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    Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    Santa Fe City Council Passes Peace and Plutonium Resolutions

    As reported in the Santa Fe New Mexican, the Santa Fe City Council last week passed resolutions regarding plutonium pit production by Los Alamos National Lab and the celebration of Mother's Day by the city.

    One resolution directs the city clerk to inform federal authorities of the city's opposition to the production of plutonium pits by LANL in line with the National Nuclear Security Administration's recently released draft environmental impact statement. According to the resolution, the transformation would result in releases of hazardous and radioactive waste in the area.

    The second resolution will return Mother's Day to its original mission, with a peace rally on the Plaza this May 11th and every Mother's Day going forward. The national holiday was established in 1870 at the urging of Julia Ward Howe, a feminist abolitionist, who wrote it should be an occasion to encourage women to "solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace," according to the resolution.

    February 19, 2008 at 08:45 AM in Local Politics, Nuclear Arms, Power, Peace | Permalink


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