership we need to move us forward.”

March 30, 2008 at 12:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Energy, Environment, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last Chance to RSVP: Gourmet BBQ Fundraiser for Heinrich

Don't miss this chance to share a scrumptious meal on Monday evening with fellow Dems -- while supporting Martin Heinrich's campaign for Congress in NM-01. Enjoy a fine dining experience prepared by guest chef Ambrosio Barela and your host, Mario M. Benavidez. Dinner will include:

Monday, March 31, 2008, 5:30 PM at the home of Mario Benavidez, 2528 Sarita Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM.

Suggested contribution: $100 - ActBlue credit card payments accepted prior to and at event -- this is only suggested ... all contributions welcome! IMPORTANT: Please RSVP today so the hosts can purchase adequate supplies of food.

March 29, 2008 at 11:44 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Microcosm: What It's All About

March 29, 2008 at 10:29 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Education, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (2)

CUANM Campaign School: Building Political Capital for the Future

From the Credit Union Association of NM:
Campaign school open to all prospective candidates: Running for public office, whether on a local, state or national level, is challenging. Qualifications, strategy, fund-raising and budget, and working with the media are just a few of the aspects candidates need to consider before tossing their hats in the political ring.

The Credit Union Association of New Mexico (CUANM), in conjunction with the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), is holding a Campaign School on April 29, at the CUANM Albuquerque office to encourage and help potential candidates. The event is nonpartisan and all candidates or anyone considering running for public office are welcome.

Guest speakers include New Mexico political strategist Joe Monahan, Secretary of State Mary Herrera, CUNA senior vice president of political affairs Richard Gose, CUNA political director Trey Hawkins and national political media strategists.

These campaign professionals will discuss ways to sharpen campaign skills and manage strategies, as well as presenting information on fund-raising, communications, legal concerns, motivating voters, working with volunteers and many other issues candidates will encounter.

Who should attend? Candidates for local offices, city council, mayor and county commission; state Legislature and other statewide offices; campaign managers, fund-raisers, volunteer coordinators, political party leaders and community activists. Whether you are Republican, Democrat, third-party supporter or independent, the information at this school is valuable.

The CUANM Campaign School will be Tuesday, April 29, from 8:30 AM to 4 PM at the CUANM office at 4200 Wolcott Ave., Albuquerque, in the Journal Center.

Cost is $25 and includes lunch.

To register, go to www.cuanmlearningcenter.org and click on the Campaign School registration link. Or contact CUANM vice president of governmental affairs Juan Fernández at 505-338-4233, 800-366-6628 ext. 2233, 518-698-7842 or via e-mail at juan@cuanm.org.

March 29, 2008 at 09:24 AM in Candidates & Races, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)



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