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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
SFR: Repub Senate Candidates Seek to Define Post-Domenici Religion
I'm a fan of the political coverage being produced by the folks at the Santa Fe Reporter (SFR), so I'm pleased to see they've launched their own video channel on YouTube. It should come in handy as we edge ever closer to election day 2008. The videos above complement "Elephant Warfare," their cover story this week on the Republican contenders in the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico. The vids feature interviews conducted by David Alire Garcia, with camera work by Dave Maass. As Alire Garcia's story explains:
From Feb. 14-23, GOP county conventions all across the state will pick delegates to send to the March 15 state pre-primary nominating convention, the first skirmish of what is expected to be a money-soaked, hard-fought Senate primary between heavyweights Wilson and Pearce.
... On one level, this election is a struggle for the soul of the New Mexico's Republican Party in a post-Domenici religion.
Rep. Heather Wilson, who refused an interview with SFR, is now defining herself as a "common sense conservative" in contrast to Steve Pearce's to-the-right-of-Atila-the-Hun conservatism. One example of Pearce's distaste for (and ignorance about) the push for 21st century-style civil liberties:
"The pressure for same-sex marriage, the pressure for multiple partners,
polymorphism, that's a pressure that is actually going on legally right now," he says. "And then you got pressure from people saying, "˜I got a legitimate right to my pedophilia.'"
Say again?
"There will be no legal impediment to stop anything based on emotion once you get started, even pedophilia,"Pearce theorizes.
Should be a winner on the right-wing talk show circuit, no? The early positioning and framing being used by Pearce and Wilson in this race were on display Tuesday in their first debate in Alamogordo.
The SFR story also touches on the political problems Wilson may continue to face related to her pressuring phone call to former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, which came to light during the U.S. Attorney firing scandal in Congress last year:
Some of Wilson's baggage includes her now-infamous phone call to New Mexico's former US Attorney, David Iglesias.
Iglesias testified before the House Ethics Committee last August as part of a preliminary investigation of the call Wilson placed to him inquiring about a public corruption case that targeted prominent Democrats.
"She was snooping around, she wanted me to give her privileged and confidential information that she had no business knowing," Iglesias says of Wilson. "She's clearly intelligent, she's been in office a number of years, she knows what honor means. I think she made a terrible choice and I think there needs to be consequences."
Wilson has previously defended her call to Iglesias as "entirely appropriate."
Iglesias believes Wilson's role in Attorneygate will come back to haunt her on the campaign trail.
"Part of Steve Pearce's stump speech is his three reasons why Heather Wilson is unelectable," Iglesias says. "And one of the reasons is her phone call to me."
The most recent polling available in race for U.S. Senate shows that current NM-03 Rep. Tom Udall, who'll be the Dem candidate, would beat both Pearce by 14 and Wilson by 15 points. Clearly, the NM GOP will have their hands full trying to stem the Dem momentum that's been apparent in the presidential primaries as it morphs down ticket to Senate and House races and beyond.
To help make a Dem tsunami a reality in New Mexico, visit Udall's campaign website and sign up as a supporter.
To see our previous coverage on the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.
February 20, 2008 at 01:46 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Local Politics, Media, Republican Party | Permalink
There are idiots, and then there are idiots. Steve Pearce, however, wins that race by a safe margin. Every time I have the misfortune to hear him speak, I wonder how on this green earth people could have been so hard up for choices in representation. Steve Pearce showcases the politics of evangelical-style bigotry at its finest.
Posted by: | Feb 20, 2008 6:08:51 PM
Talking about idiots, former State Senator Benavides, an idiot of the first order wanting to run for Domenic's seat is really funny. Like using criticism that Wilson isn't a New Mexico native and doesn't have New Mexico values is really going to get him on the ballot, sure it will! "Sen. Benavides says he's still looking (with his good eye) into alternative paths to qualify for the Republican Primary ballot on June, SFR hopes he finds one". Only in New Mexico, LOL.
Posted by: VP | Feb 21, 2008 8:05:35 AM
Either one of the Repub candidates will be swamped by Udall but only if we work hard to make sure that happens. Wilson may be less conservative than Pearce (who isn't?) but she's still a big backer of the Bush-Cheney agenda and thinks illegal surveillence of Americans is just fine without judicial oversite.
Posted by: Dump Heather & Pearce | Feb 21, 2008 2:32:21 PM