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    Saturday, February 23, 2008

    State Senate District 10: Democrat Victor Raigoza Announces Candidacy

    VictorraigozaFrom the Victor Raigoza Campaign:
    Albuquerque financial advisor and community activist, Victor P. Raigoza, recently announced that he will seek the democratic nomination for State Senate District 10 – an area that encompasses the Northeast Heights, North Valley, Los Ranchos, Corrales, and parts of Rio Rancho.

    A familiar face to local residents, Raigoza recently led a community coalition to defeat corporate retail giant, Wal-Mart in a campaign to build a ‘super store’ in the North Valley. The effort not only preserved landing space for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, but united divergent business and neighborhood interests toward a common goal as a result.

    “When the battle to preserve the site for Albuquerque’s signature event began, victory was very much in doubt,” the 43-year-old Raigoza said, “But just as David battled Goliath, a caring and united community emerged to defeat an imposing giant. I was proud to play a leading role in an effort that preserved our local interests alongside soccer fields and the Fiesta’s balloon landing sites – efforts that I will build upon as New Mexico State Senator.”

    In fact, Raigoza has been battling on behalf of Albuquerque residents in a variety of causes for the past several years. In 2006, Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, appointed Raigoza to serve on the city’s Accountability and Government Oversight Committee – a group that monitors and approves municipal audits to ensure that the city is serving as a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars.

    Since 2003, he has also served as Vice President of the New Mexico Holocaust and Intolerance Museum – raising funds for the institution while fostering an appreciation for diversity among residents. 

    Raigoza also serves on the Board of Directors for the University of New Mexico’s Popejoy Center for the Arts, where he has helped raise funds and served as arts ambassador; and as a director for the Janke Scholarship, where he helps recognize outstanding teachers and instructors statewide. Late last year, he also helped establish a memorial scholarship fund in his hometown of Pueblo, Colorado.

    “Even as we identify the problems that plague us a community, I was raised to believe that it was my responsibility to be a part of the solution,” Raigoza said. “That’s why I’ve consistently lent my support towards those causes and organizations that are important to the region’s residents. If elected, I will not stop until I find the right solutions for Senate District 10 and the families of New Mexico.”

    District 10 households likely will relish the sound fiscal and economic representation that Raigoza will provide as State Senator.  A successful Edward Jones financial advisor who has managed millions in monetary investment for hundreds of clients both statewide and nationally, Raigoza has visited Washington, D.C. on several occasions to lobby Congress for policies favorable to the pocketbooks of New Mexico’s families.

    Given his experience as a money manager, and his growing stature as a limited partner in the Edward Jones firm, Raigoza understands the complex economic challenges facing New Mexico’s businesses and families. 

    “New Mexicans are struggling to make ends meet, and their efforts are made all the more difficult by rising energy costs and a health care system that is no longer affordable or accessible to the average resident,” Raigoza said. “I am running because it is time for the people of District 10 to have a senator who will be their voice during uncertain economic times.”

    “In the Senate, I’ll develop legislation that will help families, particularly as it relates to the provision of affordable and accessible health care, job creation and workforce training, and educational opportunities for residents of all incomes and backgrounds,” Raigoza said.

    And though his passion to serve is unmatched, Raigoza’s run for State Senate is rooted in recent tragedy.  His close friend and campaign manager, 23-year-old Army Sgt. James C. Akin, was killed last June while serving in Iraq. 

    “I’m dedicating this campaign to James, in whose life, service and friendship I still find great inspiration,” Raigoza said. “I miss him immensely, but I know that he’ll be right there throughout this campaign, helping me battle on behalf of our families.”

    To learn more about Victor’s plans and campaign, you can call him at 505-332-4128 or email victor4senate@gmail.com.

    February 23, 2008 at 08:16 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


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