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    Wednesday, February 13, 2008

    NM Legislators: Do You Support Clean Elections?

    Gotta love it. Clearly New Mexico's Alicia Lueras Maldonado asked a number of New Mexico Legislators about their views on the Clean Elections bill currently being considered at the Roundhouse and posted a video (above) of their responses.

    HB564, sponsored by Rep. Gail Chasey, would provide a public financing option for all statewide races in New Mexico similar to a measure enacted previously for Public Regulation Commission candidates and appeals court judges. In fact, Democrat Jason Marks is running for reelection to the PRC this cycle using the public financing option. Unfortunately, HB564 is currently mired in the House Appropriations and Finance Committee. You know why.

    Do you know any ordinary citizens who believe it's good policy to preserve the power of large campaign donations from corporate and other vested special interests, along with their corrupting influence on politicos? Unfortunately, those who contribute the big buck cash and those who use it to represent the interests of the donors seem mighty enamored of the present system, which looks more and more like pay-to-play every election cycle.

    Common Cause New Mexico has been encouraging constituents to ask their Legislators to sign a Voters First Pledge and promise to work to pass and enforce legislation for full voluntary public campaign financing for statewide offices. After the Session, Common Cause will be issuing their 2008 Ethics Reform Report Card to let voters know the degree to which their legislators support much-needed ethics reform in New Mexico. Should make compelling reading.

    You can read our previous coverage on ethics and campaign finance reform at our archive.

    February 13, 2008 at 09:37 AM in Corporatism, Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink


    Simple questions any legislator shoud be willing to answer.

    Which lobbyists have approached you to support/oppose which proposed piece of legislation?

    Who did they represent?

    What did they offer you for your vote?

    How did you vote on the legislation?

    Posted by: Rodney | Feb 13, 2008 1:44:16 PM

    This kind of legislation is very difficult for our legislators. They have to try and figure out how they can keep stuffing their campaign coffers while creating the illusion of ethics and not catering to special interests.

    Posted by: VP | Feb 13, 2008 5:42:08 PM

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