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    Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    NM-02: McCamley vs. Teague

    Mccamley2_2Democrat Bill McCamley, running for Congress in New Mexico's Second District, today announced more endorsements from key elected officials in NM-02. Here's a PDF of the McCamley campaign's statement on the new endorsements from former State Rep. J. Paul Taylor (Doña Ana County), former Capitan Mayor Benny Coker, Socorro County Commission Chairman Jay Santillanes and Sierra County Commissioner Walter Armijo.

    Personally, I'm a big fan of McCamley, who's been running a textbook grassroots campaign down South against Dem rivals Harry Teague, Al Kissling and Frank McKinnon. A candidate willing to work hard for every volunteer, every small campaign donation and every primary vote, McCamley has raised more than $280,000 the hard way, opened a live and kickin' campaign office in Las Cruces and continues to talk passionately about new ways to approach and solve the serious problems we face.

    His campaign isn't funded by large donations from oil business tycoons, good ol' boys and personal wealth like McTeague's. It isn't based on more of the same old same old, but focuses on taking a fresh and creative look at how we can make the changes we need to get back on the right track, moving towards a positive future. It's evident that the voters in this election cycle want change, fresh ideas and challenges to business as usual. I think McCamley is a good example of the kind of candidate who can flourish is this atmosphere and tap into the voters' hunger for a new way of doing things that's responsive to the people, not the lobbyists and vested special interests.

    Harry Teague and Oil Interests
    McCamley's main rival, Lea County Commissioner Harry Teague, made millions in businesses related to oil and didn't enter the race until November. He stepped up to the plate with $200,000 of his own money and the backing of wealthy friends in Lea County, many of them former supporters of Steve Pearce and the Republican Party. Teague is running as a Democrat, but shares many of the conservative views of politicos on the other side of the aisle. It shows in who's donating funds to his campaign.

    Recently, Harry Teague announced his year-end fundraising numbers. Between November 8th, when Harry announced his candidacy, and December 31st of last year Harry's campaign raised a total of $408,610.00 and reported $362,735.51 cash-on hand. Harry has loaned $200,000 of his own money to the campaign, so that means he raised about 208,000 from outside sources during the quarter.

    Let's take a closer look at Teague's donations. A colleague who's much better with numbers than I am examined Teague's year-end FEC report and shed some light on the kinds of donations he's getting:

    Teague is trying to convince folks that his oil-related businesses and close ties to oil-related wealth won't stop him from strongly supporting the development of new energy sources and technologies. But you have to wonder how independent a politico can be if so much of his campaign cash comes from interests that would benefit from keeping the creators of the energy status quo in the driver's seat.

    You can get learn more and get involved in Bill McCamley's campaign at www.billmccamley.com/.

    Also see New Mexico FBIHOP's on the Second District race and the recent profile of the contest by CQ Politics.

    To see our previous coverage of the NM-02 Congressional race, check our archive.

    February 19, 2008 at 01:28 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


    Hey- McCamley is the one that pushed the 250 Million dollar spaceport on us. We have families here in the CD2 that will never benefit from a spaceport.

    Posted by: Bob From Las Cruces | Feb 19, 2008 4:52:44 PM

    As a longtime DFA member, I think this post is right on - Bill is the clear progressive, grassroots candidate - and Teague is just another oil man trying to buy an election.

    And by the way, that spaceport means good jobs.

    Posted by: Jack D | Feb 19, 2008 6:31:23 PM

    Having seen them together in person, McCamley is energetic, bright and engaging. Teague is affable but that's about it.

    Posted by: Larry in New Mexico | Feb 19, 2008 9:47:02 PM

    Interesting new face. Young and energetic--that's what this campaign is starting to be about. I supported Kissling last time (small donation, not vote as I'm from ABQ) new energy sounds good to me. I've been cynical about the spaceport (rich people's playground, fossil fuel use and pollution, money needed here). But I remember what dreams of space and going to the moon did for science education and my generation's hope for the future. Maybe the space station can inspire another generation. And just as Barak Obama will get us beyond baby boomers like me and refighting the Vietnam War, a youthful candidate can do that in NM as well.

    Posted by: nanceinnm | Feb 20, 2008 12:15:10 AM

    Teauge said he rasied all this money, but many of his supporters who donated were family and people who work for him, or people who sell him stuff. He dosnt have the grass roots, like McCamly. That where it will make the difference.

    Posted by: george | Feb 21, 2008 4:56:29 PM

    Teague and McCamley both have received money from the
    nuclear industry and the oil and gas industry.
    In fact, you will find both of these candidates to have
    the status quo contributors.
    They are almost like clones of Pearce.

    People concerned about the space port should look up the
    chemical "Hydrazine." This is the fuel that will spill
    and migrate in the groundwater
    to the Rio Grande, and fall
    from the sky on lift off.

    Posted by: | Feb 24, 2008 6:55:37 AM

    The Democrats running are clones of Pearce? Crazy-I'm tired of fringe candidates like McKinnon who have no chance of winning and don't build a functioning campaign. Successful candidates have to build coalitions. Fringe candidates are content to be purists from the outside-a waste of time. We have enough Ralph Naders.

    Posted by: TorC | Feb 24, 2008 4:50:16 PM

    "fringe" and "McCamley vs Teague" Ha ha ha.
    This year's election is going to be tougher than just buying one's way in. It would be good if McCamley and Teague weren't like clones of Pearce. But they are.

    Domenici started a very elaborate real estate deal with the nuclear industry. The only thing left to do is to close the deal by McCamley or Teague winning this election. If they suceed, and if you live in southern New Mexico, you can figure on packing or being toast.

    Posted by: | Feb 24, 2008 8:12:36 PM

    I was talking about you being fringe Frank not them. Your view is very simplistic and inaccurate too. Can you tell me how you intend to run a competitive race?

    Posted by: TorC | Feb 25, 2008 12:49:08 AM

    It is a bit early to talk about fringe, especially given the lack of substance in the platforms of the other candidates.

    As far as a competitive race, keep your eye on the name Frank McKinnon, and you may learn a thing or two. I am offended by your comparison with Nadar. But the fact that you have no clue as to who I am, or what I am capable of, is good enough reason for me to overlook the insult.

    I do fear what will happen to New Mexico if Teage, McCamley, or Kissling win this election. I don't believe they would do well against a couple of the Republican candidates who would not have a chance against me. Along with many Democrats, there are many Republicans who don't like the idea of selling New Mexico to the nuclear industry for it to become the radioactive waste dump for the rest of the world.

    Posted by: | Feb 25, 2008 7:08:20 AM

    Republicans are hoping that McKinnon falls out of the race. They would prefer McCamley, Teague, or Kissling.

    Posted by:

    Yeah right Earl. The Republicans are so scared of McKinnon, an unfunded fringe Democrat running on distortions and exaggerations.

    Posted by: TorC | Feb 26, 2008 9:54:02 AM

    McKinnon is a maticulously accurate scholar. McCamley is full of fluffy, self centered ambition. Teague is just...Have you heard him talk?

    You are a republican. Right?

    Posted by: Earl Blackwell | Feb 26, 2008 1:21:53 PM

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