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Friday, February 08, 2008

Tonight on NM IN FOCUS: NM Caucus, Domestic Partnership Debate

Tune in to KNME-TV's NEW MEXICO IN FOCUS tonight at 7:00 PM on Channel 5 (repeats Sunday at 6:30 AM). The one-hour public affairs show is co-hosted by Santa Fe Reporter staff writer David Alire Garcia and Albuquerque Journal columnist Gene Grant.

This Week’s Topics: Ballot Problems Once Again Plagued NM; What The Election Results Might Mean For The National Campaigns; Will NM Pass A Domestic Partnership Bill? -- Political Debate & Religious Controversy

This Week’s Guests: Alexis Blizman, Executive Director, Equality New Mexico; Pastor Steve Smothermon, Legacy Church in Albuquerque; Reverend Brian Taylor, Rector, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church; Rep. Gloria Vaughn, Alamogordo Republican

This Week's Panelists: Guest panelists tonight are Steve Cabiedes, Political Consultant; and Pat Frisch, Citadel Communications, AM Radio Operations Manager; who will join regular panelists Margaret Montoya, UNM School of Law / UNM School of Medicine; and Jim Scarantino, Columnist, The Weekly Alibi.

February 8, 2008 at 12:21 PM in Current Affairs, Local Politics, Media | Permalink | Comments (2)

Call Speaker Lujan on Clean Elections Bill

From Steven Robert Allen, Common Cause NM:
Sadly, modern campaigns are often forced to spend much more energy on raising the boatloads of money that candidates need to compete. We’ve got a chance to change that in New Mexico with Clean Elections for statewide campaigns by passing HB 564. But we need to raise our voices. We need to let Speaker Ben Lujan know that we want his continued support for Clean Elections in New Mexico.

Please call Speaker Lujan to remind him that the Clean Elections bill, HB 564, is a critical reform: (505) 986-4782.

At this crucial point, a brief and urgent phone call from enough of us will send a strong message to the Speaker of the House. Please let us know that you made the call by reporting back to us here. Let’s keep the momentum of Super Tuesday alive by pushing for a major democratic reform—public funding of our statewide campaigns. A quick call to Speaker Lujan will go a long way to keeping Clean Elections on the move. Thanks again for your help in cleaning up New Mexico politics.

February 8, 2008 at 11:13 AM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Groups Sue Los Alamos National Lab for Clean Water Act Violations

From Amigos Bravos:
On February 7th, 2008, Amigos Bravos, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Don Gabino Andrade Community Acequia Association, Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group, New Mexico Acequia Association, Partnership for Earth Spirituality, Río Grande Restoration, SouthWest Organizing Project, Gilbert Sanchez, Kathy Sanchez, and Tewa Women United filed a lawsuit against Los Alamos National Laboratory for violations of the Clean Water Act. To download the full complaint

On May 23, 2006, Amigos Bravos and its partners filed a 60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue the management of Los Alamos National Laboratory for violations of the Clean Water Act.

LANL has a 63 year legacy of toxic and radionuclide discharges and dumping in the canyons below the lab, as well as over 2,000 solid waste dumps on site. Radioactive liquid wastes were unknown on the Pajarito Plateau before Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) began operations in 1943. LANL’s initial management decision was to discharge these untreated wastes into Los Alamos and Pueblo Canyons, despite warnings that such discharges would accumulate and lead to highly contaminated conditions in the canyons and, conceivably, in the Río Grande.

Sixty-three years later, LANL is still discharging liquid wastes into canyons below the lab – on December 23rd, 2005, LANL reported that chromium was detected in the regional aquifer supplying Los Alamos County with drinking water and that discharges into Mortandad Canyon were a possible source.

Based on four sampling trips along the Río Grande and in canyons below LANL, third-party analyses of the hydrology of the Pajarito Plateau and LANL’s well-drilling program, NMED sampling and analyses, and recent LANL revelations, LANL Water Watch is focusing on five core issues regarding LANL impacts on water:

  • Chromium (the same toxic pollutant as shown in the Erin Brockovitch movie) detected in the Los Alamos regional aquifer;
  • PCBs detected in extraordinarily high concentrations in soil samples from LANL and also found in fish in the Río Chama and Río Grande watersheds resulting in the first ever fish advisory for the Río Grande;
  • Perchlorate (a toxic pollutant used in explosives) detected in one drinking well by Los Alamos County leading to its closure;
  • Area G , where LANL has always and continues to bury low-level radioactive waste in unlined pits, shafts and trenches and which LANL is proposing to expand;
  • Environmental Cleanup Budget Cuts proposed for FY07 that would reduce cleanup funding at LANL by 36%, jeopardizing LANL’s Cleanup Consent Order with the New Mexico Environment Department.


February 8, 2008 at 11:02 AM in Environment, Nuclear Arms, Power | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

ACTION ALERT: Last Stand on HB9-Domestic Partner Bill

HB9 was passed by the NM House this Legislative Session, as well as by the Senate Public Affairs Committee. It has been held up in the Senate Judiciary Committee while advocates try to convince Democrat -- yes, Democrat -- Lidio Rainaldi of Gallup to let it go to the Senate Floor by either voting for it or refraining from voting. So far he has refused. Many personal stories about how the bill would help NM families have been sent to Sen. Rainaldi, including a heartfelt one from me. But it appears that political pressure on him from people who believe their personal religious beliefs should trump other people's legal rights is working. Very sad that someone who calls himself a Democrat would be against civil liberties for all, isn't it? Let's hope Sen. Rainaldi comes to his senses.

From EQNM:
House Bill 9, The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act is currently a hostage in Senate Judiciary. The Committee is deadlocked 5-5 with Senator Lidio Rainaldi voting with the Republicans and refusing to move. If we are to have any chance of bringing this bill to the floor, we must show the legislators that this bill has broad support and that we are prepared to fight. 

Senate Judiciary will meet tomorrow, Friday, February 8th to hear HB9 (The hearing will NOT be postponed). THIS WILL BE THE FINAL PUBLIC HEARING FOR HB 9.  We need every member of our community to show up and be ready to testify. The hearing is scheduled for 2:00 PM in the Senate Chambers. The opposition has been arriving early in the morning to fill the committee room. We must arrive hours early in order to get seats. We know this means many hours of waiting, but this is necessary in order to ensure that we are heard.

EQNM will have water and snacks for people waiting around. It is likely that the hearing will run late, so even if you can’t get to the Roundhouse early, come after work. This is our last stand.  Spend Friday night fighting for equality!
During last year's Legislative Session, the Domestic Partnership Act was gutted and stopped by four alleged Democratic Senators -- Tim Jennings of Roswell (who's now President Pro-Tempore in the Senate), John Arthur Smith of Deming, Lidio Rainaldi (again) of Gallup and Carlos Cisneros of Questa -- who joined with Republicans to gut the bill. The first three were anticipated, but Cisneros was the swing vote and he's the one responsible for the bill being killed.

You can read about how last year's bill was handled here and here. It passed the House three times, including once during the Special Session.

February 7, 2008 at 07:41 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (8)

Don Wiviott Guest Blog: Good Jobs, A Healthier Planet & Freedom from Foreign Oil


This is a guest blog by Don Wiviott, Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico's Third District:

It’s time for action.

Gas costs over $3 a gallon and it’s climbing. Home heating prices are up 11% this year and prices continue to climb. The Middle East provides 17% of America’s oil and that percentage is growing. Global warming continues unabated. And, our shaky economy means too many New Mexicans are worried about their jobs.

It’s time to harness our potential both as a country and in northern New Mexico.

When it comes to wind, solar and geo-thermal power, rural New Mexico is to renewable energy what Saudi Arabia is to oil. We have the best scientists at Los Alamos to harness and develop the latest energy technologies. We can create jobs now by encouraging spin-off companies from the Lab and producing local energy through wind, solar, and locally grown crops. And we have hard working people who are looking for stable, good paying jobs with good benefits.

It’s time to be bold.

It’s time to slash welfare for big oil corporations and invest that money in the clean technologies of the future. By reducing big oil’s windfall subsidies, we’ll free up funds that can be used for tax credits and subsidized loans that will allow more New Mexicans to buy clean, environmentally sustainable technology. And some of those funds will also be invested in sustainable energy research, innovative new energy companies and clean energy production right here in New Mexico.

It’s time to lead.

When I talk about using clean energy to create jobs and opportunity, I’m not talking about an abstract, impossible challenge. I’m talking about successful, locally owned business.

I studied the causes and cures for global warming in college. I launched a successful business in Santa Fe that has energy efficiency at its core. And, last year I joined Governor Richardson to push legislation that promotes solar power.

As a businessman, I know that building a prosperous, clean energy economy is possible. I’ve created hundreds of jobs building environmentally sustainable communities. And with your help, I want to bring my fresh perspective and new ideas to Washington – a place that needs bold leadership, not more career politicians.

But I’m not waiting until I get to Washington to lead. As I did earlier this year when I filed a lawsuit to ensure that New Mexicans could have a choice on their primary ballot, right now I’m promoting sustainable energy development by touring the 3rd Congressional District in a van powered by cooking oil from Santa Fe’s Flying Tortilla. At a time when gas is three dollars a gallon, we’ve got a Dodge diesel that can run for virtually free on locally produced energy.

Our green van is cheap to operate and great for the environment. It's proof that even a large New Mexico car or truck can be clean, green and fun to drive. That’s why we’re out spreading the message that with a bold, new investment in the clean technologies of the future, we can both create good paying jobs in New Mexico and make clean, environmentally sustainable technologies available for hard working New Mexico families.

I’ll see you on the campaign trail!

This is a guest blog by NM-03 Democratic Congressional candidate, Don Wiviott. Click to visit his .

If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

February 7, 2008 at 04:16 PM in Energy, Environment, Guest Blogger, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (3)

(Updated) ACTION ALERT: Help Needed to Count Caucus Ballots

Volunteers needed to come to REDW
And help count provisional ballots.

6401 Jefferson St NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
(505) 998-3200

Please call me at 975-8780 if you can help today, tomorrow or Saturday.
Today until 7pm
Tomorrow 7am - 7pm Friday  7am - 3pm , 7 - 10 pm
Saturday 7am - 7pm  Saturday 7am - 3pm, 7-10 pm
(hat tip to Mr. Terrell for updated times)

Thanks! Robert Adams

February 7, 2008 at 04:13 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tonight: Bernaillo County Dem Party Ward/Precinct Elections

KickerIt's one thing to criticize the Democratic Party or its candidates. It's another to become the Democratic Party -- or at least to become active in its workings. If you want to have a say about the Party platform and the candidates who will be on the Party's ballot for the June 3rd primary election, now's the time to get yourself elected as a delegate (or alternate).

Any registered Democrat can run for one of the state pre-primary convention delegate slots, which are allocated to each precinct and ward based on voting patterns in the 2004 presidential election and the 2006 gubernatorial election. To run, you need to attend the appropriate ward/precinct election to be held TONIGHT, Thursday, February 7, 2008, at 6:30 PM, at a variety of locations around Bernalillo County. To have a better chance to be elected, bring along some of your neighbors to support you.

If you live in a county other than Bernalillo, please contact your Dem County Party for information about your county's delegate election and county level pre-primary convention. Contact info for all County Parties can be found here

To determine your precinct and ward in Bernalillo County and where to go tonight:

  • If you don't know the ward, but know the precinct number, click here.
  • If you need to look up a precinct by putting in the address, find it here.
  • See the list below to find your ward/precinct election location

Folks who were elected to be members of the Party's State Central Committee last year are automatic delegates to the pre-primary convention, as are current ward chairs. Only the ward chair delegate will be counted as one of the allocated delegates in each ward.

All delegates will then attend the Bernalillo County Pre-Primary Convention, where delegates are confirmed, and then attend the State Pre-Primary Convention as delegates. The total number of delegates to be elected at the county level statewide this year will be 1,511 (including ward chair delegates). Added to this number are State Central Committee members who are “automatic” delegates, resulting in a total delegate count of 1,919 for the 2008 State Pre-Primary Convention.

Voting at the State Pre-Primary Convention will determine which candidates will appear on the Democratic primary ballot, and the order in which their names will appear on the ballot. Unless the law is changed at this year's Legislative Session, candidates much receive at least 20% of delegate votes in their category to get on the Dem primary ballot. State delegates will also get to vote on the State Party Platform and other business.

All registered Democrats are urged to attend:

BERNALILLO COUNTY WARD ELECTIONS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2008, 6:30 PM. Various precinct locations. Election of delegates and alternates to the Bernalillo County Pre-Primary Convention. Click for the official meeting call and list of ward election sites (PDF).

Note: If you're a fan of Martin Heinrich for Congress, you should know you can head over to his website where he has all the info you need to make it easy to attend your ward election tonight, including links to maps.

February 7, 2008 at 02:58 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

(Updated) NM Dem Prez Caucus: My View on the Blame Game

Update: I've been informed that Sen. Jeff Bingaman did indeed donate significant funds for the Caucus and also did outreach to get other constituencies to do the same when he was asked to help.
This post is very long but I hope you'll hang in there with me. First, go read Heath Haussamen's update about the problems associated with New Mexico's February 5th Democratic Presidential Preference Caucus. Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Brian Colón explains what happened with the three Rio Arriba ballot boxes and asserts that the results on the top two candidates were called in to the Party in Albuquerque before the boxes left the caucus sites. Colón then takes responsibility for problems associated with handling the massive turnout on Caucus day:

Pointing out that turnout on Tuesday was much greater than the 105,000 who showed up in 2004, Colón said the story could have been about how the two Democratic presidential candidates inspired New Mexico Democrats to vote.

“What we can write about is how two candidates came and lit the state on fire in less than 10 days, and that’s amazing,” he said. “I regret that I allowed this other situation and the party’s organization to become the story instead of that.”

Colón has taken responsibility for the problems and apologized in other statements to local media as well. Why? Because he's an incredibly hard-working, sincerely caring, principled individual who doesn't have a habit of creating convenient scapegoats. Don't take my word for it -- ask other people like me who work within the Party structure. I'm a precinct chair and a member of the State Central Committee and I've seen the Party improve in leaps and bounds under his leadership. It's been like night and day.

New Energy in the Dem Party
In my view, Colón as Chair has been a huge breath of fresh air within a Party that was sluggish, lazy, anti-outreach, anti-transparency and downright nasty at times to rank and file Dems when John Wertheim was in charge before Colon. Wertheim was the kind of Party Chair who seemed to resent an influx of new faces into the Party as volunteers, ward and precinct chairs and elected members of the SCC. (Google his name within this blog to read about some of the epic battles activists had with Mr. Wertheim.) Colón has been just the opposite in my experience. Has he made mistakes dealing with an often raucous Party with a variety of factions and complex political alliances? Sure. But I think the Party has been operating incredibly well compared to how it functioned previously under Wertheim. It's a tough and time-consuming job for anyone.

How We Got Here
Certainly Colón and others were caught flat-footed when turnout surged on Caucus day. Although there was excitement about the presidential primary in other states where early contests were held, there wasn't much here until we got barnstormed in the week or so before our Caucus. Before that, with Richardson in the race and no interest at all in our Caucus from the other candidates, it was assumed there'd be no real contest here. After all, Bill Richardson insisted until the day he dropped out of the race that he was in it until Super Tuesday. Many of us believed him and figured the turnout would be rather light and made up mostly of those loyal to Richardson in the state.

By the time momentum picked up in the race, which really happened when Obama started being perceived as a serious challenger to Clinton, it was very late in the game for our caucus process.

The Role of Richardson and Other Dem Powerhouses
Even though Colón appears to me to be falling on his sword for Richardson, I want to point out that there are many within the Dem Party who should be held accountable in my view -- including Richardson himself. I'm especially appalled at what I consider to be a pompous, selfish, spin-loaded statement by the Governor about the situation, one obviously designed to protect his "national standing" and transfer the blame to someone else.

Everyone knows the early, Party-run and paid-for Caucus was Richardson's baby and part of his presidential run strategy. He "urged" the SCC to approve his plan to institute the Caucus and was heavily involved in the 2004 version. Contrary to what he says in his statement, that year's Caucus also had its serious problems, but the positive spin applied by his forces that year was strong enough to head off most negative media attention.

In addition, the '04 Caucus was clearly better funded by Party bigwigs and benefited from an influx of volunteers and other help steered to the process by the campaigns of Dem prez nominees like Howard Dean, as well as interest generated by a presidential primary debate held at UNM. Richardson's wide-reaching political network was also central to the process. That help wasn't there this time. That kind of money and attention from the top echelons of Dem power in the state wasn't there this time either.

Yes, I think Richardson should own up to his share of the responsibility for the kinds of problems that arose with the Caucus this year. Busy with his presidential run and sucking up virtually every spare dollar in the state to fund his presidential campaign, Richardson obviously paid little attention to the 2008 Caucus or helping to make it a success. It was left almost entirely in the lap of Colón, other already hard-pressed State and County Party officers, the tiny State Party staff and hundreds and hundreds of volunteers around the state -- all of whom worked like dogs under very trying circumstances to run what amounts to a state election on a shoestring and a song.

This is a poor and sparsely populated state. We don't have thousands of big donors and experienced political operatives to help make something like this work like a charm. Our Party doesn't possess state of the art technology or highly skilled people paid to design and run its systems. Yet what happened here is being compared by many -- like the Albuquerque Journal's political reporters -- to state primaries that are run by state governments and caucuses in states where the Dem Party is flush with cash, much of it generated by the presidential campaigns.

Richardson, however, isn't the only one I think needs to step up and be accountable. Lt. Gov. Diane Denish has built up a personal warchest of more than a million dollars for a gubernatorial campaign that won't happen until 2010. Where was she in this process? Her email list must be in the thousands and her political network is large. Did she strongly urge her supporters to volunteer to help put the Caucus together and staff the Caucus sites? Not to my knowledge.

Where was Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez? I notice he was quoted in the paper today badmouthing the Caucus, but I don't believe he or his minions lifted one finger to try and ensure its success. How about Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Rep. Tom Udall? Were their people out there urging supporters to help and donate for the Caucus? If so, I didn't notice.

I could go on.

Party Bigwigs vs. Party Grunts
The lack of interest and participation in the Caucus by most of the powerful officeholders, poobahs and big donors within the Dem Party has been palpable in my view, as it generally is in terms of anything to do with the grunt work of the Party. These faces are almost never seen at Party events or business-related meetings, or when work is to be done to make Party efforts a success. About the only time we see them is when they are running for office and seeking volunteers, donations and petition signatures. Or when they want to make a speech and get a big round of applause at big Party gatherings. Then they do their star power thing and leave before the, you know, boring business of operating a political party begins.

I want every bigshot in the Party -- including the Governor -- to publicly apologize for not doing more for this Caucus or anything else to do with operation of the Party. I want them all to apologize to the incredibly hardworking volunteers, county chairs and others who donated innumerable hours to this process under very trying circumstances -- and who pulled it off admirably in most locations despite the massive turnout and lack of support. I want them all to apologize to the 150,000 or more Democrats who turned out to vote on Tuesday and stayed the course to do so despite the lines, the weather and the chaos in some places. I want them all to apologize to the Dems who showed up to vote but never got the chance because of problems in the setup.

Ordinary Democrats are doing just fine. Grassroots and netroots interest and participation in Dem politics is exploding. More people are taking the time to be better informed than ever before. More people are donating time and money. More and more citizens are engaged and responding to the myriad of emergencies we face in our nation with passion. Many have even decided to run for office. The problems, in my view, originate in the business-as-usual, insider segments of the Party -- with the public officeholders and candidates and power brokers who believe they're rock stars and VIPs too high and mighty to get their hands dirty with mere Party matters. Too many concentrate solely on their own political expediencies, their own campaign fundraising and big donor asskissing, their own narrow interest in making personal political gains. Too many could care less about building the Party or serving the real interests of the people. They're much too involved with their own private empires.

Bottom line: I believe the problems with the New Mexico Dem Caucus reveal more about the disdain for the Party evident in its upper echelons, candidates and people who hold higher offices than they do about the failures of those forced to actually put it together and run it. We're tired of the massive egos and private agendas of too many of our candidates and those who are supposed to be representing the people.

This situation is just another example of the disconnect between those who inhabit Governor's mansions, statehouses, the halls of Congress, and other niches of privilege and the ordinary people who are the real backbone of the the Party and the nation. We're tired of doing all your dirty work for you and having you show up only to get your egos stroked or to blame all the wrong people for your own failures. Ask any ordinary Dem.

Also check out recent coverage on the Caucus at New Mexico FBIHOP, which includes many first-hand accounts of what went on at the Caucus sites, as well as m-pyre. Previous DFNM posts on this are available here and here and here.

February 7, 2008 at 10:31 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (34)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Gov. Richardson Releases Statement on NM Dem Prez Caucus

In response to various problems being reported about yesterday's New Mexico Democratic Presidential Preference Caucus, Gov. Bill Richardson released the following statement today:

SANTA FE, NM- New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson today issued the following statement regarding the state's Democratic Presidential caucus.

"I am proud that so many New Mexico Democrats turned out to vote in yesterday's caucus.  The unprecedented interest and activism in the primary process shows that New Mexicans take seriously their important role in choosing the next President.  Make no mistake, New Mexico's 26 delegates matter greatly."

"That said, I am deeply disturbed by the reports that problems and delays at polling locations may have kept people from voting.  As this very close election shows every vote is important, and every vote must count.  Anything less is unacceptable.  In addition the delay in results was extremely disappointing. I have expressed my frustration to Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colon and I told him that I stand ready to help the party in any way that I can."

"At the same time, I believe that New Mexico voters- Democrats and Republicans alike- must decide whether they want to preserve their early voice in the process in the future, and what form it should take.  Whatever the decision, we must pledge to voters that future caucuses and primaries are professionally run, inclusive, and provide accurate, timely results."

The Caucus was conceived by the Governor in 2003 to give New Mexico voters a real voice in the selection of the party nominees--as the state primary elections are in June--long after nominees traditionally have been chosen.  It has been wildly successful as over 100,000 Democrats turned out in the first caucus and 150,000 turned out yesterday.  New Mexico Democrats- and Republicans if they choose- now have a real voice in the nomination process.

This is a Democratic Party process--not done at taxpayer expense--run by volunteers and funded by the Democratic Party and its supporters.  Democratic voters must recognize that with their new privilege of voting early comes responsibility.  If they want a voice in the process-they need to support the Caucus with their time and financial contributions.

In 2004 Governor Richardson--through his personal efforts and those of his organization--ensured a successful first caucus--well organized, well funded, well-executed.  This year, his political organization was devoted to his Presidential run and his personal time is now devoted to the Legislature.  The New Mexico Democratic Party and New Mexico Democrats were wholly responsible for this caucus in the absence of the Governor's time and his organization.  Despite their best efforts, the enormous turnout overwhelmed Party officials in some places.

February 6, 2008 at 05:55 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (10)

(Updated) NM Dem Caucus: This Reeks

Update 2: Please also read my later post on this issue. Turns out the the results on the top two candidates were called in from Rio Arriba County to the Party in Albuquerque before the boxes left the caucus sites, with watchers from both the Clinton and Obama campaigns standing right there. End of story.

Update 1: Kate Nash reports that as of about 5:00 PM, counting of about 16,000 provisional ballots hadn't yet begun because representatives from all sides are negotiating the ground rules. The process is ongoing at the REDW firm in Albuquerque. Also, Gov. Richardson released a statement about the Caucus and the problems surrounding it.
Some serious attention is being given today to the whys and hows related to Rio Arriba County Dems holding three Caucus ballot boxes overnight at their homes. The officials reportedly failed to count the votes and phone the results into the State Dem Party after voting ended last night, as required. The votes held back may equal half of the votes cast in the county.

More than a day after New Mexico Caucus voting began, a believable, factual account of what happened has still not been released or confirmed. Heath Haussamen is following up on the story today. Go read it and weep. Excerpt:

The New Mexico Democratic Party caucus may be tainted by three ballot boxes that spent the night in the home of the Rio Arriba County party chair or the homes of other local election officials instead of being reported to the state party.

Those ballots still haven’t been counted, but they have been retrieved by the state party.

Several sources told me the ballot boxes spent the night at the home of Rio Arriba County Party Chair Theresa Martinez, whose state-lawmaker husband, Sen. Richard Martinez, endorsed Hillary Clinton. But Richard Martinez told Santa Fe New Mexican reporter Kate Nash that the boxes actually spent the night in the homes of three polling-place managers. He gave Nash no explanation for why the results from those ballots weren’t reported to the state party last night and why they were instead kept overnight in officials’ homes.

... The ballot boxes were retrieved from Theresa Martinez by the state party this morning.

I agree with Heath's assessment that "The state party needs to quickly resolve this and tell the public how it’s going to allay fears that the election process is tainted beyond repair." Of course there could be innocent explanations for this stuff, but it gets harder to believe as more time passes.

Results from an additional ballot box from Sandoval County still haven't been released either. The Rio Arriba and Sandoval County ballots represent the 2% of the state's Caucus vote that is still unreported. Meanwhile, only about 200 votes separate Obama and Clinton, and the Party is reportedly in the process of validating and counting almost 16,000 provisional ballots. It may be a long time before complete, official Caucus results will be released. Given all the confusion and rule breaking, I expect some legal challenges will be made by one or both of the candidates.

The Rio Arriba County situation can only serve to raise additional questions about who made the decision to have only one Caucus site in Rio Rancho, New Mexico's third largest city with a 2006 population of 72,000 -- and why they did so. Barack Obama was expected to do well in Rio Rancho, where many young, independent voters reside. And where is Gov. Richardson in all this? The Party Caucus was his idea from the start.

February 6, 2008 at 03:19 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (7)