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    Thursday, February 28, 2008

    Tonight: Second Community Meeting of Friends of the Albuquerque Tribune

    From FOAT Inc.: The Friends of the Albuquerque Tribune will hold a follow-up community meeting on Thursday, February 28, at 7:00 PM at the UNM School of Law, Room 2402. All interested members of the public are invited. (The Law School is located at Stanford and Constitution NE.) 

    An initial meeting, held prior to the publication of the Tribune’s final issue on Saturday, was well-attended by a cross-section of citizens interested in maintaining media diversity in Albuquerque.  Money was raised and volunteers committed. Thursday’s meeting will continue discussions related to efforts to organize a cooperative to operate the Tribune, probably as a web-based 24/7 newspaper.

    FOAT seeks support and guidance from the community of Albuquerque newspaper readers, staffers, and subscribers. Friends of the Albuquerque Tribune is a New Mexico not-for-profit organization recently founded for the purpose of maintaining the Albuquerque Tribune as an independent voice in Albuquerque.

    Details of a cooperatively owned -- readers, employees,and community groups -- publication will be discussed this Thursday. This mostly on-line publication will be nonprofit, making it possible, and will emphasize a greener solution to a daily, comprehensive newspaper. Join the process! Pass it on. More information: Rosamund Evans, rosamund04@juno.com.

    February 28, 2008 at 12:55 AM in Media | Permalink




    Councilor Cadigan's Socialist agenda is getting in the way of Albuquerque's prosperity. I'm not sure where he comes from but you can bet it is not this part of the country. He has cost the city (citizens) millions of dollars in settlements and we will be paying out another 8.2 million dollar settlement. He truly has no ethics, morals or fiduciary judgment and panders only to the Socialist agenda and environmental activists. He has forgotten that he is a paid-public-servant!

    Posted by: Dr Valles | Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 05:27 PM

    I think Mr. Cadigan's plan is to destroy the Albuquerque economy so he will better his chances in the next Mayoral race. He is denying the acquisition of real wealth to young families and denying the city millions and millions of dollars in economic benefit from home construction. He is too ignorant to realize that over 99% of the homebuilders are Mom and Pop companies and they represent close to 100,000 local workers. All these people contribute greatly to the economy.Revenue is not just from the Gross receipts taxes, but property taxes and impact fees and the trickle-down benefit is huge. Everything from appliances to window coverings, trucks, cars, tires,clothing,food, etc. His bully tactics work to intimidate most citizens and Councilors alike and he actually appears to have some bi-polar psychological disorders. Truly, not the kind of person we, the citizens of this city want in control.

    Posted by: Dr. J.V. | Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 05:47 PM

    Posted by: Dr. Joe | Feb 28, 2008 5:59:09 PM

    Why is this Dr. Joe guy putting these comments here? They have nothing to do with this post and are more than a little crazy too. Hey Doc, heal thyself.

    Posted by: Boz | Feb 29, 2008 12:26:56 AM

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