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Friday, February 01, 2008

Obama in Albuquerque: Live Video Stream Recorded Video

You can see KNME's live feed above recorded video of the entire economic forum held today at the Kiva Auditorum in Albuquerque right here:

You can also see video clips of Obama's opening remarks and the question and answer session at KNME's blog.

With him on the podium at the "expert panel" table were former NM Attorney General Patricia Madrid, who just switched her endorsement from Edwards to Obama; two former Clinton administration cabinet secretaries who have endorsed Obama -- Commerce Secretary William Daley; and fTransportation Secretary Federico Pena; senior economic adviser Austan Goolsbee and ACORN NM organizer Bonnie Greathouse.

February 1, 2008 at 01:06 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


I really enjoy reading your blog, it always has great insight. But I am very frustrated with the media’s lack of questions to the presidential candidates about global warming. Now that it is down to just a few candidates I would think that this would be a bigger issue.

Live Earth just picked up this topic and put out an article ( ) asking why the presidential candidates are not being solicited for their stance on the issue of the climate change. I just saw an article describing each candidate’s stance on global warming and climate change on . So obviously they care about it. Is it the Medias fault for not asking the right questions or is it the candidates’ fault for not highlighting the right platforms? Does anyone know of other websites or articles that touch on this subject and candidates’ views? This is the biggest problem of the century and for generations to come…you would think the next president of the United States would be more vocal about it.

Posted by: Adrian | Feb 1, 2008 3:09:37 PM

Adrian you are so right. There was not a single question about the environment, energy or global warming in last night's debate for instance. The media obviously dont' want to talk about it and the candidates alway stress energy independence to get off foreing oil instead of the larger problems. We can't continue living our unsustainable lifestyles of more more more and growth growth growth. We need to do more to push the media and candidates to talk about this in depth.

I think there was a forum by some environment group-maybe Grist-earlier on where candidates talked about global warming but I can't remember the details.

Posted by: greenie | Feb 1, 2008 3:17:32 PM

My sentiments exactly!
In the debate last night not one word about the environment and the truths about what is going on with the planet. Maybe because it really and truly is "AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH".
Also no mention tieing this war/occupation to OIL. More denial...or another inconvenient truth.
No mention of Halliburton...stealing billions of our tax dollars to steal the oil to devastate the planet.
I do not know how these possible leaders could be presenting leadership without mentioning these inconvenient, catastrophic truths.

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Feb 1, 2008 4:33:43 PM

I was at the Obama event today at the convention center, and I have to say I'm not as inspired as many others seem to be. It was an economic summit and there was no talk about how the funding of this war is affecting the national treasury and our ability to fund social services. While Obama says we need to make college affordable and health care affordable, the real issue is that in the rest of the industrialized world, college and health care are free. I give any president or Congress permission to RAISE MY TAXES if they stop paying for war and start making sure everyone is educated and has all of the health care they need. No insurance companies profiting from illness. I wasn't impressed by Obama's health care plan. It's still a for-profit system.

Posted by: | Feb 1, 2008 4:50:21 PM

We are left with only corporate options.

Posted by: qofdisks | Feb 1, 2008 5:15:14 PM

Obama is the starting point, not the end point. Of course he's not saying what Jason wants. Jason wants a revolution, but radical changes start from the bottom, not the top, as Obama says himself.

What Obama as a candidate is doing is inspiring young people and others new to politics to get involved and informed. Old boomer-based policy stuff doesn't get them inspired. JFK wasn't exactly a radical either, but he inspired millions of people to get involved and they challenged the status quo - often sucessfully - for decades to come in much more radical ways than JFK ever imagined.

An Obama presidency would do the same. We need someone who can get things moving with new energy and that energy will take on a life of its own, way beyond what Obama is saying now.

The folly of some parts of the progressive wing is that they are always waiting for some perfect candidate who perfectly matches their policy preferences to emerge. The problem is there's not wide enough support for those kinds of policies yet. But electing a president with a fresh view who connects with young people would be a very good jumping off point.

If you wait for perfection you'll achieve absolutely nothing but an empty vote for a candidate like Kucinich who has achieved exactly zero while in Congress and who refuses to do the work necessary to build a real campaign or movement. It won't hurt to vote for Obama and it may set off some new energy. Think about it.

Posted by: Josie | Feb 2, 2008 9:57:13 AM

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